Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease

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Is there anyone out there who has had or is having THR due to the effects of Perthes ?

I would like to know their experience of the disease and also wether once we have had our hips replaced wether we are exactly the same as any other THR patient or if the disease creates further problems for us.

 First THR on 24th Feb - Occ health came to assess the house today - its all starting to get a bit real now !!!!!

Cheers Paul

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm sure that approach is just fine, you'll be fine, technology these days is amazing...

    • Posted

      Thanks Loral and John - your support is really appreciated
  • Posted

    My cousins husband had his done at age 40 over 10 years ago. He spent 2weeks in hospital but has no lasting effectts apart from a slight limp, His leg lengths were always different before hand. He said so much better since  the perthes dieseased hip gone. X
  • Posted

    hi paul , 

    great feedback from loral and john !!!!    

    You know you can always come back here if you have any questions or concerns ... So exciting ..is your pre-op appointment scheduled ,..

    big warm hug



    • Posted

      Hi Renee

      Yes my pre-op is scheduled for 7th Feb, I havent been told what to expect. Do you think I will get to choose anaesthetic type and also discuss post-op pain meds ? I had a shocking reaction to just one pill of Tramadol in the autumn when I decided to stop taking NSAIDs as I was showing signs of ulcers in my tummy. So I generally prefer just to manage pain by not overdoing it - plus the steroid injections (8 weeks ago) havent totally worn off yet.

        Its a bit of a concern being contracted out to the Nuffield as they dont completely take over the care plan.

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