Lets talk about Sertraline and my stupid life
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okay so first of all I am a 23 year old guy and have had weird symptoms for 10s of years, over the course I've done every medical test there is and it was put down to anxiety. okay so I have taken sertraline before and I managed to quit it by my self and have been feeling good for quite a while until last year which I did go to Afghanistan for work under NATO. and of course before being employed by the company and having a contract of 6 months I did undergo the medical exams which I passed as healthy. Then after some months of stress I had a weird sensation from my upper back traveling to my head and causing me some unpleasant dizziness. I would not try to panic as I hate showing it to other people how I feel because it's very hard to explain. then I was constantly feeling drowsy, after I finished my contract and came back the symptoms continued. while I was out with my friends in a coffee bar I would get this weird sensation and it almost felt like I would fall, actually I never did all I had to do is stand up and walk and maybe wash my face then I would get better, so I decided it's time to go to the doctors again. went to 2 different neurologists had many exams done (including EEG) which came back normal and MRI of the head which also came back normal, then I did a CT of the entire area from my neck to my lower back which showed some issues with a disc or two but that would be impossible to cause such symptoms. So then I decided to go to a cardiologist because my heart rate is mostly high, had EKG, ECHO, a stress test and a 24h monitoring which showed absolutely nothing wrong, then I went to do my CBC including hormones about thyroid and testosterone and estrogen. all were very good, had testosterone of 850. Then I started taking 50MG sertraline daily and then 2x xanax of 0.25 mg whenever I would feel that sensation the 2x xanax would stop it. lately that symptom was no more but I feel drowsy as my neck is tight and also my face and scalp muscles are tight and I decided to quit the pills and the drowsiness/lightheadedness got much better but my left side from the temple behind the eyes up to my left arm was feeling a weird electric feeling more upon movement, my stomach got worse and starting feeling like I am sick so I decided to take 50MG of sertraline again, and when I took it this weird symptom of electric feeling disappeared shortly but then again I am drowsy the entire day. what am I supposed to do? i am tired and depressed of living this way.
i have severe health anxiety though
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jan34534 Heisenberg69
I know what you’re talking about. It’s a constant battle with anxiety. I’ve had it since my 20s.
is there a lower dose of sertraline you could try so that you don’t get so drowsy?
just know that any symptoms of anxiety will not hurt you but I know how weird they feel.
there needs to be a lot more research money spent on finding ways to help people like all of us who suffer from anxiety and it’s weird symptoms.
aside from medication, the other things you could try would be counseling and CBT.
I know it’s difficult but try to keep a positive mindset. You’ll get through this! Take care
heidi43347 Heisenberg69
Have you tried switching when you take it? some people experience insomnia and others drowsiness, so you could try switching and see how you go. Its a hard balance between the benefits and side effects, i use coffee but sometimes can make anxiety worse. I have found that when when i feel unwell, i am still able to function, even though i feel dizzy/ cant think. So at least I realise that I shouldn't freak out or panic, that I'm going to lose my job, even when it feels some days like I can't do anything, I just keep going and nothing major happens or disasterous happens. I've also found it takes me 3 months to balance after changing meds or dosage.