Lipase elevated

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My Lipase was 100 2 weeks ago. now two weeks later it is 44. My nausea and diarrhea is still just as bad. Pain in my upper right abdomen. I have had many stool cultures that have all came back normal for parasites and other issues such as e-coli. I am a diabetic and take Metformin to help control my blood sugars. Does anyone know why my Lipase would change so quickly?

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Did you have an issue with your pancreas?

    • Posted

      I will be having an MRI of my pancreas, gall bladder and liver, I have had an ultrasound and the only thing that was found was a polyp in my gallbladder. So hopefully the MRI will show better detail of what is going on.

  • Posted

    The pancreas produces insulin and when you have diabetes, either the pancreas doesn't produce insulin at all, it is poor quality it, or doesn't make enough of it. Maybe it is something to do with that. Ask you doctor.

  • Posted

    Hi Nanren

    Fluctuating pancreatic enzymes, in this instance, lipase may indicate a problem with the pancreas, but it is no use speculating, wait until you have the MRI scan which will show any problems...

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