Light headedness
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I've hit my year without the dreaded monthly. My issue now is that I get light headed and feel off balance (usually in the morning) . It feels like maybe my blood sugars are low. I had my sugars tested in August at my physical and I'm ok. Does anyone else have this problem?
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samantha_12886 lori93618
I feel for you as I have been suffering from dizziness and being off balance at times . I have researched this and unfortunately it's yet another of the terrible symptoms to add to the huge list that i am already experiencing . It seems as one system goes another rears its head . I just hope for a day that I feel like me . 😊
angie58226 lori93618
Yes, it's very common. This is the reason that I checked out this forum, because of this symptom. I have a lot of the dreaded symptoms but this one was really bothering me. A lot of the ladies on past discussions here were describing the exact same scenario that I was feeling. I feel it most in the morning or when there are pressure changes from hot to cold or visa versa. Especially going into air conditioned places was the worst. I think there is a slight connection to anxiety as well. Sometimes I don't feel anxious when it happens but in looking back at the situation at the time there is usually a trigger of some sort. I had remembered my yoga/meditation teacher saying the very deep pranayama breathing helped her. I do that as soon as it starts and it really helps. Also knowing now that this is another menopause symptom really has eased my mind and it doesn't seem to be as severe. Today I have another symptom that comes and goes with hormone fluctuations. It's a burning tongue. I don't get it very often just once in a blue moon. Oh the joys, lol. But truthfully this forum has really helped me. Just knowing others are experiencing the same thing has really eased my overthinking brain. Look back at some of the discussions on this particular discussion and you will see what I mean. Hope this helps
angie58226 lori93618
Also, google The Perimenopause Blog. One of the other ladies on here posted that sight as well. It's very interesting and helpful.
pinkcatfairy lori93618
lynda20916 lori93618
In addition to breathing, you might be dehydrated. One needs at least 64 ounces of water or other liquids per day. Many folks start each day a little dehydrated. That's what helped my dizziness, making sure I had enough water, daily. xx
Suki_girl lori93618
lori93618 Suki_girl
Yes I know because I've had a lot of them. Mine feel like blood sugars dropping.
Indifferent lori93618
Google the "Epley Maneuver"
What is happening is that the crystals in your ears move out of where they should be. To get them back in place you can use your bed and a pillow and the employ maneuver which will solve that problem almost instantly. I think as we get older we are more prone to this happening. Peri must weaken various areas of our bodies.
This is a symptom yes, but not necessarily of just peri. I have always gotten this with the change of seasons for some reason, spring and fall.
There are videos on youtube that will show you how to clear up your vertigo with the employ maneuver and most times it works. It it doesn't it is because you started on the wrong side
Scou lori93618
I have had this for 2 years now. My obgyn says it's not related to menopause even thou I showed her the list of symthoms she was adamant it's not. I can't stand the dizziness and balance issues I've gone to several diff dr and even looked into crystals in the ears as someone on here mentioned. I've just started bio indentical hormones and I can already see a deminish in hot flashes and moodiness. The dizziness however hasn't improved but still praying it does. Let us know if you find something that helps
Suki_girl lori93618
It is called benign positional vertigo. I had it some years ago. It is due to debris in the fluid of the semicircular canals interfering with the small detection hairs inside. As I was walking it felt like the pavement was moving under my feet. It just went away on its own. You can do the Epley Manoever but it doesn't always work. It should clear up on its own with time.
However, this doesn't sound like what Lori has got if she says it feels like her blood sugar is getting low. It sounds more like she is experiencing dizziness and feeling a bit faint. Dizziness is different to vertigo. This is perfectly normal for menopause and hopefully should pass. Make sure you don't get up too quick!