London consultants
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So I'm 24 years old and have been having absence seizures for about 3 years now. I have tried 3 different tablets individually and combined and nothing seems to be stopping them. I have recently moved to London and wondered if anyone could recommend a good consultant? I would like a second opinion and to explore further options.
Many thanks for your help and look forward to hearing from you soon.
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Shelly0069 Ljs35
may I ask what medication u Were on that failed?
I ask as my 15year old daughter has epilepsy and recently started medication Kappra Levetiracetam?!!!!!!
she experiences a seizure when on a period in the morning
and since been on them she has MORE seizures???????
we are waiting to see her consultant for another check up......I don't think that they are working.
My daughter is soooooooo depressed on these, not her normally bubbly self so I'm with u on finding somthing that will make a big improvement.
good luck Lucy and PLEASE keep me posted and also WELCOME to ENGLAND LONDON hope you enjoy it here in our beautiful country!!!!!, xx
Ljs35 Shelly0069
I began on lamotrogine I then got told to add keppra. I experienced side effects of tiredness so I can appreciate her depression feeling! My seizures also usually happen around the time of my period.
I have recently stopped taking keppra and have switched to Zebinex with lamotrogine. No improvements yet
although I am experiencing less side effects!
linda61391 Ljs35
Hi there my mother is on Lamotrigine Had it for 7 years she loves it ,but she's 88. And another day she said she had bitten her mouth and lip is n her sleep and her words are getting ,,,strange at time wrong words come out but she is tired can any one tell me if she has a seizure. In her sleep,,help. As I am only child it's hard poor mum she bid ridden as she has shingles right now ,,,
david01026 Ljs35
The tabs that work for me are Levetiracetam (4g/day) and Sodium Valproate (2.4g/day). I found that GPs are reluctant to prescribe Keppra because of its cost so they prescribe cheaper generics, problem with these is that the coating doesn't dissolve well in the gut, not mine at least, I found breaking them in half to expose the 'inside' helps them dissolve and I haven't had an absense since starting this. I do have other kinds of seizures where sometimes voices become scrambled for example but no more than once a week and are only short lived, far less worrying than absenses. It would be nice to totally eliminate all seizures of course.
icecool david01026
I wondered if this group is still active?
icecool Ljs35
I hope this reply is helpful as it is some time since you posted your enquiry.
Have you tried the National hospital, Queen Square, London?