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Hi all..OK so the doctor put me on Lexapro for my depression and anxiety. I've only been on for 4 days but I feel a tiny bit better. But I'm scared because I heard it is hell to wean off of. Anyone else been on AD's and did they help?
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Snowbell1975 kathryn81522
My doc put e on Lexapro 2 weeks ago. I am finally noticing some relief from the severe anxiety attacks. I am still on 2.5mg and afraid to go up to 5mg where she wants me. I also hae heard that it is hard to withdrawal from but then I read where many cut their dose down very very slowly and had no problems. When it is time for me to come off, I will be doing the very slow taper. Im glad to hear you are getting some relief, it took me almost 2 weeks to feel better so to hear you are doing better in 4 days is awesome and will give hope to so many women starting Lexapro. I am hoping once I am on it for 4 weeks, I will have full relief. The anxiety was unbearable. I would wake up shaking so violently with the anxiety thru the roof. If this Lexapro gets me back to being a human being again, I will be so happy.
kathryn81522 Snowbell1975
Snowbell1975 kathryn81522
CCinCal kathryn81522
I tried 2.5 lexapro back 10 months ago when all this peri storm first started hitting in full force. I think it helped my pms some. My anxiety felt capped. If that makes sense. But like a few other ad's I've tried I couldn't stand the side effects. I started feeling physically sick, lost appetite, at one point I lost 25 lbs in 4 months trying a handful of different ones. And felt like a zombie. I'm very sensitive to all of them. But I know some ladies on them that are doing very well.
looloo43 kathryn81522
Stella42 kathryn81522
kathryn81522 Stella42
Stella42 kathryn81522