Life after suffering necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) as a premature baby
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I am looking to find somebody (anybody) who, as a baby, premature or not had suffered necrotising enterocolitis. I was born 10 weeks premature and had necrotising enterocolitis, I had at least 3/4 of my small intestine removed and have been living with the 'aftermath' ever since. I'm 26 and the side effects of NEC have left me with constant diarrhea, which apparently no doctor can do anything about, or prescribe anything to ease this - anybody know anything about this??
Hopefully I will find somebody else who has gone through the same and is living with it...happily!
6 likes, 87 replies
Christy from San Antonio, tx
Denise59370 Cleigh2012
annemarie55044 Denise59370
Hi Denise my name is Annemarie I've suffer with NEC and was born ten weeks prem I went under lot of ops to remove small intestines and some large I am now 28 I have two beautiful girls but now am suffering from IBS and now overgrowth in baterica sibo but am currently undergoing investigation as from having my second daughter I've been fighting with siob I Carrie red normal had normal develiver s hope this give u hope xxx
It is not so much the going to bathroom more than other people, as I am not sure I do really, it is the kind of 'bathroom' movements I have to cope with that is more embarrassing that anything else. Do you find this?
I am glad to hear that you have a had a baby, congratulations
I was worried that because of where my scar is it would not be possible.
Thankfully I am not a fan of nutella :p but I do love curries!
I was also prescribed Codine Phosphate as a remedy to the toilet issue - maybe this is something you could inquire about? I am not sure how good, or safe etc it is, but it may be an option
Thank you for replying to my post, take care and look after yourself
Hopefully hear from you again soon.
After reading your stories i have a become over whelmed that i am not alone and the only one having to go through this..
I live in Australia where this condition is rare and not many understand it, let alone the diet i have to stick to
i am on a low protien no sugar and no fibre diet and i cant take any medications to help me through any problems.
i am Hoping that i can meet or even talk to people with similar condition or same condition as i have.
Purplepower bonez1989
Nice to 'meet' you
That sounds awful, as I stated previously I only had about 3/4 of my intestine removed, but do suffer a lot of side effects due to this. I can only imagine what it must be like to also have to stick to a strict diet - admittidely I am also supposed to stick to some form of diet, but it is so difficult as I also loose weight very easily!
Have you seen any specialists at all? The only medications I have been told to take are anti diarrhea pills, but they don't always work, and sometimes cause more problems!
It would be lovely to meet more people with the same problems, I know one lady with the same issue, but it does not appear as harsh.
Hope you are well, other than the obvious
sam70248 Purplepower
Nice to meet you
Firstly i would like to say thank you replying to me... it means so much to finally meet someone that has same condition as me... honestly u are the frist person i have spoken to that has dealt with this condition from birth...
I do see gastroenterology doctors as this year alone my condition has gotten worse.. i was taking anti dirrorah medication but agree with it doesnt work that well... i also have to have regular B12 shots and extra salt as i have a definacy in both... wieght has always been a problem as well ( only perk to being tiny is cheaper clothes lol ) the only thing that i have noticed that does help to retain some wieght is a ensure supplement drink and having 6 to 8 small meals a day..
Like i said before u are the forst person i have meet with this condition but i would love to meet many more just so we can share our stories and help other people or parents with child that are born woth this comdition... ( as it is rare and generally unheard of )
If u would like to contact me thru email u r more that welcome to
Hope u are doing good and everything is as well as ot can be
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sam70248 Purplepower
Purplepower sam70248
Good to hear from you again!
Just a quick reply as I'm at work (hehe naughty)
I am doing well, or as you say, as well as possible.
I have given up on pills, they either don't help or cause other problems.
I have recently been in touch with a lady who had her colon removed and she too suffers really badly.
I used to have those drinks, they worked well but thankfully I am able to keep my weight ok as long as I never skip a meal!!
I hope you are well and keep in touch
sam70248 Purplepower
I am doing well some what, just trying to improve each day
( one day it ends up improving some what lol )
For some reason I can't eat much now cause I am always full.. And I find my self thirsty more than I should b..
I don't take ensure anymore as it did help in the beginning but doesn't now
I have to have regular doctor and Hostipal appointments for now until they find out a weigh of controlling it all as I have gotten worse in the last couple of months it's at the point I can't work ( which I do miss) and I generally spend most of my time at home.
Hope u r well and I will defiantly keep in touch
steve94397 Purplepower
I was born 13 weeks premature and had NEC and had to have 1/2 my bowel removed and the rest of it has tears in it, I'm now 24 years old and am constantly going to the toilet 10 minutes after eating a small meal. Can't seem to get any nutrients from the food which I'm eating and feeling tired and weak all the team as well as not been able to put on weight..I have noticed blood in my bowel movements but doctors can't seem to tell me anything
And was wondering if u had any advice or does it get worse as u get older
Sorry my names Stephen and I reside in Scotland
Hope to hear from u and hope ur well
angela57257 Purplepower
My son suffers with loose bowel movements, in the medcal world it is described as a 7 (the loosest kind of stool), he does not have allergies but has intollerances such as sugar, all dairy, and gluten. As a result I give him cold pressed home made juice every day for maximum nutrition absorbtion, I do this as I was told that fruit and veg will have an effect on his stools due to the fibre, removing the fibre allows for maximum absorbtion, he is a thriving stocky little boy, truly a miracle, I believe that if anyone is having nutrition absorbtion problems take a leaf from our experience and juice the nutrients yourself, forget pills and potions, they never worked for him, he looked pale and sickly, now he is happy, healthy and you would never know hed been ill despite the loose stools he still has. I hope this is of help
nfom16 Purplepower
My daughter is 3 was born at 28 weeks & had to have 12cms removed, she had a stoma and after a few months it was reversed she recovered and not had problems until now!
For weeks she has been having really loose stools at first we thought it was down to her ear infection, but it's been almost a month now We thought it was a milk intolerance so removed all dairy with no success. So finding this thread is helpful Thank you.
Any dietary advice will be really helpful as I've found suggestions on removing protein, fibre , dairy but what would that leave her to eat??
Please help !! She also has cp so is immobile and just started nursery.
zoe781 nfom16
He had a mini button fitted at the age of 3 for tube feeding as he was and still doesnt gain any weight. On the 3rd july he is gonna have a hickman line fitted as the hospital are very conserned about his progress
matty098 Purplepower
My name is Matt. Im a 30 year old from Vic Australia. I was born 12 weeks prem and developed NEC. I lost half my large and small intestines and have never had a solid stool.
Its so amazing to find out there are more people out there like myself. I would love to talk more about any issues any of you may have been having.
I recently had to install a hose to our toilet due to how irritated my bum has been getting due to all the wiping i have to do.
I have also struggled to put on any weight. With muscle being the only exception.
So i have spent a lot of time in the gym. I also have noticed the last couple of years i seem to be dehydrated and lethargic a lot of the time.
Was wondering if anyone else had these issues?
Cleigh2012 matty098
sabermantoo Cleigh2012
When I was very young (I'm a few years older than you), I was constantly going for tests and was told that wheat/gluten and fat did not absorb well. Everyone is different, of course, but you might find that your body can handle leaner meats and rice based starch - like brown rice pasta.
I hope that helps.