Life after menopause
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I have been in menopause for about 10 years now, I have lost interest in mostly everything. I was wondering if anyone else has found this, I have also found myself becoming very secluded.
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dee34034 sue08
I also have changed and become seclusive , its debilitating sometimes. hot flashes are horrible. moody. I stopped exercising because I'm already so damn hot. last thing I want is to be hotter. and the fact is. I cant exercise like I used to. I feel sick if I push myself. uggghhh. you mentioned 10 years. omg. I shouldn't be complaing my last menstrual period was 1/2017. uggghh. I have a long way to go....
dev77856 sue08
I was told menopause last about five years and if I had to go 10 years seriously I don’t know what I do. I’ve been menopause 2 1/2 years and I decided I’m going to go on Wiley protocol it’s bio denticle hormones but it flows with the natural rhythm of a woman’s cycle. The worst part of all this menopause is all this back pain I’m having and although nobody is saying that Menopause causes it I can’t help but think it’s affecting all my joints and bones and everything. I feel like the biggest loser waste of life and my family is miserable and they’re suffering and that’s the worst part. If you don’t have cancer and your family you may consider bio identical hormones they seem to be very safe
ImagineOneDay sue08
Dear Sue
I have lost interest in many things. I sometimes wonder if I have any interest in life at all. I have a 10 year old daughter who keeps me going (I am 50). I use any little energy or enthusiasm left on her needs and looking after her... There are times I do not want to cook. I am a graphic designer and used to love arts and crafts. Sometimes I settle to work on a what used to be a an exciting project but end up getting tired, frustrated and can't complete it.... It is VERY SAD...I hear you so well...
tracyjgordon sue08
Hi Sue I know how you feel it seems to go on forever, I've been going through it for 8 and a half years now and I feel like a completely different person now. I hardly ever want to go out whereas I used to be really sociable. I have gained weight even though I eat much the same as before which affects my confidence too. I am constantly anxious and feel depressed most of the time. I hope it doesn't last too much longer 😦
debore sue08
YES! Blood tests and no periods 6 months after my daughter was born (16 yrs ago) showed I was in menopause. I am now 60 and still having a lot of the symptoms people mention on this page. Sometimes I wonder if its just the aging process......
kelly55079 sue08
I'm 50 and still get periods.. No interest in anything really. Shopping, phone calls, parties (like who cares!!)-- some women LOVE parties, I don't. My kids sporting events are hard to go too-- went to one tonight and the whole time I was spacey and wanting to go home. I used to somewhat enjoy cooking, now it's just something easy or even take-out. Going to Florida in a couple weeks and I'm not excited like I would be years ago.Now I am focused on taking my supplements and swimming. I have too cuz I'm afraid if I don't, I'll be worse. My hair is really thin so I am trying to thicken it up with different things. I used to read books or magazines, now it seems more difficult. Decorating the house for holidays seem to be a chore too. I have teens at home so I'm hoping once they become more independent or LEAVE, I"ll be better.. : )Don't think I'm depressed, just floating thru life.