Life is ruined from anxiety

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Hey said Id post long time listener first time caller. Basically my life has been upside down since January. It started off with chronic fatigue to the point where I haven't been able to work in months. I have convinced myself I have esophageal cancer as I I have many of the symptoms. I have been getting the run around from place to place as I don't have a family doctor which is a nightmare. Been waiting months to get an endoscopy still haven't heard anything which is driving me nuts with worry. I beginning to loose hope to be honest.

I guess I just want to know can anxiety cripple a person with fatigue I can bearly get out of bed everyday. All I do is worry like I'm stuck in a constant loop of stressing that im so exhausted all the time that im just making it worse. I stupidly agreed to take benzos which absolutely destroyed me for 2 months. I actually don't know what to do as im suffering from anxiety I also think I do have an illness. sorry about the rant I just don't know what to do anymore its soul destroying I just want to get back to normal.

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    i’m sorry you’re feeling so miserable. I know the feeling believe me. And yes, anxiety and stress can leave you completely fatigued and exhausted. I have been through that numerous times. The physical signs of anxiety started in my 20s. I’m now in my 50s and I want to tell you that you can get through this and you can feel better. It’s a matter of learning how to control the anxiety and stress.

    I have been so fatigued that I couldn’t even get up off the couch. Arms legs were very weak., I felt like I couldn’t get air in my lungs,.

    my blood reports were normal and I didn’t have any disease. The fatigue is not coming directly from the arms and legs or from the respiratory system, etc. when you have anxiety.

    It’s actually brain fatigue. The brain is so bombarded with stress and anxiety which affects the entire body.

    what makes you think that you have a esophageal cancer? Are you a smoker? If so and you are young you are not likely to have cancer. It takes quite a while for that to develop.most smokers, if they are going to get cancer, will get it later on in mid life or later.

    your symptoms sound identical to mine. Stress and anxiety can definitely cause your symptoms!

    see if you can get a primary care doctor. It’s good to have one to touch base with a Doctor Who can provide you with some resources and just have a baseline of tests etc.

    in The meantime, practice relaxing your mind as much as possible and please don’t google symptoms! They will not pertain to your individual situation and you’ll scare yourself for no reason. The key is to relax and keep your mind occupied with other things. Go on YouTube and find some great relaxing meditations for reducing anxiety and stress. There are hundreds of them!

    you Will be OK!I recently had that weak feeling and it went on for close to a month! I too was very scared about what it could be. all my testing was normal so I knew right then that it was anxiety and stress again.

    and what I do is little by little I do strengthening exercises. Nothing intense just slow easy to begin with. Even if it still feels weak I keep doing this every day. I am getting much stronger now.

    I am going to the gym and working out. I know I will always have anxiety to some degree but it’s what I do with that that’s important. How I respond to it. Instead of giving in, I fight. take care of yourself

  • Posted

    I'm sorry you are going through this. Yes, anxiety can make you exhausted and not be able to leave the bed. I had this in my early twenties. The good news is, from mid 20s to mid 30s, I was almost completely healthy. I wish I could tell you how that happenned. But as I age, I truly believe sometimes we have challenges with our health, and sometimes they just get better. Things in life rarely stay the exact same. Take it easy on yourself for now. Let yourself rest. And if possible, try to do some light exercises, like a short walk outside. Little things like that really make us feel better and more uplifted. Hang in there!

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