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Hi all..OK so the doctor put me on Lexapro for my depression and anxiety. I've only been on for 4 days but I feel a tiny bit better. But I'm scared because I heard it is hell to wean off of. Anyone else been on AD's and did they help?

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Kathryn, 

    My doc put e on Lexapro 2 weeks ago. I am finally noticing some relief from the severe anxiety attacks. I am still on 2.5mg and afraid to go up to 5mg where she wants me. I also hae heard that it is hard to withdrawal from but then I read where many cut their dose down very very slowly and had no problems. When it is time for me to come off, I will be doing the very slow taper. Im glad to hear you are getting some relief, it took me almost 2 weeks to feel better so to hear you are doing better in 4 days is awesome and will give hope to so many women starting Lexapro. I am hoping once I am on it for 4 weeks, I will have full relief. The anxiety was unbearable. I would wake up shaking so violently with the anxiety thru the roof. If this Lexapro gets me back to being a human being again, I will be so happy. 

    • Posted

      Hi I was on 10 mg but it seemed to make me more anxious and have insomnia so I only took 5 today so I am hoping that will he enough. I pray this works for me.
    • Posted

      Im sure 5mg will be good. I am only taking 2.5 and am starting to feel better. After 4 weeks, if Im still having a slight bit of anxiety, I will up it to 5. Keep me posted on how you are feeling on it. 
  • Posted

    Hi Kathryn

    I tried 2.5 lexapro back 10 months ago when all this peri storm first started hitting in full force. I think it helped my pms some. My anxiety felt capped. If that makes sense. But like a few other ad's I've tried I couldn't stand the side effects. I started feeling physically sick, lost appetite, at one point I lost 25 lbs in 4 months trying a handful of different ones. And felt like a zombie. I'm very sensitive to all of them. But I know some ladies on them that are doing very well.

  • Posted

    Kathryn, i have been on escitalopram ad's for quite a few years - i am 45 & had bouts of depression & anxiety since my 20's. my ad's keep me stable & me as me- the real me! try not to think about the future of coming off them - you will create yourself another thing to get anxious about. i think of it as if someone had diabetes that needs controlling, you take medication. so if like me you have had to cope with depression/anxiety bouts repeatedly, some people need to stay on them at a maintenance dose. it doesnt matter - as long as you keep well & happy. there isnt the stigma there used to be with anti-depressants. some people are lucky to only have a single period of depression or anxiety triggered by something specific & never need them again once the spell has passed, but some people unfortunately are prone to depression/anxiety & it is all about keeping well. so if meds do that job, then so be it. try to concentrate on getting well, not thinking forward about coming off them - cross that bridge IF you need to when it comes to it. xx
  • Posted

    Yes I take Valium 3 yellows a day the weakest strength.Also, I hear other benzodiazepines help, but steer clear of Xanax.I got hooked and ended up in a rehab from them!,,,,,,I never tried Lexapro, Prozac is the best and least addictive ad on the market, been around a long time too!,,
    • Posted

      Hi I have Ativan for when the anxiety gets real bad but I am kind of afraid to take it because I heard it's addictive also. But sometimes the anxiety is really really bad.
    • Posted

      Understood Kathryn, you are wise to use Ativan cautiously, I been down the Benzo road, and three months is how long they should have you on it, as well as taper you off, the last few weeks.The best thing is natural remedies, ask your doctor, or look online, for reputable natural menopause relief Medes . Hot bubble baths are very helpful, as is prayer, and meditation, and quiet time.Love Stella42


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