Living with Hiatus hernia and vagus nerve problems for 30 years

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In 1985 I gave myself a hiatus hernia this was caused while lifting weights but was not actually diagnosed until 1994. In 1985 when I injured myself I was in the Royal Air Force up until this point I considered myself to be quite fit, the first symptom I started experiencing was palpitations especially after over exerting myself from exercise. I went to see the RAF doctor at the time and after experiencing extremely bad chest pain was referred to a military medical specialist this was in 1986 in between I kept on getting the palpitations which was starting to worry me. After my appointment with the specialist he said that I was suffering from a chest virus which was more common in older people. He said it would clear up by itself and advised me to carry on training. So I carried on with my running cycling and I carried on with weight training but used lighter weights as well as sit ups skipping and football. The palpitations carried on I stared to experience other things I had pain in my neck shoulder ache headaches and chest pains.


I left the RAF in 1897 but this symptoms carried on I got a job as a furniture lorry driver which meant lifting and carrying a lot, looking back on it I sometimes wonder how I managed and I cycled back and to work for many years but always had an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach especially under the ribcage I was also suffering from acid indigestion and regurgitation. I was now seeing a German Doctor as the chest pains were more frequent he carried out many tests and sent me to a heart specialist I had a barium test but nothing showed up. Then in 1993 we moved to a new area and the problems I was having were not getting any better I was getting more and more neck pain shoulder pain and pain between my shoulder blades. But my stomach was always very acidy so my house doctor sent me to an internist who gave me my first examination with an endoscope and found that I had a small hiatus hernia this was in 1994. This was the first time that I was put on omeprazol 40mg and have been taking this medication since then. 


The past couple of years my back pain has got a lot worse underneath my shoulder blades my neck my left shoulder sometimes my arm goes numb and now my left breast aches like hell and I now have a lot of pain in my left arm pit. I am in continuous pain right between my shoulder blades and now seem to have an itch that I can’t scratch also in the shoulder blade region.


I have been on an internet form which I have recently come across which discusses the vagus nerve and hiatus hernia this forum seems to cover all the symtoms that I have been experiencing over the past 30 years. I have recently had a medical I am now 52 years old and still refuse to stop doing exercise even though I am now at the end of my tether. The doctor told me that I am still keep myself quite fit, but I am finding this quite hard to keep up. I can’t cycle anymore and running and jogging is out of the question, I walk quite often but it’s more of a march than a walk I do not enjoy it I suppose it’s just self disiplin that makes me do it but for how much longer I don’t know. This forum that I came across seems to have answered the question that I have been asking doctors for many years now. The vagus nerve could be the culprit and is it true that the hiatus hernia presses against this nerve and could therefore be causing most of my symptoms, like I said I am now finding this condition very hard to live with, I am looking for help on how to deal with this medical condition as the doctors I have visited won’t listen to me.

Thank You for your time

Richard Jones

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    Someone else mentioned B12 deficiency from being on the antacid, omeprazole. Please please look into this it can cause serious nerve damage if it progresses too long. Your B12 should be in the upper half of normal, at least 500 or you may be becoming deficient. B12 deficiency causes a wide range of symptoms and many doctors are not aware that antacids can cause it.
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    I would like to thank everyone for their replies to this discussion, it's a big help just to know that this a real problem so many doctors don't appreciate the stress that you are under with this condition. I am at the moment waiting for another gastroscopy it’s been 3 years since my last. I have been under a lot of stress since I have been unemployed and my hernia has been playing me up as well as my psoriatic arthritis. I was given a 40% disability in 2008 but I live in Germany and you don't receive any financial help until you are 60% disabled am trying to get the right to work on a part time basis because of my health but not having much luck... I have been quite depressed and having a lot of ridiculous thoughts trying to keep up a sense of humor not that easy though finding it hard to carry on with any exercise at the moment. I hope all you people who suffer with these long term illnesses are coping in one way or another. I have put myself on a strict diet which involves next to nothing and only eat when I am really hungry. I have to take one Omep 20mg in the mornings can't manage without it. I checked my records and have been on these meds for over 20 years now. I think my nerves have been damaged in some sort of way by these meds. Doctors just don't seem to have any idea will post results of latest  gastroscopy due next month...Good Luck to all of you with HH

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      Hello! I can't believe you have been suffering for 20 years! I have had these symptoms for about two years and feel like I am losing my mind! They found my HH last year, but other than nexium, gave memo real advice or help. It is not getting better. Cardiologist tests were negative, but that was a year and a half ago. I feel like I need more tests. I just turned 50. It is so frustrating!!! Thanks for sharing.

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    Hi welshexport, I also have a hiatus hernia. I treat it as follows with some degree of success. I eat smaller meals. If I get acid reflux I mix a quarter teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in about a third of a glass of water and drink it straight down. Don't let it sit too long as it starts to taste a bit fishy. This will neutralise the pepsin that gets embedded in the osophagus and causes the burning sensation. It also stops the gas forming. (Although you will get gas immediately after drinking the bicarbonate but this quickly passes. When I get gas I'm convinced the expanded stomach presses on the Vagas nerve and makes me feel really queer and I'll. I also have a small exercise trampoline. When my hernia is playing up. I drink a pint of water and immediately bounce up and down on it for a few minutes. The idea being that the weight of water pulls the stomach back bellow the diaphragm where it should be. During a hospital stay for a different hernia op I was in recovery and fitted with a gastric bag. For three days the contents from my stomach showed Amber coloured normal stomach acid and I felt ok. Then on the third morning it turned green and I got the gas and became quite ill. I have since discovered that caffeine relaxes the valve from your stomach to the intestines. This allows bile reflux that mixes with stomach acid and creates gas. Since I stopped all caffeine even decaf I've been a lot better. I found ant-acids to cause worsening of acid reflux in fact I didn't get acid reflux befor I was prescribed omoprozol. Best remedy I found is bicarbonate of soda. Works fast to relieve symptoms. 

    Hope this is some help.

  • Posted

    Dear Welshexport - as a Welshman I will due my duty and help u out. You said 'Then in 1993 we moved to a new area and the problems I was having were not getting any better I was getting more and more neck pain shoulder pain and pain between my shoulder blades. But my stomach was always very acidy so my house doctor sent me to an internist who gave me my first examination with an endoscope and found that I had a small hiatus hernia this was in 1994. This was the first time that I was put on omeprazol 40mg and have been taking this medication since then.  The past couple of years my back pain has got a lot worse underneath my shoulder blades my neck my left shoulder sometimes my arm goes numb and now my left breast aches like hell and I now have a lot of pain in my left arm pit. I am in continuous pain right between my shoulder blades'

    I think you have a cervical vertebrae problem - the usual discs are C5 or C6 or C7. As the discs wear out as we get older they become thiner. As they become thinner they start to iritate the nerves leaving the foramen (which is part of the vertebrae) This nerve root iritation then manefests itself as pain between the shoulder blade The other thing that can happen is this. Because the nerve root is irritated, it also affects the autonomic system (vagal nerve). The nerve roots coming out of each cervical vertebrae (at the foramen) are both sensory and autonomic (vagal) - so the area that is affected is your stomach. I would not be surprised if you were also missing a few hear beats as well. (atrial fib) So to summerise. Nerve root irritation in the neck causes pain in the shoulder blades and increased acid secretion in the stomach. My advice - get an MRI of your neck. All the best (PS - chest pain and deltoid pain -

  • Edited


    I found this very informative. I was diagnosed

    with a hiatus hernia and GORD 7 years ago. I have been taking nexium 40mg all that time with no issue until recently.

    I recently had 2 bouts of gastro with agressive vomiting and a mild chest infection.

    After that i started getting chest pain and a mild pinch in my back. I ended up having what the doctors think was a panic attack and told i have developed anxiety but I'm not sold.

    I've had multiple ECGs and blood test which are clear.

    My back pain has worsened inc. neck stiffness and headaches which i never get. I'm getting random pains, left hand tingling, my left eye keeps dilating and i have buzzing feeling in my chest too.

    I'm wondering if the vomiting has worsened my hernia or I've trapped a nerve in my back but the Dr's shrug it off. I'm seeing a gastroenterologist who is looking into it but he thinks its anxiety too.

    Has anyone had any solution to this issue or suggestions? As I seem to be at the beginning of some of what you describe.

    Any feedback would be much appreciated.

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      If you don't mentally feel anxious (and most people can tell how they feel in themselves) - it is likely to be your vagus nerve.  Most mainstream Doctors like to call things anxiety when they don't understand a problem. I would often get feelings of "impending doom" - it was a really odd and horrible sensation easily confused with mental anxiety. The very fact that I wasn't mentally anxious about anything allowed me to understand that it was physical.  Often the feeling would be followed by ectopic heartbeats and chest pain.  I now know I have dysautonomia - probably stemming from connective tissue disease (floppy collagen ie floppy sphincters all through the gut causing reflux, poor motility,  gas build up,  barretts esophagus [despite being female under-weight non drinker non smoker only early 40s]).  Probably some digestive issue was affecting the vagus nerve causing the autonomic wackiness. In many people this feeling of doom could easily morph into true anxiety or a panic attack because obviously it does feel quite scary. If you presented with at ER with the scenario I described above – they would note your low blood pressure (from the connective tissue disease/autonomic dysfunction) and the high heart rate (caused by the body compensating for the low blood pressure)  Without the time and understanding of the whole person and their unique physiology  (understandable in an ER – where their main focus is on keeping people from dying or becoming seriously unwell) many people would be diagnosed with anxiety because A) that’s what it looks like and B) other than the relatively mild anomalies with BP and heart rate (which is from the anxiety anyway :-P ) there is nothing wrong with you. 

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    I am interested in learning the exercises that help. Thank you.
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    I know this was over a year ago but I was wondering if your any nearer finding out anymore on this subject? I have been going through this for 7 years now and the last 3 weeks have been hell!!! I have continuous heart palps as soon as I eat or drink. I also have all your symptoms and doctors have send me for heart test, stress test all fine! It wakes me from sleeps and also have this tight feeling around my ribs especially at night! It stops me from sleeping right. I also have bloating and indigestion. Currently living on renny. Sick to death of feeling irritable all the time. I also have random pains throughout my body too. At the end of my wicks now. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. All the doctors tell me is its anxiety " yes most likely as I'm panicky now"

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      Dear Anne ' I have continuous heart palps as soon as I eat or drink' it sounds like you have Atrial fibrillation. Usually AF occurs with increased sympathetic tone (increased stress etc) and patients are treated with B blockers such as Bisoprolol (to reduce the Beta sympathetic tone) However some patients - by eating / drinking can stimulate the vagal nerve in the stomach and by doing so increase the parasympathetic vagal tone. The increased parasympathetic tone can have affect on the heart by elongating the QT interval - by doing so extra beats from the atrium can kick in and lead to atrial fibrillation. Solution - get your cardiologist to look at your ECG trace and conduct an echocardiogram. Determine what type of AF (if any) either sympathetically or parasympathetically induced - then go the appropraite medicine. This could bisoprolol / diltiazem or flectanide or maybe have a cardiac ablation. The main thing though is speak to an experienced cardiologist and go from there

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      Hi Anne!  I totally understand what you're going through because I have the same thing and I've been to a cardiologist and they tell me everythings ok. I didn't have this problem until I had laparoscopic surgery to remove my gall bladder in 2009. I had to have another surgery 2 years later because of pain and the doctor told me that the probe insertion in my soloar plexus area should have never been done in that area because they partly severed a nerve...yikes. I don't have the shooting pain anymore but have all the symptoms you talk about after eating a meal. I hope someday to find a doctor who knows how to deal with the Vagus Nerve issues. Lets stay connected while we stay on a path to healing the issue. 

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      Hi. Illy

      Thank you for your reply. I have today been to the doctor today who is referring me to a cardiologist (10th Feb) I had an ECG that looked fine she said but wants to have it checked out more. She gave me the blockers today.

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      Hi Julie

      Thanks for your reply. Yesterday and today I have had achy shoulder blades so off I went to the docs this morning. ECG all ok and I have been given blockers. She has referred me to the cardiologist in Feb! My ribs are so sensitive today but she said stomach felt fine too. I'm assuming all anxiety makes it worse but when I get these pains there frightening. I also have a UTI so on antibiotics

    • Posted

      Hi Anne!

      I highly recommend getting the "Quell" device. I purchased one 2 months ago because of pain and it's amazing. I wear it everyday for 4-6 hours and sometimes at night. It really does help. I wish I had more time to do research and figure this Vagus Nerve issue out and/or find a doctor who knows all about it. I find that if I do very small meals it helps me. 

    • Posted

      remember with AF its quite hard to diagnose because the 'palps' come and go. So  you need to have a 24hr monitor.

      nothing to worry about though - all this can be fixed

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      For about 20 years now, I've been living what I am convinced are vagus nerve related symptoms caused by my sliding hiatal hernia.  I have no heartburn at all.  The symptoms I have are right side chest pain, right side throat pain, and right side ear and cheek paresthesia.  They slowly occur 10-20 minutes after pressure is applied to my abdomen especially when sitting, and quickly disappear upon lying flat on my back or standing up.  The more upright the sitting, and the tighter my pants are, the higher the pain and the quicker the pain starts.  I'm convinced the symptoms are related to pressure from the stomach sliding through the hiatus, applied to the vagus nerve, (which passes through the hiatus), causing referred pain to areas which are enervated by the vagus nerve (which includes chest, throat, cheek and ears).  HOWEVER, I am not a medical professional, and have been unable to find a doctor who recognizes a vagus nerve connection.  I have a sympathetic surgeon who three years ago offered to repair the hiatal hernia as a possible treatment for my symptoms, but told me straight out that he has no idea if it would work.  I continue to decline to acquiesce with what he suggests (my apologies to Pirates of the Caribbean), but each year I grow a little closer to rolling the dice on the operation. 

      While I’m not a medical professional, I am a retired research scientist, and in my search for information on non-reflux hiatal hernia symptoms came across about a half dozen medical papers that describe a subset of patients with hiatal hernias that have no heartburn but do have other symptoms such as atypical chest pain.  However, almost as soon as the author is done describing this subset of patients, they quickly move onto to the bread-and-butter issue of heartburn treatment, and completely forget about them.    

      It’s very perplexing

    • Posted

      Absolutely true

      Vagus can cause mental issues coz of how vague symptoms can be

      I almost went to health anxiety if not already through it thinking there must be somthing wrong

      Any way headache chest pain globus chocking regurgitation stomach pain right side pain behind central breast bone bowel and bladder symptoms. Palpitations and weight loss can all be symptoms

    • Posted

      One part that people who have hiatal hernia and GERD rarely touch on is

      Health anxiety

      A condition people might not be aware it is there!!!!!!

      It happened to me

      Being a doctor myself i thought this will help .

      I experienced a bit of chest tightness , globus , dificult swallowing and bowel changes as well as epigastric pain and i think its to do with regurgitation and osphygitis and spasms

      And with an episode of poo colour change i couldn't stop thinking cancer with the persistent symptoms that started to progress to stomach pain and right chest pain and exaggerated bowel symptoms ,weight loss , burning sleep problems

      GPs are usually very helpful if you raise the issue but also they will think safety and risk assessment in the sense of other people safety at your work place and first think they may think time off and stress management and occupational health.

      So understand how pain works in our bodies

      If i pinch or needle stick you or burn you on the skin, your body will feel the accurate type of pain at the very precise point it happened .

      The nerves that does that are called somatic nerves which are excessively supplying skin and much more developed and accurate than the nerves that supply of our internal organs , the latest called autonomic nervous system.

      The inside organs are supplied by a big random nerve network that supply the larynx osphygus stomach heart liver and bowel bladder called Vagus nerve

      And guess what it does not only carry pain signals to brain but also give other orders to organs as (tells the heart rate to speed up or down) ( bowel and bladder to be quite or feels needing emptying) depending on stress ,fight ,fright levels

      Hence the wide variety people describe symptoms of GERD and HH and IBS as all linked to stress and anxiety levels

      So dont expect when you have HH that you would only get globus or chest pain or epigastric pain or heart burn or spastic colon or palpitaions or weight loss

      You can get some or any or all as all controlled by vagus

      If it gets to the point you develop health anxiety or suspicion of somthing more than just HH or GERD or Vagus never irritation just think if it was bad it should ve killed you by now and stop urself from thinking about symptoms and seeking ressurrance from friends or family just live with it and consider it a hidden little partial disability that medicine dont know much about it

      People should acknowledge scientists and doctors uncertainties about most things in human body

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