Life after Zoladex
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Completed 2 years of Zoladex injections 25th September 2015. Psa blood test this week remains less than 0.1
Still having hot flushes and night sweats, understand these could go on for 18 months after stopping Zoladex.
Next blood test and Oncologist check up April 2016
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Washie supercargo
What happens now .Fully recovered? Other than blood tests.
supercargo Washie
I think I regard myself as 'fully recovered'.
Oncologist needs a blood test before I see him, then I think I get a recall every year or so, to monitor the situation.
See from your profile that we are the same age, and you takig the same route Hormone/Radioterapy.
Any questions, please ask.
Washie supercargo
Looking good for you - ----hope I go the same way.
supercargo Washie
Your Psa going the right way, another drop in Feb will give you a lift.
george28545 supercargo
supercargo george28545
Great news coming down from a high Gleason.
As my GP comments, the annoying night sweats are a small price to pay.
Good luck with the CT Scan.
FoxT george28545
Having a Turp on Jan 26th. Naturally I'm a bit scared (Laser up the willy & all..!!) How did you find it, were there any problems etc, how long recovery and why did you need a second one?
Any help appreciated.
Thanks, Foxy
george28545 FoxT
My first TURP in 2012 was a doddle and I went home the following day with a "Star Patient" badge from the Nurses (I think everyone gets one!).
Following a later biopsy and a further TURP I did have bleeding for a week or so and incontinece but that had mucked about with that area rather a lot. Feeling good now at 78 with only the odd drip or urine but no sexual urges - darnit. - Most importantly I am alive and kicking 3 years after removal op and with a PSA of .01
FoxT george28545
I've had an in citu' catheter since May (failed 'TWOC' in August) so a litle concerned how long it will take my bladder to regain the capacity to 'hold water' Incontinence scares the 'bejaybers' out of me, more so than PC!
My PSA has dropped from 27 to 0.75 in 6 months (last test November) I'm on Prosap injections only as cancer was detected in a Lymph node (3-4 mm)! Apart from a little swelling after each injection and the 'outside plumbing' I feel fine. Have got some weight gain from the increased hormones but hey...
Glad to hear your your doing well. Good luck for the future.
Fox T
FoxT supercargo
Having a Channel Turp on 26th this month. Bit scarey but prognosis is good.
My next test is Feb 6th. Fingers crossed.
Having read about other people on here, seemingly hot sweats etc are not unusual, even after coming off injection for anything up to 2 years later. I find sage tablets work for me in reducing them. (down to around five, 5-8 minute ones a day).
Good luck and be strong
ken47739 supercargo
Just happy that this year I will be 70 and should be here to celebrate, could have been so much worse.
Positive thoughts only, good luck
supercargo ken47739
It will give other Forum members positive news that you can beat this disease.
Since I was diagnosed, in discussion with others who have PC, I have found that early diagnosis and treatment is critical. Unfortunately some go into denial. Although the Cancer is reported to be slow growing, I find that some friends who have not conquered the disease have either ignord, or delayed treatment.
andrew227er ken47739
Just read your post and looks like you had the same diagnisis as me. Had prostrate removed Nov 2015 (robotic), but post op PSA was 1.2 at 6 weeks and 1.1 at 8 weeks. Gleason score 9 nut all clear in margins, bones, lymph nodes. Got to have scan to see if any rogue cells have spread anywhere, then possible radiotherapy and/or hormone treatment. I assume the Zoladex is the hormone treatment? So glad to hear that all going well for you. I must say I felt a bit p*ssed off today after seeing my consiultant, but it was cheered up a bit reading your comments. Onwards and upwards!