Letter saying pip have all the information tey need and there is no need to contact them

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hi im louise i applied for pip my husband done my form i have COPD

had a left lung collapse three times so have a nebuliser at home i suffer bad with mental health and suicide thoughts my Mh nurse wrote a report for me to send in with my pip form ive had a letter back sayjng they have all the information that they need and they will contact me when a desion is made i also didnt need a F2F Assement does anyone have a idea lf what they might say ive rang yesterday well my husband phoned they said they havnt made a desion as of yet im so so worried will they turn me down without a face to face and with all the info j sent in my mh nurse said i cant be out alone my husband as to be with me everywere due to suicide thoughts also cant walk far my lungs are bad constantly weezing and struggle to breath failed to respirtory tests for lung capasity few weeks ago please can anyone put my mind to ease im hoping they dont turn me down thanks


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi louise97606

    We note from a recent post which you have made to our forum that you may be experiencing thoughts around self-harm. If we have misinterpreted your comments then we apologise for contacting you directly. But if you are having such thoughts then please note that you are not alone in this, and there are people out there that can help.

    If you are having these suicidal thoughts then we strongly recommend you speak to someone who may be able to help. The Samaritans offer a safe space where you can talk openly about what you are going through. They can help you explore your options, understand your problems better, or just be there to listen.

    Their contact details are on our patient information leaflet here: https://patient.info/health/dealing-with-suicidal-thoughts, which also offers lots of other advice on how you can access the help you may need.

    If you are having such thoughts then please do reach out to the team at the Samaritans (or the other people detailed in our leaflet) who will understand what you're going through and will be able to help.

    If you are based outside of the UK.

    The Samaritans is a UK based charity, but they also have suggestions for how you can access help in other countries.

    Please have a look at this page https://www.befrienders.org/directory


    • Posted

      ive spoken to my mental health nurse today on the phone shes told me to call the crisis team if i need them my husband is ere to keep me feeling some sort sain im struggling bad with suicidal thoughts the minute i wake up it starts my brain is like its on fire im waiting for my setraline dose to be put higher but to be honnest they havnt helped at all i was on cetalapram they never helped thank you for your reply x

  • Posted


    Unlike ESA it is possible to be refused without a face to face assessment but it's rarely happens. The letter you received is just a standard letter they send everyone once they have all the information but there's still no time scales. It could still be anything from 2-8 weeks.

    You can ring DWP to request a copy of the assessment report to be sent to you, if you live in the UK. This will give you some idea what the decision is likely to be because they mostly go with the report.

    Hopefully you're not waiting too long. Good luck.

    • Posted

      spoke to DWP the other day i was told it can take up to seven to ten days for them to make the desision i sent all my forms in what my mental health nurse and health shcologist wrote for me i hope they take that in to consideration for me thank you for the reply sorry for spelling mistakes 

    • Posted

      It can definitely take much longer than that for a decision. Backlogs are just part of the reason a decision can be delayed. There's really no timescales to any decision. Some wait a couple of weeks while others wait a couple of months.

      Hopefully not too long for you.

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