Light headed
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So for the past 3 or 4 weeks I keep getting randomly light headed and feeling like I might faint. It just comes out of the blue and usually happens when I'm sitting down for some reason. I'll just be sitting there and suddenly I feel really light headed and like I'm about to faint, my vision gets kind of blurry and I get shaky and turn pale and my heart starts pounding really fast. It usually passes in a minute or two. Today it happened while I was still in bed I'd woke up early and was trying to go back to sleep, I opened my eye's and felt extremely light headed and thought I might pass out.
Could anxiety be the cause of all of this? I haven't been to the doctor as I don't have insurance and can't really afford it. I've been pretty anxious lately and the light headedness has made it 100x worse because I never know when one of these episodes will happen so I'm constantly nervous and worried that it's going to happen. Has anyone experienced anything like this? Could anxiety even cause you to feel like you're going to faint after just waking up while lying in bed?
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jan34534 kade25605
Yes, stress and anxiety can cause all sorts of symptoms including lightheadedness, fainting us, dizziness, blurred vision, and many more. None of them are harmful including a racing heart. That is caused by adrenaline which will eventually fade away.
i know how scary it can feel and the key is to try and relax your mind as much as possible. The more we get stressed out about the symptoms, the more we will have them.
It’s a good idea to learn deep breathing for anxiety because that will relax everything down a bit and lower the heart rate. You can find all kinds of great meditations for anxiety and breathing on YouTube. I do this every night before I go to sleep and sometimes during the day. There are all kinds of great talks about anxiety also.
when you feel faint before getting out of bed, get up very slowly and sit at the edge of your bed first so you can feel stable before getting up. then do some long slow deep breathing.
there is in some communities free or low cost counseling. it’s a good idea to get to the cause of your anxiety so that you can work it out with somebody who can help. many churches offer free counseling. you’re going to be OK! ❤
kade25605 jan34534
Thank you for responding. It feels good just to talk with someone who understands what I'm going through. I appreciate the suggestions, I will look up meditation videos on Youtube. The weird thing bout my light headed spell this morning is that it didn't happen as I was getting out of bed or standing up, I was literally just laying there and I opened my eyes to check the clock and I was extremely light headed. This has really turned my life upside down, I had one of these light headed spells while riding in the car and now I'm scared to travel in a car, I don't dare drive at all and over the weekend I was going for a ride with my parents and 5 minutes after we left we had to turn around and go back because I became extremely nervous and my heart was racing, I thought I was going to have a panic attack, or maybe I did have one. I've always been a worrier and somewhat anxious person, but nothing like this. A month ago I was mostly fine, I just want my life back.
jan34534 kade25605
sorry to hear that. When you start to worry about a racing heart, that’s the time to use the proper breathing technique because it slows down the heart rate. You could practice it .
if you start to feel as though you may panic, another thing on YouTube is a panic talk down on there. You can search for " Panic attack talk down " and choose one of the meditations. They will talk to you to help you get rid of the panic attack. You can even use this when you are just feeling extremely anxious.