Lichen sclerosis any advice?

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Hi I'm 46 and have been diagnosed with LS for approx 8 months. Can't seem to get it under control and despite using hydro mol, and both steroid creams I find I am now in a worse state than I have been for sometime. In tears every time I go to the loo from pain both front and back. Can't use the steroids as I now have raw sking and it stings. Been recently on antibiotics and wondering wether this has had a worse effect although reading about this does not seem to cause a problem. I have scarring and the piece of sking between both areas in now extremely sensitive. Been to see doc and dermatologist but never seems to co inside with a bad outbreak. Haven't had sex for months now which is also depressing as worried about husbands need a even though he is very supportive. Just can't seem to speak to anyone who understands. I've also got vitiligo apparently this can be linked or is seen to be linked to LS as an immuno problem but nothing else. Can anyone help with any suggestions for relief?

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    Hi Scottie,

    I'm using alternative methods...if you're interested let me know and I'll meet you over in the alt med section.

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    Hi takes a while to get it right for you! It is awful for you just now but time will see you managing it. You need to be talking to your specialist and GP regularly. You may need to try different creams I did. I now use Advantan fatty ointment and Dermeze which is a Vaseline type product. Your specialist will help with this. I have had it for 15 years roughly and I am not doing the same thing as 15 years ago. So, it rakes a good while to get it right.
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    I agree with Morrell. Keep it cool and heat. Either no pants or loose cotton to allow the area to breathe. No soap! Know time will help because you get really good at managing it. I am in Australia and I notice it depends where you live what ointments are prescribed. Apparently the fatty ointment is better absorbed and that is what I use now. All the best. Hugs.
  • Posted

    Hello Scottie lover...You are having a rough time at the moment, I had the worst time shortly after a very stresssful period in my life at the same time as my hormone level was substantially reduced. there is a theory that that combination can cause LS. Many people also have an underactive thyroid as well. Antibiotics can change the flora in the gut - and probably elsewhere encouraging the growth of yeasts. Often live yoghurt is suggested when taking antibiotics to counteract this effect

    Where are you? ie which country? You may find a support network near you , check with your gp or gynae

    You are going through a very difficult time and pain is so stressful, which in my view, makes the situation worse- each time I get "woundup"I itch and if I dont "calm down" and relax I get a nasty flare up. Vaseline has been suggested by several on this site to apply before a pee. dont get constipated - use softeners, drink a lot of clear fluid - it will dilute the concentration of the urine and make it less acidic. when you DO have a flare up get to your doctor asap so they can see what is going on, or speak to the consultant's secretary to bring your appointment forward.

    High potency steroid cream is the best treatment available at the moment applied as directed usually once or twice a day during an acute episode.

    No tights or even pants if your skirts are long enough! no talcum powders or any smelly toileterries, fabric softeners and non biological washing powders

    Pour tepid water over the area or use a bidet if you  have one, or a GENTLE spray with your shower head

    our bodies are salty - think of your tears- so a teaspoon of salt in a pint of water - will be the same salinity as your body that may sting less if plain water stings

    Talk to your husband and ask him what he would like to do re sex, he may be scared to approach the topic, and you certainly dont want him to go elsewhere for relief!!!!

    Take care a good luck my heart goes out to you SueDM


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    Sorrry you're having such a hard time of it.  The one thing that  I would do is make sure you don't have a yeast infection caused by the antibiotics.  I have had that happen and it does make matters so much worse.  The steroid cream will burn if you have a yeast infection.  I did that one time and the whole area peeled like I had a sunburn.  

    I hope you find some relief soon.  I am  doing better right now after a bad flare up.

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    Hi. I'd agree with the others who said to check for a yeast infection.  I'm very prone to yeast infections at the perineum ever since the LS struck, where I'm scarred after childbirth stitches. Just apply a little Canestan cream or similar as directed on the packet.  Keep the area very clean.  Be careful you're not using too much steroid, maybe you need to back off a little?  I can really sympathise, cause I thought I had a never-ending flare even with the clob, but it turnedd out to be yeast.  Its all a matter of juggling all the creams and potions until you find what combination suits you, but you will get there!
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    Ditto on the yeast. Just the stress of worrying about your diagnosis could help the yeast grow. You'll get it all settled down.
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    Hi,  I found that Clobetasol ointment worked better than the cream.  You have to find your own prescription for dealing with this.  It is an auto immune disease which to date has no cure..  I can't wait!..........I also wash with Epaderm an emollient wash which is like goose grease but so soothing.  I wash underwear with Non Bio and never wash myself or clothes with anything that contains perfume.  I use white toilet paper as I find coloured toilet paper irritates.  You really have to find what suits you until a cure is found. 
  • Posted

    Hi I re read your plea for help and noted you are 46; are you on HRT for the menopause? If not you may want to talk to your medic about either puting you on a hormone supplement - to boost your hormone level -  and / or when things calm down a bit to use an eostrgen cream around the vulva and into the vagina to help reduce the dryness that can happen during the "change" that too can help with marital relationships

    Good luck ... and my take on things is that it is stress in our lives, and how we handle it, that is so important in reducing these nasty auto immune conditions. Diet can play a part - we are what we eat - so they say!


  • Posted

    Hi there Scottiesmile I am 47 and have had LS for about 7 years now. I have been fused so bad that I would just drip when I had to urinate. Had to have surgery for that, then I had to have another surgery for more fusion to female parts. It's been awful. I cry constantly and really struggling with this. I was having a huge flare up last month and went to see my gyne and was told I'm now fusing down there on my bottom. I am just devastated and didn't know this could happen. Was told I am one of worst cases my dr has ever seen. Just found out I have low thyroid which you hear a lot with lichens. I use estrace, Premarin and steroid cream for flare ups. I've never been in remission like some people talk about.
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      Beth You have had a horrid time.

      Why are you crying - because of pain or the changes to your anatomy, or fear for the future? Go to you GP and talk through the things that are making you cry, you may need counselling or a short burst of antidepressants or pain relief.

      Stress - emotional disharmony I find will make me have a flare up - so if you can find a way to reduce that aspect you MAY find your flare up can lessen.

      Have a look at the various topics n this site around the subject and see if there are any suggestions that you can take on board

      You may find that by having thyroid supplements will help too -

      Are you in the US? Treatments do seem to differ slightly according the country

      What dosage of steroid are you on - you appear to be taking 2 types of eostragen creams as a HRT is that right? Have a look at the various websites written by dermatologists that may give you an idea of the rationale behind the treatments  BUT DO NOT LOOK AT ANY PHOTOGRAPHS....they are for the professionals and are THE MOST extreme, and while you may be toward  the end of the spectrum  of your gynae's experience you may not be all that bad in real terms, so do not worry. Again look at Morrells input into worry on another discussion stream

      Most of us are using a moisturising cream, some use a vaseleine based ointment as a barrier again urine being on the skin surface, and then a pea sized amount of STRONG steroid ointment or cream  daily during a flare up. Remission just means that the condition isnt progressing and is as my gynae said - quiescent or less active.

      Do you have other auto immune conditions?

      Keep your pecker up as we say in the UK, try and relax and try to smile - if you can - get as much sleep as you can; and some on this site go down the alternative route - eating healthy diets or food restricting diets - check these sites out they may help you.

      Good luck and try and relax and wipe away those tears- in my experience the only thing that crying does in the long run is togive you red puffy eyes a sore throat and a blocked runny nose....AND keeps people away from you because the above is not a Good Look!

      There is  a lot of kindness on this site, try and be brave



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    To suedm: how kind of you for your thoughts! I really appreciate it!!! I am from the U.S. yes, I alternate the Premarin and estrace creams. I am curious as to why it seems like so many LS sufferers also have low thyroid? Is there any chance that if I get my low thyroid problem under control, I assume with medication, that my LS will get better? I also notice that when I work out, it seems to bring on a flare up or at very minimum, makes everything burn which I suppose is from me sweating. Does anyone else experience this?
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      Hi Beth,

      Sweating make it worse for sure! Sometimes it seems we're sort of allergic to whatever's in our sweat. And same goes for other effluent. I believe that's why I get 'ring of fire' after eating chocolate.

      As for the LS calming once your thyroid meds do their job, hmm, more like both conditions are auto-immune, so if the root cause were solvable, then both would improve. Maybe. My psoriasis is 100% clear, but the LS is not.

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      re thyroid.  I have thyroid problems which are stable with medication but I still have LS. However, one curious thyroid levels had been stable at the same dose for over ten years, so much so that I was only getting bloodwork done once a year.  My LS kicked off at menopause, about a year after my last period, and in the same year my thyroid levels plummeted so that I ended up on almost twice the level of meds as Gp suggested that it was the drop in oestrogens that precipated both.  He's not suggesting that the menopause caused the LS but I had a genetic predisposition towards it (my mother had similar problems) and the hormone changes were enough to kick start it as well as affecting the thyroid levels. Interesting....we just don't know enough about it yet.

      On a very practical level, low thyroid can cause constipation, and strainig can cause tearing, so getting your thyroid sorted can only help!

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      This makes perfect sense. I have major problems with constipation which only adds to all of my LS problems. Perhaps the constipation will get better once I see my gp about my low thyroid this week.
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      Hi Beth - have you considered what you are wearing while working out?

      May be  the friction is a problem and some have mentioned that horse riding is now a memory because of the LS...Lycra? sweat making gear I think! Cycling may be an issue- Remember no nice smilly chemicals any where near the undercarriage...As to the constipation don't overdo the laxatives - go for high fibre food stuffs instead you don't want faecal fluid to burn your nether regions either!

      I was told that a sudden drop in hormone levels  which in my case was combined with stress may have started my LS - and I was in Australia at the time so hot weather  and putting on weight and tight trousers would NOT have helped either. I just try and live a normal life  ignore - or attempt to ignore stressful circumstances eat sensibly reduce the alcohol intake and try and smile a lot. ( with the difficult recent few years before the diagnosis the truism of laugh and the world is with you. Cry and....... where is everyone? shows the old sayings have a lot in them) Keep smiling


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      ....Whoops  Smelly Chemicals  not smilly!


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      I was constantly constipated as a kid, probably due to a low fibre diet. When I was out of my family home I became a vegetarian for awhile, but even when I started cooking meat I was always conscious of eating plenty of vegetables, fruit and whole grains. I believe I had LS as a girl and the real problems showed themselves with sex. I was probably already somewhat atrophied.

      I recall doing the Jane Fonda aerobics video in the late eighties. I'd be doing jumping jacks and suddenly feel my perineum tear. What a drag.

    • Posted

      Hi Morrell, I wonder whether how much oil we have in our diets has any relationship to our skin elastisity? Being fair my skin tends to be dry to normal(on occasion)

      Trying to get my weight back to a normal level - for me - I reduce the fat content of my diet, and also I am very senitive to external factors - sun, bites  and chemicals for example.

      I get anxious when people say they are constipated because the tendency to to go straight to the laxatives with often dire results - hence suggesting high fibre diet, loads of water- and of course exercise, which for most normal people should "get one going!"

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      As I understand it our skin sort of manufactures oil at its own pace. Some people are oil machines with hair that gets greasy in one day. I have super dry skin and scalp, so a psoriasis flare acts quickly. We ate meat and potatoes and white bread, overcooked (lots of canned) veggies and friuit and a LOT of white flour/white sugar baked desserts. I believe spending your first couple of decades constipated sets up leaky gut and its attendant auto-immune disorders. I don't put much stock in fancy diets and supplements fixing that broken system just like that.
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      To Morrell and Suedm, 

      I am reading your posts with interest.  Great points both of you make. I was once informed that a dry skin can also be because we may be dehydrated.  I was advised to drink less diuretics and more water to rehydrate the skin which will then be more elastic.  I believe we all need fat in our diets too, not only for the skin but it is essential to keep our nerve endings healthy.  In general a balanced diet is not restricting everything but moderation and plenty of the right things.  Yes we are all different and our bodies all process things differently.

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      Right you are, Chrisy. Those low fat diets from the eighties have been proven unhealthy. It's arguably their fault for leading people to believe they could eat all the pasta they want as long as they eat no fat. What a thing to do to your colon! And it may explain a lot of obesity.
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      Hi Chrisy, my reduced fat diet really means I have given up having toast for breakfast- I lather it with butter and spreads., and reduce the amount of cheese I eat......not good for the hips.

      I tend to cook the old fashioned way, I dont like the taste of most ready meals, rarely fry stuff and never deep fry foods - I did have an irritable bowel in my 40's and had a bout of diverticulitis 10 years ago - OUCH - so high fibre vegetables feature in my diet when necessary , and in the summer salads are wonderful. I drink stacks of water - with a bit of fizz in them from a soda cylinder

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