Let's get this together ladies

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To start off I would like to ask any lady that has any experience with weight loss or if you have accomplished a weight loss during menopause can you all please just give me some suggestions on how you did it or how you change your eating habits what you ate to help you accomplish the weight loss I'm desperate need for help so ladies could you please drop any line that you have accomplished in this thank you God bless

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14 Replies

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    Hi Monique I was 10 stones and lost I think stone I can't afford to loose anymore was worried if it continue,it could be something to do with the menopause or just sitting worrying about don't know, I had to start eating bit fattening food such ice-cream and burgers chips to gain back but weight I'm putting it back on slowly I can't live on greens live on salads the less fattening food it wouldn't help,but I include greens and that too,eat everything small and often since I start bloating I you could drink milk shakes up to you but that is how I handle my weight lost I don't live on bad foods but just twice a week hope this helps
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      Hi Maria

      Could you tell me if my messages are coming through please

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      I receive 2 messages recently OK
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    I lost 22lbs without trying .. I just couldn't eat anything fattening, sugary or greasy! But now was told by my GP that I'm malnourished!?? So I have to start eating more! But I get an anxiety when I eat fattening foods!? So from 118lbs to 96lbs now. Without trying I thinks it's all premenopause for me! I wish I can eat more goods like everyone else but I just can't! I went mostly organic and no beef or pork. Lots of greens /veggies! My OB Doctor said once you get into full menopause it's opposite you'll gain a lot !
  • Posted

    Hi Monique,

    I was 265 lbs. when the symptoms started. I'm 8 months in now and I weigh 177lbs. I was scared out my mind at first because the weight came off so fast but quickly realized that I was so worried and filled with anxiety due to not knowing what was wrong with me that I didn't have an appetite at all. Once I started getting my appetite back, I kept losing weight because I simply cut out sugar, and caffeine. Every now and then I feed my cravings with something sweet but that's it. I don't drink coffee for the time being, no sodas except ginger ale. I eat salads, turkey, chicken, fish, lots of veggies, some fruit and drink more water than I was. I only changed my eating habits because I noticed that certain foods would trigger symptoms and I didn't want to deal with it if I didn't have to not to mention some things I used to eat I don't digest very well anymore, gives me indegestion and heartburn.

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      Hi Jamie

      That was exactly the way I was. It's funny how things can be identical in some people

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      That's true. I still have some times when my anxiety gets ramped up or i lose my appetite and have to make myself eat. But for the most part, my appetite has picked up.
    • Posted

      Oh wow my exact same situation here! The anxiety from worrying too much caused me not to eat. So Very true! I'm amazed how us women can all relate and have identical stores! It's crazy .. But it puts me at ease that it's not just me!
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    well last year just after my periods stopped I was getting alot of bad anxiety which was really difficult to control - I think it was due to hormonal changes because it went after a few months as quickly as it had come. I was eating quite alot during that time as I just kept getting really hungry, and staying slim. I think my metabolism was going faster.  This year I have found it much harder to keep weight off, and had to really make a conscious effort to control my calories every day.My metabolism has really slowed down, but its better than the constant anxiety/paranoia of last year.

     I try to keep down to about 1500 - 1600 calories a day, and eat hardly any fat - I like some sweet things - I have a small amount of chocolate every day. I eat alot of fruit and yoghurt, porridge nearly every day, bread and salad and houmus and aubergine dips.  I drink alot of tea, and water and not much else. 

    It is pretty boring I have to admit, but its the only way I can keep a stable weight. I go for walks but probably dont excercise as much as I should.

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      Hi, my periods stopped last year when I had just turned 53. They didnt gradually get lighter and stop. They were pretty erratic and sometimes realy heavy, and I had one that lasted for about six weeks, then stopped and that was it!  Before that I was diagonsed with quite severe anemia, but thats not a problem anymore.
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    For most of my adult life I hovered around 10st, which for my height was fine. When I hit about 42-43 it started going up higher in the winter and not dropping in the summer (as it had).Last Christmas I hit 13st.

    In the New Year my OH and I changed our diet. We cut out added sugar, most processed foods and cut down on bread and pastries. We eat more veg and salads and, as far as possible, grass-fed meat and organic dairy, also nuts and seeds. We also take Vit D, Magnesium, Vit K2, Niacin and omega 3.

    I now weigh 11 1/2st, my target is 10 1/2. We always thought we had a reasonable diet, but something was obviously wrong. Now, both of us feel SO much better.

    It's funny but yesterday my OH had an early hospital appointment (a follow-up to surgery last year - he's finebiggrin). Because it was so early he hadn't felt like breakfast so he decided to have something at the hospital cafe. I liked the look of some cheese on toast, he had a cooked breakfast - neither of us managed much - it was AWFUL! We find we just don't tolerate poor food anymore. Why do hospitals of all places serve up such cxxxxy food?

    One tip - don't count calories - just use smaller plates!

    • Posted

      I use the smaller plate thing too, and agree with you on hospital food. It's so unhealthy.
    • Posted

      It should be the best food you can get! Good nutrition is the answer to SO many health issues.

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