Light Periods and abdominal bloating

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I am 40 years old for the past 6 months I have started having abdominal bloating, nausea, needing to urinate frequently and wake up 2 times a night to go to wee and my periods are very light. I only spot for about a day and half. I have also put some weight on at least an extra stone and half. 

I have done a pregnancy test just in case that came back negative. Even though I was steralised 7 years ago but thought I had better make sure. 

Can anyone help?  neutral

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    I agree typical symptoms of the menapouse  id say. Keep looking on hear and asking any more questions as loads of us on hear to support you.


  • Posted

    I'm jealous. Id be elated if I could go into menopause. I've been praying for it since age 12
    • Posted

      Awww dear, i presume youve had a bad time of it with your periods then?  How old are you now and whats happening with you?


  • Posted

    I'm 44 (yikes :-) i started my period when I was 11. They have always been very heavy and long usually lasting 7-9 days. When I was 40 I had fibroids removed because of hemorrhage bleeding and bleeding for months at a time. It's no longer that heavy or long but back to just regular heavy and long 7-9 days. So I'm so jealous of people with light go no periods. But I do hope you get your worries about yours resolved. 😀
    • Posted

      That sounds dreadful hun. My friend was the same as you always bleeding heavily she said it was debilitating for her. Thinking of you, xxx

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