Libido at zero

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I’m 48 and my periods have been irregular for the last year.  Just started getting hot flushes the last month or so but my libido have decreased rapidly. Used to have a good sex life but now feel so sad that I’ve lost interest.  Any suggestions.   

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Tracy, why don’t you try some otc natural progesterone cream and see if that helps?
  • Posted

    I’m having the same problem.  Hopefully someone will have some good advice for it.
  • Posted


    I've been on bio identical hormone replacement for two and a half years. I've increased my testosterone several times and have found it very effective in bringing back my libido issues. Very few doctors will check testosterone levels even in men but women its even more rare. I use bio identical compouded creams and if you can find a doctor to test and prescribe you should notice a remarkable difference. As you head into menopause and it sounds like your on your way, many changes happen, many not so good. Even though I was on estrogen and progesterone it wasn't until I had several increases in my testosterone script that made the difference in my sex life. Your testosterone is probably right at the bottom and even if it shows in "the norm range" you are obviously  noticing a decrease in a once satisfying sex life. You should be able to discuss with your doctor and if you can't get them on board you may have to find a doc that can understand your changing body at this time in your life. Good luck

  • Posted

    Yes testogel fab a pea size amount of gel each day but I do have oestrogen progesterone hrt for a few years I didn’t have a problem with libido but this is also for muscle tone and keeping skin from sagging and it does work it does help libido we are now start to use in uk my consultant prescribed to me so GP can be not familiar not sure if you on hrt but also oestrogen progesterone help menopause symptoms but I think you can take on it’s own not sure 🤔 

  • Posted

    I am 32 years and I am already perimenopausal. cry Terrible, eh?

    I still have regular periods but each month is full of terrible and unbearable estrogen deficiency symptoms.

    No libido, no energy, flu like fatigue, muscle pain, bone pains, IBS, crawly skin etc

    I have everything on the list.

    ​I firmly believe that not only my estradiol is too low but also my testosterone.

    ​I am going to push my doctor for HRT and testosterone gel/cream....

    Have checked your hormone levels?

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      That’s awful.  I’ve think I’ve only just started mine. My periods are irregular for a while then the hot flushes for about 6 weeks now.  But it’s the sudden dryness and libido that’s my biggest problem.  I haven’t had any test yet I’ve only just spoken to my husband about my concerns, he’s been lovely though.  Next step the doctors though I think.  

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