Lesions on scalp
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I am very concerned about these three lesions my wife has located on my scalp. Will go to the doctor but will still take a while till it has a huge delay.I have uploaded some pictures and would appreciate a lot if someone could help me identify what they may be.
Thank you very much in advance,
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hope4cure almax
i have psoriasis and lesions on my scalp to white scales build up.and itch.
its hard to tell from the pics. I am not a doc nor do I know your medical history. Do they itch or just open lesions.? Do you have lesions anunwhere else?
i know you will have to wait to see a derm yet a derm but can take a quick sample and give you a diagnosis and treatment quicker than anyone.in the mean time try using a natural shampoo with no,laural,sulfate which irritates scalp.
Also could try for sone cream application on lesions. Also zinc, shampo to kill Fungus and tGel many OTC products.
I am am just guessing because the pics are unclear. To small to see.
Ask your pharmacist to help with shampoos and scalp treatments that could help.
Sorry I wasn't much help.
joe59535 almax
mrsmop almax
You don't tell us much about them, are they itchy? How long have you had them & why are you concerned?
If you can't see your GP soon, then try your local Pharmacy, or even try 2 different Pharmacies, just to get 2 opinions.
It doesn't look like ringworm but that is always one possibility but your Pharmacist should be able to give you an idea. Then make that GP's appt..
And Jo is right, the waiting list to see a Consultant can be very long.
Good luck
mrsmop almax
almax mrsmop
Hello, thans for your reply. No, I am Spanish. I was not very concerned when I found the first one but my wife then examined my scalp and found those other 2 which are quite similar to the first one. I am 38 years old. I would not tell they are itchy, however now I know them I am starting to think they are (this must be my mind). Then is when I had a look at the internet and found that it could be several yes of skin cancer, and also can be a propagation of an internal cancer. (I know I should have not read all of this but I have already). If I touch them they don´t seem to hurt either.
I have just learned I am hypochondriac
mrsmop almax
In the UK, some Pharmacists are quite knowledgeable & easier to access than a doctor. Perhaps you could see one in Spain before you get to see a doctor.
You might find that a steroid application would clear the lesions. You don't say how long you have had them for. Make an appointment, just to put your mind at rest & perhaps you should avoid Dr Google!
almax mrsmop
I managed to visit yesterday evening a dematologist who is a friend of a member of my family since I was worried. She excised the biggest one, the one in th first to pictures and sent it to verify since she can´t put a name to it. After checking during the weekend I think it might be carcinoma basal cells, at least when I compare it to others.
mrsmop almax
I hope you receive good news from your family friend, let me know how you get on & good luck!
joe59535 almax
almax joe59535
From now on, anytime I have any health issue I won´t check Dr. Google again... this is INSANE!!
ihavenonickname almax
almax ihavenonickname
You all are awesome, thank you very much for your advise and support. The doctor called me and it's just a pink Melanocytic nevus what most people call "mole". These ones looked like something "bad" but they are not. My stupid hypochondriac mind and Dr. Google did the rest. I am not going to use Google as a doctor anylonger!!! Nothing good from it and a lot of pain!!
ihavenonickname almax
mrsmop almax
I am so glad all is well & I am pleased you are not going to talk to Dr Google again!