Letting off steam
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I've just walked down the road with a neighbour whose wife had PMR for 2 years almost exactly. He asked how I was etc. When he heard I was \"still\" on 7.0 / 6.5 after 26 mths. he launched into how his wife was \" very strong minded, very positive, was determined to beat PMR, could put up with pain\" etc etc. :x :x
Perfect for making you feel an absolute wimp!
Green granny with steam coming out of her ears! :evil: :evil:
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Ooh, there's always one isn't there ?
Perhaps next time he's kind enough to ask after your health, you can remind him that it can come back to get you again, not that I'm wishing that on anybody, of course ! :angel:
Never mind, you've always got here to let of some of that steam at anytime !!
My reduction to 2 mg seems to be OK, so far, and touch wood. :wow:
Peace to all, Julia ( DD )
No-one can 'beat' this disease as we all know...... strong minded, determined etc etc It does its worst in its own time and has the upper hand....... in the short two and half months since I have 'known' I have had it, IT is the boss :lol: :lol:
WHY would anyone put up with the pain of PMR as we all know just how horrendous it is and has made us all weep at times....... silly woman that is all I can say!! ( not you GG :lol: ) Makes you wonder if her hubby had something to do with her 'attitude'..... :?
How lucky was she to have such a 'mild' dose of PMR. Doesn't it make you want to spit (but I know we're all far too ladylike* for that). Be proud of your progress.
Love from Lizzie Ellen
*and manlike of course :lol:
You know stress is bad for your PMR !!
What a pompous man ( and thats the polite version ) !!!! With my first bout of PMR I was better in 2 years and I am the same person and I have had it for over 2 years and if all goes well this one might go in 3 years or it might not
His wife probably carried on in pain as she knew she wouldnt get any help from him anyway !!
We all know one of the worse things with this is we normally look well and you sometimes think people dont believe you when you say you are ill !!
Avoid this man he sounds bad for your health !!
Mrs G
What a *@#$... - just as well we can choose our friends isn't it! But how very restrained of you - my comments would probably been unprintable!
Just had a couple of days meeting such twerps around the ski slopes - have also had steam coming out the ears :roll: I just don't get where they originate from!
Good job you didn't have hubby's Nordic walking poles with you!!!!! :lol:
I should cross the road Green Granny, the next time you see him. You don't want to end up in gaol for thumping him.
And, just getting it off my chest got rid of the stress bit.
Actually, sadly, the wife concerned got off the steroids, had never been on AA or similar, and just walking along the landing, fell because her leg broke under her! THEN had a Dexa scan and has been put on AA, having been diagnosed with osteoporosis. So there we go ...... Poor woman, she's actually not much better off, if at all. It was HIM that got to me. Won't put an emoticon, I don't think there's one for \"calmed down now\".
Thanks again for so much support and understanding, Green Granny
With his thoughts on 'mind over matter', it seems he might be getting his wire crossed between physical and mental illness.
As we all know, no one can have any idea on how a person feels with PMR untill they experience it themselves.
Keep away from him Green Granny.. :shock: