Lo Loestrin FE.....Experience anyone?
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So I went in for my yearly and talked about all my lovely symptoms, some form of a hot flash, dizziness, aching shoulders, fatigue, shorter periods, awful cramps, increased anxiety, sleep pattern changes, and so on. She wants me to try the BC pill Lo Loestrin FE. She said it's the lowest dose pill out there. Does anyone have any experience with this pill? My biggest worries are the possible severe effects, blood clots, heart attack, stroke. Thoughts?
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tricia51298 Bri77
Bri77 tricia51298
Hi! Thank you. I'll be 41 in Nov. I don't like taking any meds. I don't even like Ibuprofen lol
tricia51298 Bri77
You sound just like me at 41. I’ll be 47 in a few weeks. It’s perimenopause. It causes everyone of your listed symptoms. And unfortunately more. But the reason is the crazy flux in hormones in your body. I was only on the bc pill for a few months. It didn’t cause serious side effects but I didn’t like the estrogen it gave me. More for a fear of future breast cancer. So I suffered through 6 years worth of crazy emotions and physical aches and pains then suddenly about a year ago my anxiety leveled off. And my physical aches and pains started decreasing. So long story short (sorry for the babbling) if you can stay off the pill. I promise you it will get better. I hope that helps you. Ask if you have any questions
- Tricia 😊
karen60759 tricia51298
tricia51298 karen60759
Hi Karen
I feel like it was more all of a sudden. I was going through it from about 37- current. But I’d say suddenly in the last year I noticed I no longer get hot flashes/flushing. My anxiety levels have dramatically changed for the better. I still can cry on a dime but I’m a sentimental person for life I think haha. My periods have slowed down thank God ! My aches and pains (breast tenderness, joint pain and fatigue) have lessened. My crazy mood swings have also dramatically leveled off again thank God ! I feel like my peak years of suffering was 40-45. So hang in there it gets better. 😉
Bri77 tricia51298
Hi! Thank you. I was thinking of just pushing thru it. It's comforting to know others have the same symptoms and are managing without meds.
karen60759 Bri77
Bri77 karen60759
Hi! Thank you. I'm starting to take that same train of thought. Push thru and know that it's just what is supposed to be happening. From what I read on here, it's gonna be quite a ride lol.
karen60759 Bri77
moon53540 Bri77
the feeling as if something is leaning on your chest particularly when you lie down
the feeling like you can’t take a deep breath in
pin prick burning feeling in your lungs
a dry cough and gravelly feeling in chest
pale face, lips and tongue
palpitations and breathing problems
Make sure you exercise regularly, take multi vitamins and minerals, eat healthy and never smoke. Your risk goes up if you are diabetic, overweight or have PCOS. Staying healthy when you are on the pill is really important.
I got my PEs before I was 35 and I was told there was only a risk after.
Bri77 moon53540
Wow, I'm so sorry to hear that. Thank you for sharing your experience. I am going to try to make my way thru it without the meds. For now anyway. Fingers crossed. Take care!
moon53540 Bri77
Bri77 moon53540
It's like you're reading my mind lol I was going to start researching some natural things to help. Thank you! I'll start with these things you listed.
moon53540 Bri77