long term mirtazapine use - taper/withdrawal so far

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Hello. This will probably be a long post. But i'd like to start by saying this forum has been a great help to me. Thank you for everyone that posts here. I've been on mirtazapine since i was 18. I'm 26 now. worked my way up to 45mg and stayed on that until 2 years ago when i went down to 30.  

I'm going to mention a few things about me that i think are relevant.

after being on amytryptaline i was put on mirtazapine for insomnia and depression when i was 18. In hindsight my insomnia was from the fact i regularly smoked weed and had become dependent on it for sleep and the depression i'd had for years stemmed from a difficult childhood. i don't believe anything was wrong with me in terms of chemical imbalance or an actual disorder that i couldn't  have resolved myself, had i been mentally capable or had someone to guide me.

 i was an alcoholic from 19 to 25 never daily drinking apart from a couple of month long episodes, but 3/4/5 nights a week to excess. I went through an unpleasent withdrawal off that although not at the delerium stage. had a few months where i've drank to much and had slight withdrawals since but for the last 6 months i've only drank a handfull of times, normally still to excess though. The last month i've had nothing and i'm done with that now.

About 2 years ago i had a hernia operation and struggled sleeping afterwards due to the pain. I upped my dose to 60 mg thinking it would help me sleep better. I was at 60mg for about 5 weeks. i didn't notice any side effects but i was on codeine and other painkillers throughout and felt pretty off it anyway.

 went straight back to 45mg and for the next few weeks i noticed i felt quite nauseated and also had something which i wouldn't have been able to describe if i hadnt seen it written on here as "brain zaps". These happened mostly when i was in bed. Having had an operation pushing my bowels around and having being on codeine for over a month i didn't pay any attention to these symptoms and they went within a month.

 I went to the doctor at the start of this January and told him i wanted to start tapering down as i didn't like the side effects it had given me, particularly affecting my social life. I think once i was on this drug i lost my spark and most of the charisma i had. the side effects took a while to kick in and i think because the process was gradual i was unaware anything had changed. People i'd not seen for years pointed it out to me though. My dreams were messed up and i would get dizzy occasionally. For a reason i couldn't work out the doctor didn't think that coming off it was a good idea but i told him i was going to do it anyway and i could do with his advice. He said to halve 30 mg for 2 weeks then stop. He also said there'd be no side effects.

 A few days went by and i started to itch on my back and the lower half of my legs. A woman at work had gone home because of itching the first day i noticed it, so again i thought nothing of it and thought there might be  chemicals around or dust or something like that. Itching got worse and went to my stomach as well even though i'd had a short break from work. Thought it may have been because id switched a brand of supplement i'd been taking or because i was using a different shower gel. I even brought shower stuff meant for babies incase it was that haha

 about 10 days on 15 mg i was starting to get less sleep as well and generally feeling ill so i went back to the doctor and asked his advice again. The only thing i'd noticed about mirtazapine was i slept better on high doses, although that goes against what i read on here. He said to try 22.5mg for a week but from his demeanour i could see he didn't really believe me. He also gave me a speech on how some people think doctors are in on a conspiracy to get us drugged up so they profit from it, and i shouldn't come on forums like this one because they fill your head with rubbish. At this point it wasn't in my mind that reducing mirtazapine was causing me any symptoms other than insomnia. He'd told me there would be no withdrawal, I believed him and id approached it with a positive mind. I'd not looked anything up to do with mirtazapine. That changed when i got home.

 i found this site and it's helped me a great deal in terms of knowing what to expect, to reassure me that i'm not losing my mind and has pointed me in the direction of sources to show that my doctor's recommendation for withdrawal was too fast.

 since January 24th i was on 15 mg and as of last night i had about 2mg. I dont have scales to weigh doses. i break ten days worth of pills into roughly the same size and take them biggest to smallest. the smallest pill is then used as the marker for the next lot that i break. I make them slightly but noticeably smaller than the last of the previous batch then repeat the process. 

 I'l try and keep this short, these are the symptoms i've noticed since january

Brain zaps - occasionally. between 15mg - 7.5mg. none since below 7.5mg

Anxiety - I get nervous in social situations, not overwhelmingly but i can feel myself blushing and i stutter a bit when i speak sometimes. Mainly just with people i'm not good friends with. This didn't happen when on 30mg, i just had no desire to talk to people haha

Sleep Disturbance - nowhere near as bad as i feared so far, waking up a few times a night but getting 5 hours or so. 

Confusion - cant explain it other than i feel like i've just appeared in a situation even though i was concious of entering it. My memory is bad, particularly short term. I can get half way through a sentence and i just lose track completely. This doesn't happen often though.

Jittery - my body feels shaky and i'm easily startled. People saying hello makes me jump or if theres a sudden loud noise that i'm not anticipating my hearts jumping around! Any sort of stress or conflict that i witness makes me feel like im vibrating and i feel sick.

Lethargic - I've felt really sedated the past 2 weeks, not much energy and constantly tired.

Itching - a tiny bit, not really a problem anymore.

Racing thoughts - i would have thought i'm losing my mind if it wernt for this site.

Manic - I have moments when i'm really hyper, mentally.

Nausea and lack of appetite - not too bad managing to eat 3 meals a day but i'm not really hungry for them. Feel a bit sick in the morning and after eating

Dreams - when i do sleep my dreams are very intense and sometimes extremely disturbing and graphic. 

Sweats - couple of night sweats, i have a clammy face in the day and look terrible.

Depersonalised - feel a seperation between my mind and body. Weird feeling but i'm ok with it.

 My withdrawal symptoms would be scaring me and i would have been off work a long time ago had i not been through similar before. When i came off alcohol i went to a n e thinking i was having a heart attack. 

Positives - despite being tired i mentally feel more awake. even though that contradicts itself. i do feel more social i just have a little melt down when i talk to most people haha i also have had no craving for junk food and have lost about half a stone.

I'm posting this now as of today i'm stopping taking it altogether. a situation with a colleague at work over the past week (which i've been cleared of any wrong doing by the way, and have been asked if i want to make an official grievance against him) has led to me being able to use my holiday in one go so i have to take advantage of that. Other people causing me stress isn't worth it, but up until now i've have held my job down despite how i feel. The symptoms of tapering so far have been unpleasant but nothing i've not been through before and are manageable. Its the duration of it thats getting me more than anything and obviously i've not stopped taking it altogether until tonight.  A little bit concerned if i'm a bigger mess than i am now when my holiday runs out, then my doctor might not sign me off because "there isn't withdrawal". But both managers i spoke to today were really nice to me after i explained my situation and have said they'll do anything they can to help me so i'm in a good mood. Got no other pressures to deal with so i'm looking forward to it in a twisted way. It will be nice to be able to post here when i'm through it all, so i'm sticking it out whatever happens/ however long it takes.

 If you want to take advice from me i'd say to sort your diet out. I.e no processed foods or ready meals, drink water or de caf tea, get your fruit and veg. Remove anyone that causes you grief from your life. Walk away from any situations with tension. If you are physically capable then be outside as much you can. Exercise as vigorously as you can. Listen to music with a positive message behind it. Don't watch the news or read the newspapers. I don't think it's healthy to be bombarded with stories of paedophiles, people getting blown up or murdered on a daily basis anyway. Let alone when you have this to deal with as well. Focus on the positive things in your life. Even if it's one good thing for every 100 bad, the bad are irrelevant when your mind is elsewhere. Think of what you take for granted at the moment and concentrate on appreciating it. 

 This drug worked initially but i was on it way to long. I also feel if i'd have taken a month off smoking weed and would have had someone in my life who could teach me how to think with a positive mind, then i wouldn't have needed any medication for depression or insomnia. I'm not saying that's true for everyone but i feel for the sake of a quick fix i've been in a fog for my best years and i can't get that time back.

 if you read all this then thankyou, and i assume you're going through the same so good luck to you. Be patient and stay positive.

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    14th day without taking any and it's still not as bad as i'd feared. Physically i'd say the itching has been the worst for me but i've been taking anti histamines to take the edge off. It is over most of my body though i.e my scalp, back, shoulders, legs. I've noticed it worsens when i got hot or sweaty. I feel rough in that my body generally aches and i feel tired and groggy all day. Appetite still isn't good but i'm managing to stick around the same weight now so it's not too much of a problem.

     Mentally  i'm still getting the racing thoughts at times and quite easily startled. I've had dramatically less contact with people the last two weeks and i'm noticing that i'm still getting nervous around people and this sets off the blushing and getting really hot, which gets me agitated which gets my thoughts racing etc. I even feel uncomfortable around the person i'm closest to which is ridiculous haha There are moments when i feel like a complete nut job for no real reason. Can't explain it any better than that...

    Despite this i would say my mood has lifted. It may just be because i'm happy i've stuck to it so far when i didn't think i would but i can feel a part of my mind waking up. Sleep has been ok both in terms of duration and not having nightmares. I'm yet to wake up at 2am heart pounding and drenched in sweat smile i'm still getting less than when i was on mirtazapine but it's not bad enough to drastically make things worse for me. 

     Seeing some friends for the first time in a while on Friday as i need to get out more. I'm nervous about freaking out around them more than looking forward to it (even though i'm looking forward to it as well). And i was also nervous about checking if anyone had replied on here haha I've missed my friends birthday and a trip to london which i'd already paid for so although i say it's not as bad as i feared, it's still not pleasant and the overall duration of coming off this stuff is a drag. One day further along than i was yesterday though smile

  • Posted

    It's been 21 days now. 

     Positives -

    Thoughs aren't racing as much, i feel less manic and more normal.

    Sleep is still ok i'm getting 6 hours a night.

    Mood has been pretty much neutral

    Cravings for junk food are gone totally

    Not lost as much weight as i thought i would have.

    Negatives - 

    Although i'm eating 3 for 4 meals a day i'm really not hungry much at all and i haven't got pleasure from eating for a while now. I'm forcing myself to eat and not doing it because i want to.

    Headaches (but not as bad as a lot of people describe on here).

    My body feels tired and has a hollow feeling to it. 

    Physical effects have been about what i expected. Mental side of it has been easier than i feared. Still don't feel well but i'm a lot more comfortable now than i was a couple of weeks ago

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      Itching has pretty much gone as well and i've not took anything for it the past few days
    • Posted

      Hey muleton

      That's great news will help so many people on here that are scared of withdrawals

      Are you completely off now?

      How did you do your taper

      S x

    • Posted

      Hi Suzannah. Yes i'm completely off now and it has been 22 days. 

      My taper went like this 

       January 2015 - 60 mg to 45mg ( i put my self on 60mg )

       January 2016 - 45mg to 30 mg

      february 2016 - went from 30mg to 15mg but this was too much so did approx 22.5mg for a week then down to 15mg

      Once i was at 15mg (start of march i think) i took a weeks worth of tablets and chipped a bit off the edge. i took these in order of biggest to smallest and then used the smallest one as a marker to make the next weeks lot smaller than.

       I got this down to approx 5/6mg for a week. did a couple of days at about 2/3mg then some stuff happened and i managed to get a month off work so i just came off it altogether.

       My taper isn't the best way to go about it and i did it quite quickly (particularly the beginning and end) but it was still a lot slower than what the doctor said.

       There are some really good threads on here about how to taper properly as well so you might benefit from reading them rather than take my advice smile

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    So good to hear you are doing really well, and well done for going through with it. 
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      Thank you very much for your comment smile I hope you are well too, how are you getting on
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      Hi nice to hear from you,  I am on 15mg and have been for a week, I usually taper off every 2 weeks but Im going to change down to 7.5 this weekend.   Its making me miserable being this fat and now the sun is out its even worse, feel like I need to stay in as I cant fit into anything!!  I have been so tired its like being pregnant again really werid and still really blurred vision and headaches but apart from that OK.  Fingers crossed the next jump this weekend wont be too much for my brain to handle, what do you think?
    • Posted

       Hi, for me personally i feel that 15mg to 7.5mg would have been too much to handle but thats not to say it would definitely be the case for everyone.

       My Doctor said i could stop taking it at 15mg. I've seen on other forums that people have done this and been fine. I also know that i felt much better when i tapered off a lot slower than my doctors initial advice and that lots of people have problems reducing doses never mind withdrawing. So it seems like a lottery to how you will react. If you are determined to do 7.5mg then try it. You can always go back up a bit and it's not a failure in doing so.

      However you sound like you are already having it a bit tough so maybe consider doing it a bit slower. 

       All i know is that if you expect to get symptoms then you will get them. I can be ok for a bit and then i suddenly realise "oh yeah i'm withdrawing off mirtazapine" and then i start freaking out lol

       Sorry i've not really advised you on what to do, i don't want to be responsible if you do what i say and it doesn't go as planned. 

       Good luck


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      also there is a discussion on the mirtazapine page called 'my withdrawal progress' which is discussing coming down/off from 15 mg. 
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      Happy Birthday Muleton hope you have a brilliant birthday !!

      Sorry you feel rubbish again, what symptoms are you having? 

  • Posted

    Felt progressively worse last night. Hardly slept again last night and feel dreadful all round this morning! Just realised it's my birthday as well haha 
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      Bless you multon, you are doing so well. It will take a little time to be completely free of all mirth wd. I have read 90 days to properly reassess how you are doing. I went 30 days then gave up and restarted mirt as I was feeling like you are now. I wished I had waited a few more weeks before throwing in the towel. Try and persevere a while longer. In the meantime; Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear muleton, happy birthday to you!

      2nd verse:

      Happy birthday from me, Your now mirtazipine free

      happy birthday you will get better; happy birthday from me ♥♥♥♥

    • Posted

      did you feel better then get worse again or did you just get worse once you stopped taking it?

      Thank you for the song as well smile

    • Posted

      Hi muleton ♥

      In that 30 days I felt dreadful from day 3. The last week I was getting good days and bad days, it was breaking up from just bad days. That's why I wished I had hung out a bot longer. I can now say I'm well! The combo california rocket fuel has taken off! How are you doing? Are you back at work? ♥♥

    • Posted

      See i felt ok and have gradually got worse so i think there may be something else to consider. I'm glad you are well smile I've explained a lot of stuff in a post thats waiting to be moderated. But no, i'm not at work and i'm not good at all to be honest. If they don't allow my post up il do it again later.
    • Posted

      I'm so sorry to hear that that you are ferling unwell. I would really recommend venlafaxine capsules. It started working immediately with no side effects. I can honestly say that they have worked wonders. Don't leave things, please get to your docs asap. I think if we leave things in the hope they will go away, we end up suffering needlessly. I don't want that for you ♥♥ make the appointment :-)

    • Posted

      I appreciate you suggesting things for me i really do, but at this moment in time i don't want to be taking anti depressants ever again. I would rather go completely insane ( not that i'm expecting that) than go back to what i was before. On mirtazapine i was a zombie, and didn't care about anything and it's no exaggeration to say i may as well have been dead with the way i was living. Now i feel alive on one level but it's just unfortunate i've been born into a world of suffering haha I'm giving it at least 90 days before i even consider taking anything in the future again.

       I know i don't sound in control but i believe i can sort this on my own and if i go and take something for it without riding it out then i will be miserable again. I'm not taking any drugs from today, i'd already decided that, whatever it does to me for the next 90 days smile

       (and in the long post thats waiting to be moderated i said i quit cannabis yesterday and i've not smoked today)

       The only help i'm considering is councilling (if that's the right word). Been looking up stuff the past few days and i'm not self diagnosing or saying this with any certainty but i reckon i could have ptsd. Want to talk to someone about that but thats as far as outside help goes for now.

    • Posted

      Hi muleton

      that actually sounds very wise. 90 days is the right time to properly assess how you are feeing. You have done brilliantly well and love your approach. As long as your not suffering too badly. Giving up the green stuff will also give you some wd, but hopefully they will pass soon. Make sure you get plenty of rest whilst getting your system balanced again. Keep in touch and wish you better ♥♥

    • Posted

      Id had put on the post thats not up yet that i wont be posting for a bit now since i quit green and tobacco as it's not just mirtazapine now so what i'm feeling won't be relevant to this discussion. I will comment again but it won't be until i feel well, i cave in and go on something else or 90 days pass. Thankyou for your comments throught so far smile I hope things work out well for you. and i'm still happy because right this moment (and maybe another week or 2) are going to be the most misery i ever feel from withdrawal ever again, and i've been through it enough times smile
    • Posted

      I like your style!

      You are inspirational and that's to be admired.

      Keep going and soon you will be home and dry (of everything lol!)


    • Posted

      thank you and i hope so. Just thought i'd let you know i rang up a mental health services organistaion my doctor recommended to me. They didn't answer but i've left my details. You were right when you said i should take any help thats there. Just not pills anymore lol I wouldn't have rang them today unless you said what you did earlier so thank you
    • Posted

      Stay in touch ♥ hope you get a call back from mh team, and hope you feel back to your old self soon. X

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