Posted , 11 users are following.
all I want is attention because I feel so lonely yet all my husband does is sit messaging his friends on his phone,I've tried to speak to him but all I get is 'not that again'
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Posted , 11 users are following.
all I want is attention because I feel so lonely yet all my husband does is sit messaging his friends on his phone,I've tried to speak to him but all I get is 'not that again'
2 likes, 12 replies
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littleme1969 Guest
2chr2015 littleme1969
Wow are you sure you aren't married to my husband? Lol. You just described him to a T!
He has lots of hobbies. His justification for doing what he wants when he wants is he works. (meaning he has a job outside of the home) Lol. I guess he thinks I sit on the couch eating bon bons all day. Who has time for a hobby?!
2chr2015 Guest
Hey Sarah! I totally get you. It's not that he ignores me per se....he just has a life of his own. My life revolves around him and the kids. He does LOVE to talk on the phone. And yes I get the "what is it now?" Ugh. Sounds like you have a typical male. I know that going through all of this has made me feel lonely bc I don't have anyone close to me that is going through this. The depression and anxiety doesn't help. ((Hugs)).
sabrina1971 Guest
I'm sorry you have a man like that in your life, but please be assured that not all men are like that. If you are not getting support from him, what are you getting from him? Because if it's not much, why be with him? If my spouse said 'not that again' there'd be serious talking going on about the attitude. If his friends are more important than your emotional and physical health, then I think the loneliness will get even worse. Stop waiting around for him to make you feel better. You are stronger than this, and you are better than this, and you deserve more than this.
Sorry for for the tough love, but don't put up with crap. Life is too short.
kelly55079 Guest
Yes.. I hear you.. I"m in a lonely marriage as well.. Once these kids get thru high school I may just bolt, why stay? Wouldn't you know yesterday he pulled something in his leg.. So now he expects me to take care of him... I just don't understand why he expects me to 'play nurse' to him when he is such the biggest *** most days. ha Look for a support group in your area for other women your age.. Volunteer somewhere. I think once you get out and enjoy yourself, you'll be happier..
Suki_girl Guest
I wouldn't stay with a man like that. I have to much self respect to allow anyone to treat me like that. Find someone who deserves you.
caz1967 Suki_girl
gema57497 Guest
I do not think that I will be able to add any positivity when it comes to males as myself I have a very sad story . Just an advice from the woman who dedicated many years to her husband . Please learn how to love yourself . Please learn how to enjoy the day . I strongly believe that happiness is within us . Enjoy time with your friends . Sometimes we are so live our husbands life that we forget about other people that dearly love us . Go shopping . Get yourself nice stylish clothes, make up . Go to spa . Look good for yourself . Do not assume that they love you the way you are . Always look good . Go to the gym . I started to notice lately married couples walking in the mall and the way their husbands look at other women . This is just breaks my heart . But it is a reality . I do not want to generalize all men I hope that there is someone who is capable to sacrifice something for a loved ones . Words I love you are not just words . They have to be proven by actions .
Ladies love yourself . Do not forget how strong we are and the way we can love and take care of our families . You all are just wonderful. Please always remember this . Hard times pass eventually . Have a wonderful day.
kelly55079 gema57497
OMGoodness you are right!!! I noticed couples at malls walking hand and hand enjoying conversations. And they weren't just young couples either!! Or even at a restaurant it's the same, they are enjoying each others company. I know that there are couples who actually enjoy vacationing too! I do take care of myself and I talk with people as much as I can BUT yes it still 'hurts'. Why do I stay? Because it's comfortable-- I like my house, kids are happy/taken care of. Not ready to go thru all the emotional pain/drama that a divorce would cause.
gema57497 kelly55079
I am not pro divorce . Never was . I really believe that all relationships and especially marriage is a hard work on both sides . No one wants to go through divorce as long is it is really necessary. And yes it is so painful and hard for kids and for everyone else . The point is : look at men and how much time they spent in the gym in order to look good almost perfect . How many times we see couples with perfectly looking man all dressed up and a woman who looks so tired and with crazy hair and just wearing something to wear . The whole point is please love yourself the way men do! They rarely abandon what they really like to do .
Again I do not want to generalize . Just appreciate yourself , take a good care of yourself . Spend time with you friends because they can give you a huge support . Have some days just for yourself . Do not save on yourself . With all my respect to everyone .
DaisyDaze Guest
I've learned a lot about "how guys think" from a friend of mine. To begin with, they think women talk too much. They also think we tell them the same things over and over again. Yeah, we probably do because we are never sure if they are listening.
My friend said "when I'm reading something (magazine, paper, text message, email, etc.), leave me alone. Wait until I am completely finished."
What I do with my husband is say "I know you are busy. When you finish with that, let's talk about what to do for dinner." Then I leave to another room, outside, whatever. He does not get dinner until he puts down the phone!
Azzumi Guest
Hi Sarah.. I'm a little different. In a new relationship of about 18 months and been living together 12 months. He is a good listener and talks constantly but that can be a problem too. He tells me every little thing he's thinking and sometimes he needs to learn to shut up. If I'm not happy he insists I tell him why and won't quit till I do. He actually has a really good understanding of female hormones due to study he did a few years ago and because of that he overanalyzes me a lot. He has a lot of issues himself due to things in his past so he also has mood swings and constantly tells me how he feels. It is good having a partner who talks but its also bad as I find it overwhelming sometimes trying to explain why I'm having a bad day and I dont always want him to know what's going on inside my head. He is wonderful but sometimes it nice to be left alone too.