Light headache for 6 months. Please help.

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Hi everyone,

Thanks for listening. 6 months ago it started. I started to have a light headache in the forehead, above the eyes. Mostly on the left side, but at certain moments it is (also) on the right side. A couple of days later I also developed post-nasal drip. This is the feeling of 'slime' dripping down your throat. I still have this everytime I swallow, but the amount differs a lot from day to day. Also, I still have the headache albeit pretty mildly. Mostly it is on the left side above my eye, but sometimes it moves towards the middle or right side...

At first I didn't think much of it and I went to the doctor after a day or 10. He told me it is a slight inflammation of the sinus and gave me a cortison nasal spray and anti-histamine pills because most likely it was brought on by allergies.

After using the spray for a couple of days, I started to have way more post-nasal drip so I thought it was working. Finally all this slime was 'coming loose' and was being transported out of my sinusses. The headache decreased a bit as well.

Unfortunately, it never passed completely. We are now 6 months further and the symptoms still persist. Sometimes I have a week with almost no headaches, and then a week with more severe headache (although it never becomes really severe).

In the meanwhile I have been to the doctor 6 times. I have used many different nasal sprays and have even used a 10-day course of anti-biotics.

A couple of times I have stopped using anything whatsoever and after a week or 2 started a nasal spray again. Everytime this resulted in more severe post-nasal drip for a day or 2 so it seems to something at least. Unfortunately, it never passes completely.

I am also taking vitamins, garlic/fishoil supplements, camiomille tea everyday, have tried steambaths, used saline nosesprays, etc. 

I have no idea anymore what's going on. Luckily the headache is not severe and I can live with the slight post-nasal drip, but things are just not going away. I've asked the doctor (several different ones) if it also can be a sign of anything more serious. All of them still stick to the diagnosis '(chronic) sinusitis' and say it cannot be anything like a tumor or something. Probably they are right. Nevertheless, I'm still kinda anxious about the fact that my body doesn't seem to be able to resolve this on its own.

Anyone has any idea what else i might be? Is there anything else I can try myself to get rid of it? Anyone with a similar experience?

Thanks so much!

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I've had this in the past. The sinus headache was very painful. I used a sinus wash. It's not pleasant but it works. Perhaps read up on it online to see if you think it might help?

    could be triggered by allergy---have you acquired a pet? Used different aerosols? Bought feather pillows? There's a lot of possibilities and it's a process of elimination. 

  • Posted

    Hello, I have been experiencing a headache that dosent feel like a normal headache (it's hard to explain) accompanied with feeling foggy and tired. I have been experiencing this for about 10 months now. I have the headaches in the front part of my brain in my forehead and my eyes feel like they have a bit of a headache as well.

    My doctor has looked in my nose a couple of times and said my sinuses were inflammed. I have wondered if my headache was sinus related because our sinuses do go up into our forehead area I think.

    I have never really had problems with headaches before or allergies but I did testing when I was a kid and was diagnosed with an allergy to dust mites which is not uncommon. I have found out that there is a blood test you can do to find food allergies, perhaps that will be useful?

    Do you feel tired or out of it at all? I have and it's been messing with my daily life...sad

  • Posted

    Hi definitely doesn't sound like cluster headaches as these occur in vey definitely spells. Maybe 4 very definitely headaches in 24 know when you're having a cluster headaches because you scream your head off ,contort and want to jump in front of the nearest bus to escape the pain.... this sounds like maybe a tension headache...I strongly believe that most headaches occur result of either stress or dehydration..forget the diet may sound flippant but drink plenty and try some deep breathing relaxation techniques
  • Posted

    I agree with you. Stress is the worst thing compared to anything else for our bodies. I think enough water and breathing exercizes are a very smart thing to do! Good luck, I'm sorry about your pain.

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