Livial/ a quandary

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Hi ladies... I'm here again...out of sheer frustration, as the title says, in a quandary. Is now three months I've been on Livial & I don't know if it's really agreeing with me...even though some symptoms have eased...everyday I have varying levels of wooziness, swimmy drunk feeling in my head & sometimes have what feels like weird flushy weakness sensations that go through me....not to mention the low blood sugar feelings which makes going out whether for a meal or shopping etc next to near impossible....I'm just not feeling this the Livial? I thought taking any form of HRT should make you feel well & stop any ill feeling. I'll be seeing my Dr soon so I'll be asking a few questions. Any ladies on Livial feel the same? Should I stop? I'm so over living like this & worried I'll never feel well & stable again. How do you cope? 

Thanks Ladies, take care

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Dear NuttyNan, I can't help or advise you on this but as a fellow anxiety / meno sufferer im just saying I'm thinking of you and sorry you're still having such a hard time. Hoping you get some answers soon, love Lou xx
    • Posted

      Hi how are you, hope you're keeping well. Yes, anxiety...that was suggested to me, might be that that's causing my headiness etc & other weird feelings. I'm thinking all sorts just wondering & trying to find answers. Thought I was fairly relaxed but apparently anxiety doesn't always show as being in an uptight/upset state...can all be internal, mind thoughts you may know. I'm now seeing a counsellor, here's to everything eventually settling. 

      Take Care xo

  • Posted

    Hi there, yes have to say I did also expereince some whoopsy weird feelings, also heart palpitations and a little indigestion; however I started to bleed heavily 2nd time in 5 or 6 months so have stopped until I see the Dr tomorrow - other symptoms have not returned but I did find this medication amazing and hope I can resume it soon. There is a lady on another post who I have noticed wrote 'it is normal to bleed on hrt' so will see tomorrow?

    I found my appetite decreased and I have lost some weight, but that has gone now - wait a little longer these are pretty powerful drugs and our bodies do need time to adjust. For me the positive outweigh all the ghastly symptoms I was having.  Good Luck NNsmile 

    • Posted

      Hi how are you? How long were you on Livial? could it take longer for it to take full effect...I'll try to be patient LoL & hopefully the woozy wonkies will go away! All the best when you see your Dr.

      Thanks for your reply, take care 😊


  • Posted

    Please forgive me nuttynan as I am nowhere where you are at but for what it's worth tge first thing that comes up in Goo gle when I search lival

    Side-effects of lival ..

    Side-effects are uncommon but may include headachedizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, swollen feet and itching. Breast tenderness is also uncommon.. Slight bleeding or spotting may commonly occur initially but tends to subside after a few months.

    • Posted

      Hi how are you? Thankyou for replying, I haven't had the side effects you've mentioned, only the woozy head thing & was thinking it was the Livial but will as the Dr...I've also thought it might be my BP meds making me funny in the head too...mind you, I've been funny in the head for years! LOL meno might have robbed of some things but not my humour😀 is all confusing as to what might be causing what...

      Take Care

  • Posted

    Hi NuttyNan I don't have a lot of time at the moment to go into detail just wanted to tell you the following.

    I've had that off balance wooziness since March last year plus lots of other symptoms including anxiety & very low mood all caused I'm told by fluctuating hormones.

    I've tried a few different HRTs but couldn't stay on them long enough to see if they'd help due to side effects

    I was on livial for 6 months, my GP prescribed it because he thought it may help if you can't tolerate regular HRTs

    Gyno took me off it in December as she dosnt like it and said it can make anxiety worse

    She prescribed estrodot 25 patch and utrogestan - natural progesterone 1x daily. Don't know if it's working yet as I feel pretty much the same apart from maybe the anxiety has lessened and insomnia not as bad

    Still off balance but ENT has diagnosed me with vistibular migraine which may be brought on by menopause

    I know how frustrated you feel with this wooziness I have it everyday, motion affects me therefore no intimacy with my husband which is causing me a lot of anxiety

    I have an appointment to go to this morning so don't have much time but hopefully speak to you soon

    Take care X


  • Posted

    Hi NN,

    ive been having the wooziness, off balance and weird head feeling very strongly for last two days...wondering too if due to bp meds ? i also have a partially blocked nose and so wondering if its due to that....went to doc - said bp is ok but he has started lying too coz of the frequency of my going there !!



  • Posted

    Oh dear, not on HRT so cant really say properly, except to say, i do know people who have gone on HRT, dont know the type, and they had to switch because of how poorly it made them..................maybe go back to your dr tell him how its been m making you feel, and ask can it be changed!! thats really the best advice i can give at mo..............sorry its not working right for you at mo, hope it gets better, dont leave it too long to change,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,xx 
  • Posted

    Hi Ladies, replying to myself LOL Update about this wooziness, it's the Livial! It has increased my BP...I haven't taken it for a second day & the wooziness had eased off but still not feeling too crash hot due to increased BP. Drs always say you can cant feel high BP, sorry, but I certainly do. I'll be going to my new Dr in the next couple days to discuss this, the Dr I saw previous...the one who said Livial was ok for me even though he knew I was on BP meds...never told me anything about it hiking up my I've spent 3mths wondering why I was feeling weird, woozy n crappy, now to get my BP down again not impressed Doc! 😡 I'll continue my BP meds but ditch the Livial, might consider a specific women's 50+ multivitamin. Anyone feeling the same, please consider any sort of HRT you may be on that might be causing it.

    Take Care Lovelies

    • Posted

      Morning NuttyNan, sorry to hear about your BP problems - seems to me that a lot of ladies here have side effects from HRT another reason I'm glad I don't take it although I know for some it's a miracle and makes them feel so much better. Yes definatley see another doctor and get this sorted, I feel weird at times aswell woozy and wobbly but not all the time, usually mornings are the worst but I'm trying to drink more water without drowning in the stuff ! for multivitamins i have tried them all, went into H and B and they are very good in there and seem to know their stuff, I have to be careful with iodine as im on thyroxine so am restricted on certain supplements, can't take menopace for example as it has iodine but the B vits are ok. I take cod liver oil, feroglobin ( contains tiny amount of iodine and did check with pharmacist ) fizzy vit C and Osetocare, I did take a few others but got fed up with swallowing so many things ! Hope you feel better soon and get the BP sorted, hugs Lou xx
    • Posted

      Istn that terrible, but good on you for changing your dr, of course you can feel when your BP is up, like you know when its gone too low as well, covering his own back their maybe, good on you seeing a new dr.

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