lichen sclerosis
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I think alot of people have an itch in the genital area and presume it is a sexual transmitted disease. I am over 60 and became aware of this itch which of course I itched which I now know makes it worse. I did go to the doctor and he suggested dryness due to age and end of menopause and suggested vaginal lubrications which helped but didn t totally stop itch. You do start to feel desperate. After about 6 mths my smear was due and the nurse suggested I had a white area in my genital area and suggested I get it checked at clinic. In desperation I went to a private gynaecologist who immediately suggested it looked like lichen sclerosis which I had never heard of. I then went armed with a letter from this private gynaecologist to my doctor who immediately arranged for me to see an NHS gynaecologist. He took biopsy which resulted in me being advised I had LS. I was given dermovate to use for four weeks morning and night and then hydrocortisone for six months once a day. After 3 months I have a second appt to check area. I think the main thing is you must not scratch the area and I found using this cream there was no need. But I do think GP s dont know much about this problem and a lot of women are suffering undiagnosed.
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I would say that showers are better than baths as when I have a flare up a bath makes it worse. I do need to use the dermovate in the rectal area sometimes too. I had an operation to lance and drain an abscess I got there and think the area was affected by that.
I think it is best to try showers for a while then baths and see which suits best.. What about using a small rubber ring in the bath, a child's one? I use a foam do-nut ring to sit on hard chairs with....takes the pressure off.
Good luck and keep in touch.
I had my LS confirmed by biopsy last year, although it seems like decades ago already. I asked my dermo. about Hyalofemme but she didn't seem to know anything about it. She has recommended Zeroguent as moisturiser, so when these acrtic conditions have calmed down, I shall go and order some from the Chemist. She also mentioned Diprobase ointment, Hydromol ointment and Lipobase cream, if I am not happy with Zeroguent, so I am well satisfied with my morning's work!
I should imagine that most of us have had a biopsy, as these seems the only sure way of knowing what we have wrong with us! I was reading a description of LS, wnere it says that it doesn't run in families. This has been contradicted by at least two of the people in our little group, so it goes to show how little they know about LS.
Thanks for keeping me updated, Blue,
love Horses
Horses, I am sure it is hereditary only some of us older women's mothers might have kept it private from us, as that's how it was in those days.
These people who say it isn't, just make things up as they go along. It may not always be, but there is a large incidence of it in families.I sometimes look on another forum and many women say their mothers and sisters or auntsetc had/have it too, too many to be a co-incidence.
I never had a biopsy, my gp had to look it up on her computer when I told her what it was - but Suwho I think you should ask for one for sure, as you should not have to go through such agonising pain.
You said you have cream. I don't know what kind it is but have you tried just the ordinary stool softener, available on the shelf in Boots?
bluelady - I've never had a biopsy to confirm my LS as the consultant at the hospital was so certain that I have it due to the fusion of the clitoris hood. I have it just inside the entrance to my vagina too, it has narrowed the entrance - although I remember a lady doctor commenting years ago that for having had two normal births, I was very tight so I think I've had this for a long time. I'm dealing with it not too badly at the moment - tampons irritate it but hopefully I may not need to use them for much longer.
Take care ladies, it's good to talk. x
Hugs ladies
Take care,
Hi horses. Just to say that although steroid creams/ointments are indeed known to thin the skin, I have been using dermovate for over ten years ,with never less than four day gaps,( except once and I severely regretted that and had to go back to scratch again with twice a day etc ) most frequently three day gaps, and my skin does not appear to be thin. I use an amount the size of a garden pea .I know it is easy to worry too much about it as I once did myself.
Must you really keep your emu oil in the fridge? Do others do that? I never have, nor been advised to, and I've not had any infections " down there", excepting a couple of times over the years slight cystitis, seen off by drinking more water. Emu oil is naturally anti-bacterial.
I can recommend 100percent natural free range emu oil from Swanson USA, by internet, though no doubt there are many others just as good.
I think it's really important to protect our skin from the ravages of LS/LP as itching can lead to harmful rubbing/scratching.
Mine has been not too bad recently, still works out about twice a week, applying when or soon after the itching starts up, and though I know some people do get away with less frequent steroid use, on the whole I'm okay with this.
Protect your skin from the LS !!
now if you want to toughen up your skin you should check out using a combination of oestrogen and testosterone, 3 to 1 ratio if that is safe for you. check with GP. Personally I don't. but it is accepted and prescribed in USA .I'm not an authority on this, just passing on what I have heard, but you can check it out. Generally speaking we in the UK are a bit behind with treatments.
Also there is a facility to contact each other directly and privately within that forum if you want to..
Joodie x
Great hearing from you,
I see what you mean about the oil. I am using a rather runny Algar australian emu oil just now and it is messy allright, so I'm going back to the Swanson one which comes out in a "glob" so to speak - much more manageable.
Have a good night's sleep tonight !