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Anyone experience Lightheaded feeling in Perimenopause?

how u overcome this scary stymtom ?

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    I do become Lightheaded. It comes and goes and it is unpredictable.

    As soon as I get the feeling I try to drink a lot of water and if I feel like I can- I try to move. I am being careful of course - move only if you feel it is safe- but I try to walk, even if it is just around the house. I try to ignore it as much as I can- I try the ignoring thing with lots of my symptoms.

    It is an awful feeling. For me the above mentioned things help somewhat. Not always but still.

    I truly hope you feel better soon!

    • Posted

      Thanks mam

      will try to have water .


      hope this phase wil pass soon and we all r back to ouself soon.

  • Posted

    yes ive had it since i was 41 and am now 52 its so awful especially if youre out at the market ... i also get it in the car too

  • Posted

    hi I do as well I have something to eat and a cup of tea and sit down for a while it was a bit scary at first but dont let it bother me now I just say to myself another symptom of the menopause.

    • Posted

      Thanks for reply mam

      yes its scary for me too..feel like i will fall 😭

      will try ur tip


  • Posted

    have you tried to check your BP whilst you feel lightheaded ..

    • Posted

      helloo Hardev

      when harmones started to fluctuate from last year my BP is sky hight at that time..dr gave Bp medicines.....having medicine daily for BP.

      and i check bp when i feel lightheaded..its little high than normal .

      i think as harm9nrs fluctuate it make me dizzy and light hearded.

      Dr gave me Vertigo tablets.

      Lets see how it will work

      i wish this peri will soon be over


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