Lightheadedness never ending!
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I’m 54 and post menopausal. Starting having lightheadedness a few months ago and just generally feeling woozy and no energy. Had full blood count, thyroid and ferritin blood tests..all came back no further action required. Doc also gave me blast of high dose Vit D.
Then in last week or so feel like it’s got worse and anxiety has kicked in where I feel panicky not knowing what’s wrong. This then escalated to discomfort in chest and palpitations and a trip to A&E feeling like I was having a heart attack! Anyway long story short and a visit to a cardiologist my hearts fine (phew!)but that doesn’t solve my lightheadedness issues!
Then I researched Vit B12 deficiency and my symptoms are very similar. I thought as my doc did my Ferritin blood test that he might of thought to do B12 too! I called surgery and they said my ferritin level was 59..this is on low side as range is 50-150. Does anyone know if that’s considered low enough to be experiencing my symptoms? Also if my ferritin is considered normal could I still be deficient in B12?
Thinking I need to get doc to get me a B12 test.
Failing that are any of you post menopausal ladies experiencing this horrible feeling on a daily basis and have you found any relief? My periods stopped 18 months ago but guess we can go on getting symptoms for years! Joy!!!
I do wonder if a lot of this is do to with anxiety. 😩 another symptom of menopause!
Just want to feel normal and energetic!
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metamorphed debbie04643
hi debbie
saying that this continues post menopause fills me with dread! Are you taking magnesium for anxiety? I'm not sure if your blood tests would show this but magnesium in powder form in a glass of water is calming on the system. it is good for lots of things but it calms my anxiety down which is half the battle!
debbie04643 metamorphed
Oh I’m sorry! I’ve been told symptoms last beyond yes but not for all I’m sure and although I’m blaming menopause it may not be the cause!
Yes I’m taking magnesium glycinate..not sure it’s helping to be honest!
angie58226 metamorphed
anetta94863 metamorphed
angie58226 debbie04643
karen66219 debbie04643
What you are describing, the light-headedness, heart palpitations, pain in chest, and anxiety sound an awful lot like a panic attack.
I had one so bad I also went to the Dr. thinking I was having a heart attack. They told me that there was nothing wrong with my heart. I had a couple of more and then made an appointment with my GP insisting that it was my heart. I would also get this squeezing feeling in my chest. She ran an EKG and told me the same heart problems. It turned out my anxiety had become unmanageable in peri and was escalating to panic attacks. Fun huh? Sigh.
debbie04643 karen66219
Yes I think it was too.. I’m just lightheaded a lot of the time and wonder if that could still be anxiety or B12 deficient.
How do you manage your anxiety and have you had anymore attacks?
karen66219 debbie04643
My panic attacks became so bad that I ended up going on a low dose of Prozac to control them. They were completely interfering with my life. After being on the Prozac for around 10 days they stopped..thank goodness!
pinkcatfairy debbie04643
Im 54 too and post menopause, symptoms have settled down but I still get the odd one popping up. I sometimes get a little light headed if I turn my head quickly and a few months ago I had a few episodes of feeling off balance, I think still post menopause we will still get symptoms of one sort or another, the other day out of the blue I had a hot flash (no sweating) but felt hot from tip to toe , I havent experienced any for some time but it went as quick as it came! X
debbie04643 pinkcatfairy
CarolKelso debbie04643
Oh Debbie... I hear you. I rushed myself to a&e with the same breathing ing problem . So. Embarrassed as nothing wrong..Long story short.. . I'm on magnesium, vitamins bdc and tuneric for join pain... I've had all the same symptoms but hey have eased... Get the supplements in an rest well... As little stress as possible and keep posting here for support... You ate not alone xx. CK
debbie04643 CarolKelso
Do you suffer with lightheadedness too?
CarolKelso debbie04643