Lightheadedness, dizzyness, foggy head, off balance everyday!
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I have suffered with the above for months now and its getting no better, I have been working today and my lightheadedness, dizzy etc is worse does anyone else have the same when they work!
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Babz36 paulette1966
paulette1966 Babz36
Babz36 paulette1966
paulette1966 Babz36
Babz36 paulette1966
paulette1966 Babz36
Babz36 paulette1966
fifi3434 Babz36
DizzyDarren paulette1966
The only time I feel better is when I am at home in the warm with my feet up on the couch watching mindless TV and having no work or stressy stuff filling up my head.
Basically I try to thoroughly rest my brain during the evening so it's more usable during the day.
Like Babz I was given Amytriptalene and Betahistamine. They give you Amytriptalene because they think we get tension headaches. But that is not what we got. We've got a foggy head becuase of the vertigo. They give you Betahistamine becuase it's meant surpress the dizzy feeling but it never worked for me. I haven't popped these pills for ages now.
I think the key is not to over exert yourself and to get plenty of relaxing rest.
Wendl DizzyDarren
Hope we ALL feel better soon.
johnnynotdizzy DizzyDarren
did you ever sort out your dizziness? I had dizziness for 7 years - just woke up with it one morning and it NEVER went away, although some days were worse than others. I had MRI's, blood tests, neurological tests, hearing tests, loads of meds - the lot. Then I found a Consultant in Leicester who claimed he could fix it. He listened to me explain my symptoms for 20 minutes (looking completely bored the entire time) then said "I just want to do a quick test if that's ok". He performed a very simple test and said "I know what is wrong with you and can fix it now" - I obviously didn't believe him and thought - "yeah, right!"
He fixed it in 5 minutes - I stood up, looked around the room and burst in to tears (I was 42 and married with two kids - and definitely not an emotional person).
I know everyone is different and maybe it's not the same thing - but if you're interested get in touch.
p.s. I'm not some muppet looking for cash or anything - and if I can help people get over what I suffered for 7 years then that would be awesome.
heaston1974 johnnynotdizzy
johnnynotdizzy heaston1974
I had BPPV - I had it undiagnosed for 7 years and it was dreadful.
I had it eventually diagnosed and treated simply with something called an Epley Manouvre. It fixed it very effectively. Google both BPPV and Epley Manouvre.
Hope this helps.
heaston1974 johnnynotdizzy
johnnynotdizzy heaston1974
did you check out the videos and research on the web?
if you think the symptoms match yours, try and find a local specialist who can treat the problem and train you how to manage it if it happens again - alternatively get a friend to help you try it at home.
good luck and out us know how you get on.
sarah55997 DizzyDarren
engy29162 johnnynotdizzy
johnnynotdizzy engy29162
engy29162 johnnynotdizzy
johnnynotdizzy engy29162
Every now and then the crystals in my ears move and causes the 'spaced out' and things 'not quite right' feeling - but because I know what it is, it doesn't worry me like it used to. Now I can quickly and easily put the crystals back on my own, at home, using something called the Epley Manouvre which the clinic taught me (you can see this on-line).
I had the condition for 7 years before it was diagnosed, following years of numerous tests and anxiety. It NEVER went away and was a constant worrying distraction for me. I always felt off balance, and out of sorts - as my brain was constantly trying to compensate for the imbalance (known as BPPV). Even when they fixed it (which literally took about 10 minutes - seriously) I had to undergo rehab therapy (which is basically a simple head exercise program) to teach my brain that it no longer had to try and compensate for my vestibular balance system.
My advice - Google it, see if you have similarities, and get the right help.
7 years was a long time to be worried about something that turned out to be easily fixed - once it was diagnosed that is!
Good luck and let me know how you get on.
engy29162 johnnynotdizzy
johnnynotdizzy engy29162
it's no bother and hope I can help!
My symptoms happened over night - I woke up one morning feeling dizzy, light headed / off balance and it never went away for 7 years.
i saw lots of doctors, had scans, MRI's, blood tests when it first happened and they could not find out what was wrong. By GP said because there was nothing serious showing up with the tests, I should 'stop worrying about it and get on with life'. Easier said than done I promise you.
years later, having had the condition for almost 7 years, I was taken ill and rushed it to hospital because I had chest pains (turned out to be nothing serious) and a young doctor was asking me lots of questions. He asked if I felt dizzy at all and I said "no more than usual, but that's normal for me" . He replied "that's not normal for anyone and referred me to a balance/vertigo specialist".
The specialist sat and listened to me ramble on about all my symptoms over the last 7 years (he actually looked bored for about 20 minutes of listening to me, and I thought "this is going to be a waste of time"
. When I finished he said "I think I know what's wrong with you, and just need to perform a quick test" - he then sat me on the edge of a bed, tilted my head at an angle and made me lie back very quickly - and the room started to spin - all the time he was looking very closely at my eyes. Then he said" yes, I know exactly what it is and can fix it now" and he did. I was utterly shocked. 5 minutes later I sat up and everything felt weird (my brain was still trying to compensate for 7 years of being off balance) - I then had a simple exercise program to follow for three weeks, and eventually everything went back to normal.
it took me 7 years - because GP's didn't really understand what it was, and nothing was showing up on the scans.
I really hope that you have BPPV - because it can be easily fixed with the right treatment. I still have problems now and then when the crystals in my ears move out of place, but as I said, I can now manage that at home on my own in about 10 minutes.
please google BPPV, the treatment and look for people who specialise in it.
as for sweating and anxiety, I did sometimes get anxious and sweaty in really busy environments, but that was because it felt like my brain was going in to overdrive trying to deal with everything whilst I was off balance.
keep in touch and let me know how you get on.
johnnynotdizzy engy29162
P.s. Does the ground feel wobbly when you walk, like you have to concentrate really hard or you might fall over?
Do busy supermarkets make it worse, and corridors feel like they're not straight?.?.?.?.?.?
engy29162 johnnynotdizzy
philippa_67235 johnnynotdizzy
Hi johnnynotdizzy!
iv just joined this forum as for nearly 2 years iv been experiencing symptoms such as brain fog, rapid eyes , delay on focusing on things, general detached feeling and uneasy feeling, my ears feel like they have pressure in them too but not always. I'm wondering if you could let me know the name of Your consultant in Leicester hospital? I googled and came up with Peter Rea? I'm desparate to get this resolved and feel like my head is not wrapped in cotton wool constantly. Would be so greatful for your reply and are you ok now??
lovestorun johnnynotdizzy
I read your post and must say I am very interested in learning about whtat the doctor did to fix your dizziness. I am quite new to all this and am sick of it already. Thanks for any information you are will to provide.
rocksolid lovestorun
andy29848 johnnynotdizzy
hi johnnynotdizzy do you have any advice as I've been dizzy and lightheaded for a few years
bhanugarg johnnynotdizzy
Hi I can you tell me more about this doctor please. I am looking to help a friend who's been suffering with a similar problem for over a year now. Please reply.
don40402 johnnynotdizzy
Please tell me what the doctor did - I have been suffering for years and I can't continue like this anymore. It seems to be getting worse not better.
I'm in Cape Town, South Africa but would really appreciate the doctors details as I'm desperate.
Thanking you in advance!
rocksolid don40402
kathy35910 johnnynotdizzy
brittany_74425 johnnynotdizzy
wesleyncfd johnnynotdizzy
Help let me know please. This felling has been going on for 3yrs now. I'm willing to listen, please help.