lichen sclerosis
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I think alot of people have an itch in the genital area and presume it is a sexual transmitted disease. I am over 60 and became aware of this itch which of course I itched which I now know makes it worse. I did go to the doctor and he suggested dryness due to age and end of menopause and suggested vaginal lubrications which helped but didn t totally stop itch. You do start to feel desperate. After about 6 mths my smear was due and the nurse suggested I had a white area in my genital area and suggested I get it checked at clinic. In desperation I went to a private gynaecologist who immediately suggested it looked like lichen sclerosis which I had never heard of. I then went armed with a letter from this private gynaecologist to my doctor who immediately arranged for me to see an NHS gynaecologist. He took biopsy which resulted in me being advised I had LS. I was given dermovate to use for four weeks morning and night and then hydrocortisone for six months once a day. After 3 months I have a second appt to check area. I think the main thing is you must not scratch the area and I found using this cream there was no need. But I do think GP s dont know much about this problem and a lot of women are suffering undiagnosed.
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I use a doctor prescribed cream that helps very little. If anyone has found any real relief using anything other than prescription creams, please let me know. Your companion in the LS battle!
Thanks H
Thanks helen
Helen you are extremely unlucky to have this thing so young, though I know even children get it. Your "architecture" sounds like mine. I was once afraid of having that operation to open the entrance area up but got useful advice which I have used successfully ever since - look online for dilators, Helen !
Okay I just use the smallest one about once a week now but it has kept me out of hospitals. some women have graduated to the wider ones thus enabling them to have penetrative sex. I am 75 and happy to forego sex now, but there is the light at the end of your tunnel.
Have your medical people said anything about how they will keep things open after the op, to stop it fusing again?
Looking back about eleven years my LS was much worse then and has settled down a lot so that I only sometimes get really bothered by it,. I have gone from using dermovate/ clobetesol twice a day to once every four or five days, just a small pea sized amount. Okay, sometimes it was two steps forward and one step back, but I have got here. Skin not thin. I have a slightly warm bath as soon as possible after the very first "tickle/itch" and use the ointment within 24 hours before the LS gets too excited then doesn't want to leave!
Hopefully yours will also become more manageable as time goes on.
As Thighs says, things will get better.
Just came back from a visit to the nurse, as I needed vaccinations for a holiday abroad. She was telling me to cover myself in suntan lotion and then spray mosquito repellant over that! I told her my skin was dodgy and that in fact I had LS, to which she replied "what is that?". This is what find the most depressing that people in the medical business do not know about this, ion my opinion, serious disorder!
thanks to the internet we can learn what help there is and support each other. What must it have been like for our grandparents and before, I dread to think, so in that sense we are definitely luckier. Luckiest of al is if somebody found a cure!
I was just told I have LS and I'm 28. My husband has been super great! Anyway...I was hoping for some positive stories about still having a healthy sex life. We were having sex about 3 times a week...will I still be able to do this?
And I am on the creams but not sure if they r long till you start seeing improvements.
What cream are you using, the clobetasol?
That's the strong steroid one.
Many women do manage to carry on having sex, having babies too, especially if their partners are the understanding kind . Using things like emu oil can help keep the area more supple. I find that the dermovate/clobetasol stops the itching, therefore the harmful rubbing and scratching, but one or two of the other posters might have better tips on lubrication for sex than I can give.
My husband is super supportive... And so are my mom and sisters. I also have a 9 month old daughter who is a wonderful distraction.
I started eating the PALEO diet? Has that help anyone?
I have also discovered that LS (an auto immune disease) can attack the healthy insulin producing cells in the body which can result in development of Diabetes and also there is a link to Thyroid problems. I would be interested to find out how many people out there also have these problems. I have also developed Vertiligo on my arms which are now blotchy brown and white which is apparently common with people with LS. I am a white female who used to have a naturally dark complexion, the brown is the natural melanonin in my skin. I used to tan really easily and hardly ever burnt, now I do not like going in the sun as I burn easily on the vertiligo patches.
I have also found diet does play a role in this and I try to eat healthily. I was interested to read about citrus fruit aggrevating it. I will try this. Maybe that has been the unknown trigger for me as I don't often eat citrus fruits anyway so it won't be a big miss.
I hope this post will be of help to others as I have spent many years researching this condition and looking for ways to control it. It isn't a death sentence but it does affect you greatly particularly in your private relationships. I have been lucky to have a very understanding husband.
I have also discovered that LS (an auto immune disease) sometimes attacks the insulin producing cells in your body which can cause Diabetes to develop. It is also possibly linked to Thyroid problems. I have also developed Vertiligo which is also common in LS sufferers. I am a white female who used to tan lovely never burning, but now I burn easily where there are white patches.
LS can affect all parts of the body causing white silvery cigarette paper like patches on the skin, or white lumps that have a silvery effect. It affects both men and women. I am lucky that I have a friend who also has the condition and we can talk to each other about problems and do help each other. I can remember how we often commented about similar medical problems that we had, not realising that they were connected to the LS we suffered.
As this is not a curable condition at the moment and is obviously missed diagnosed for many people causing untold misery for them I would love it to be advertised. I itched for many years causing lots of damage to myself without realising that there was a cure for the itch. I thought it was because I was dry and just moisturised. That was not enough but I was too embarrassed to seek help about it.
I hope this post might help others unfortunate enough to suffer this condition. I have found the knack is to remember that I am not alone. One specialist I spoke to said that of all the people in his waiting room 1 in 3 probably had the condition. That was a surprise to me.