Living with allergies is causing depression / health issues
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Need some help as I am really unsure what to do.
So my partner of 6 years recently bought a cat (2 years ago) of which I had no say, I didn't want one because I was allergic. We lived in a house back then and the cat was an outdoor cat, so it was rarely in the house. My allergies where there / noticablable but manageable, thought we'd give it a go seeing as it was already home and hope I could get use to it.
4 months ago though we moved into a small flat and now the cat is stuck indoors.
It's hell. Everyday I wake up with headaches (all day!), congestion 24/7. Sleep problems due to blocked nose / phelgm on my chest and throat. Breathing probems, just wheezy and I am sure this is due to my phelgm building up. I am just shattered constantly. Every 5 minutes I have to run the toliet to cough up phelgm (sorry it's horrible I know).
I feel horrible constantly and it's really affecting my motivation to do anything. I struggle to exercise with the breathing and dizziness, the mornings are 10 times worse as it's build up over night. Work is a hell of a struggle at the moment with the headaches, congestion and dizziness, though I do get better ish after about 6/7 hours out the house.
I am currently on 6 weeks of antibiotics because my neck has swollen right up (has been swollen for around 6 months now!) and getting scans done this week to see what's causing it - though to me its obvious.
I am only 25! gah! - I have been the doctors about it and perscription antihistamines, nasal sprays etc do nothing. They think it's more anxiety / depression now. I am refusing to take antidepressants due to a cat!.
I love my partner, really I do, but I can't cope living like this anymore and I don't want to split up over a freaking cat - we are buying our first house soon. I have spoken to her numerous of times about re-homing the cat but she is doing everything to drag her feet and not part with it.
She is currently giving it to a mate to hold for a few months to see if I get better! The thing is, it'll probably take months for me to get better and I am starting to get seriously worried about long term health impacts that it's having.
Suppose I just wanted to rant more than anything but has anyone got any advice on what to do / how to cope?.
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care4health thomas96833
I'm allergic to cats, so I can relate very well to your problem. I think you wrote about it a month ago or so, or was it someone else?
Anyway cat allergy is a very serious and annoying problem, however can be easily fixed. There is no meds for it, antihistamies won;t help you so the very only thing you can and you MUST do is either get rid of the cat or move out. There is no other way.
If your partner can't understand it, than maybe you shouldn't be together.
Allergies can worsen so from a simple cat allergy you can develop breathing problems and so on. Get rid of it!
GeorgiaS thomas96833
I suggest that while the cat's away have a really good clean of the house to get rid of any hairs because you're probably recover quickly if you get rid of all traces of the allergen.
All the best with it; it's a horrible problem! By the way I agree with the prevoius comment; if she chooses the cat over you it's time to move on.
GeorgiaS thomas96833
harriet67221 GeorgiaS
I am in the same boat if it is any consolation. I hope you do not mind my writing as this is an old post. How are you doing?
GeorgiaS harriet67221
Hi Harriet,
I'm not allergic to cats but I am allergic to dust mites and other things so I know how horrible allergies can be. I'm doing ok though thanks.
Are you allergic to cats?
harriet67221 GeorgiaS
It gets me down bigtime!! Never mind, have to keep going.
GeorgiaS harriet67221
I know what you mean.
One of the worst things for me is perfumes/aftershaves etc because it really isolates me. I can't go anywhere near most people. When my shopping is delivered I have to ask the people to stand way back, put the shopping down outside and let me take the shopping out.
I'd like to take a yoga or tai chi class or something to I'm getting out but I can't do anything that involves other people. Is that the same for you?
eileen31681 GeorgiaS
eileen31681 GeorgiaS
Just getting some details about allergy testing for someone when I saw your message.
Theere are various allergy testng centres in London and elsewhere. Many are NHS ones. They sound really thorough.
GeorgiaS eileen31681
Thanks! I've got an allergy testing kit that I haven't used yet. I must dig it out.
My doctor said they don't do allergy testing on the NHS when I asked him; perhaps he meant his practice no longer sends people for testing.
eileen31681 GeorgiaS
The GP is mistaken in saying that they do not do allergt testing under the NHS. If you google allergy testing in the NHS you will see various hospitals have professors of alleries and immunology. Try the major teaching hospitals first. If out of your area then perhaps you could phone up and ask the pa to the allergy consultant of shhe knows of any local to tou.
We are not allowed to put links on this forum. Happy New Year.
Can you google sulphite sensitivities please. There is also an organisation with the word allergies in the title.
There is also allergies campaign. if yougoogle allergies to milk there are lots of links that come up.
My dr hs referredme to a professor of allergy under the NHS.
GeorgiaS eileen31681
Happy New Year Eileen!
I think my doctor's restricted in what his practice will allow him to do. I asked for a referral to an online CBT course and he looked into it but said he couldn't because it would cost £200. I couldn't do it without his referral.
I think different practices allow certain budgets for certain things.
I just go by whatever gives me symptoms, such as palpitations, anxious feelings, hot flushes etc but it'd be nice to pinpoint all the sensitivities.
eileen31681 GeorgiaS
I looked at one advertised on this forum and it was a free Mindfullness course of five weeks . if it pops up again I will take the details. All the best
GeorgiaS eileen31681
I took a free Mindfulness course with futurelearn. It was pretty good.
I wouldn't want to do CBT now I know more about it. I suffer from ME and I just wouldn't have the motivation required. Mindfulness is better for me.
eileen31681 GeorgiaS
GeorgiaS eileen31681
claire46793 GeorgiaS
claire46793 GeorgiaS
I am a newbie so will make this brief if that is okay.
I saw your posting and was wondering which herbs help you.
Some people recommend camolmile tea- sorryI can spell that word!
Have you ever tried it and if you have was it helpful at all?
GeorgiaS claire46793
Lol I'm drinking it right now!
It's very calming and also it promotes endorphins, the body's natural painkiller and a hormone that elevates moods. Seeing as stress is a major cause of many health conditions or at least it exasperates them it's an excellent herb.
Welcome to the forums!
claire46793 GeorgiaS
I am having a bad day with this anxiety. However the forum is helpng me.
GeorgiaS claire46793
That's good, you're not alone. Passion Flower is a good herb for anxiety.
claire46793 GeorgiaS
GeorgiaS claire46793
That's good! I hope it helps you. I love Passion Flower. You could also think about buying a couple of calming essential oils. Diffusers are good,and sometimes I rub the oils into the soles of my feet where the pores are large and they are absobed well, like tea tree oil for my candida.
When I'm using them for moods I put a few drops on my top so I'm breathing them in all day.
thomas96833 GeorgiaS
Sorry just seen this thread!.
Passionflower is brilliant for calming your mind, I take the tablets twice a day from Holland and Barrett. I also use Valerian root + passionflower at night to help with sleep. I have had better luck with it than any prescription meds so far. It just gives me 5/6 hours of perfect calmness, it's bliss.
As for diffusers - lavender works wonders to calm your nerves / body.
If you suffer from Anxiety - Don't try St Johns Wort. I tried it and it triggered massive panic attacks that lasted all day and night. My mood increased but my god I was so shaky and breathless. (Might be just me, but it is a side effect listed) took about 3 days to level out after stopping
As for the allergies, the GP no longer does them. I went to see an ENT who done blood tests and patch tests at the hospital. Turned out it was a cat allergy (urine, dander and saliva) causing all my sinus problems.
However, 6 months on and I am still struggling (the cat was rehomed sadly after getting infection after infection). Turns out, anxiety can also cause congestion and sinus problems mainly through reflux. Got a diagnosis of LPR (reflux irritating your throat). Taking Sertraline to reduce the anxiety and hoping in turn it helps the sinus problems. Seems a long shot to me really!
Hope this helps.
claire46793 thomas96833
Thomas did anyone prescribe anything for your reflux. I have it and today I am in agony.
thomas96833 claire46793
Happy new year's!
Nothing sadly, got told it was silent reflux and it'll calm once the anxiety does. Visicious circle. Got gavison but it hasn't done a lot. I still have reflux 24/7. Just bought some zantac to see if that works, but so far nothing has.
Learnt to manage it a bit better though, ginger tea and peppermint helps to no end. Also hot water and lemon juice helps as it's a natural antispectic so prevents more infections etc.
Caffeine and chocolate seem to be obvious triggers for me annoyingly.
GeorgiaS thomas96833
I use Barberry tincture when I get heartburn. Sometimes, if it's really bad and stubborn, I'll also use a half a tsp of bicarbonate of soda or apple cider vinegar in water. They make me burb and it seems to relieve the pressure.
GeorgiaS thomas96833
I've never had that from St John's Wort but then we're all different. I also use Valerian for a good night's sleep, wonderful herb.
My doc refused to send me for allergy testing; said they no longer do that.
I have sinus problems and I think it's down to dustmites. I have ME so I'm exhausted and can't steam clean my bed often enough.
claire46793 GeorgiaS
claire46793 GeorgiaS
GeorgiaS claire46793
It's not right that some will refer and others won't but I'm glad you got a referral.
claire46793 GeorgiaS
claire46793 thomas96833
I will try the peppermint and ginger tea. Do you make it yourself?
thomas96833 claire46793
No problem. Same with Gavison as well. Done nothing. Tried ranitidine as well which made no difference. It's not acid reflux which is weird, I have no heart burn or acid stomach, just wind. It's a strange one.
I just buy twinning for the peppermint. I make the ginger myself. It takes about 2 minutes to make and works a lot better I find. Just take a flask to work
It also settles your stomach and calms your nerves. No idea why, but it helps with anxiety for me.
Get some ginger root from Tesco or Asda. Grate a bit into a pan of boiling water. Give it 5 minutes, then strain it into a cup. It's easy and has a strong taste!
Hope this helps.
claire46793 thomas96833
I have to be careful with herbal teas etc due to Long QT syndrome.
The gingertea sounds okay though. I will try that .
Take care.
GeorgiaS thomas96833
I like pukka three ginger tea; it contains organic ginger, galangal and golden turmeric. It's handy to have it in tea bags for when I'm too tired to make tea from fresh ginger.
GeorgiaS claire46793
What's Long QT syndrome Claire?