Long story with prostatitis .... Curious to something
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Does anybody ever experience like a soft erection? I am not talking about when you are stimulated and ready to have sex. I mean just randomly it's like my penis swells and it's basically the same size as an erection and feels weird, softer than an Sex type erection. I often find that when this happens I have a lot of clear discharge ( please understand this is not a normal erection , it is not normal precum) I am just curious if anyone else can relate if this is prostatitis related or Peyronies
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Pepasan PlZhelp101
Maybe it would be good to keep diary notes and tell your doctor if it bothers you. I think all men will experience low level arousal - I believe penis state changes and hormone levels vary with health, temperature, seasons and time of day, without there being an obvious source of arousal. How do you know it's not pre-cum? Maybe your body is ready for the next sexual experience we all can have these variations even if socially or emotionally we aren't feeling keen for action!
PlZhelp101 Pepasan
uncklefester PlZhelp101
Yes, but I'm 59
. At this age any erection is better than no erection.
Sorry I couldn't stop myself from typing
griff1980 uncklefester
i have had prostatitis for 2 1/2 years starting with acute , then
chronic bacterial and now chronic non bacterial during that time i have
three spontaneous erections during the day but no discharge at night
i still get erections during sleep
PlZhelp101 griff1980
guy1947 PlZhelp101
nealpros PlZhelp101
It's not Petronas disease, which is caused by a injury to the penis (which can be caused by a disease, or physical injury, such as multiple injections to get an erection, or an accident). The symptoms of it are pain, including painful erection, and a seriously bent penis.
nealpros PlZhelp101
It's not Petronas disease, which is caused by a injury to the penis (which can be caused by a disease, or physical injury, such as multiple injections to get an erection, or an accident). The symptoms of it are pain, including painful erection, and a seriously bent penis.
Self-help PlZhelp101
You should rule out an UTI (possibly STI testing if applicable), with a urine test (blood / imaging).
Prostatitis can cause an enlarged prostate, and reoccurring UTI's. You should check on your prostate size to see if any changes, if it hasn't been recently tested.
Keep in my mind that an enlarged prostate may be pressing on surrounding anatomy, possibly creating these soft erections (like an erection with full bladder while sleeping).
Ask yourself if you get normal erections while waking up in the morning (body's way of keeping your equipment healthy and functioning).
If you have not paid attention to your health with Prostatitis, it's possible that exercising the pelvic region may be needed (see my previous posts). Prostatitis can cause havoc with your pelvic floor and muscles (can affect everyone differently considering your health, duration, ...).
As with most pelvic problems, it's exclusion of ailments in diagnosing one's problems. The discharge may be indicating a problem with your prostate, so that may be a good place to start.
lester07305 PlZhelp101
Haven't experienced anything like that.
PlZhelp101 lester07305
lester07305 PlZhelp101
Haven't experienced anything like that.