Long term threadworms - I think I have found a solution

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6 months ago I suddenly realised that my children and I were infested with threadworms and had been for at least a year prior to that. It has caused me intermittent, unexplained diarrhoea attacks and obviously itchiness. I had put the latter down to thrush as I obviously had them in my vagina. I also had unbearable itching at the top of my bottom (near the small of my back).

This has been so distressing, and the information I have found on the internet has been frustratingly simplistic and unhelpful, occasionally alarmist and contradictory. The most irritating advice is from people quoting the leaflets in the Ovex packets. Here is my experience, which I hope adds information that is genuinely helpful and also new to the war against threadworms.

I did all the right things - Ovex, cleaning, children trained not to scratch, scrub nails and wash bottoms in the morning. It would clear up in the children then come back and I treated them a few times over a couple of months. I would say that now they are free of infestation.

BUT, despite spending the best part of £100 on Ovex (Ha! That's why the drug companies don't find a permanent solution!!), I personally just could not shift them. I was absolutely scrupulous in NEVER touching my bare bum, keeping up the cleaning regime, etc. The Ovex just DID NOT WORK. I still found worms in the days following treatment and there was no let up. I took Ovex daily for 5 days, with no effect.

I also could not understand why I felt itchy and saw small worms on my anus during the day. I was showering 4 to 5 times a day and it was really distressing. My research told me that the female worms come out at night to lay eggs, only after they have reached maturity, at which point they are upwards of 1cm in size. I was seeing 3mm worms on my anus throughout the day. The itching was accompanied by a sticky sensation which I was desperate to wash away.

[b:716aeed2f9]Then I realised what had been happening:[/b:716aeed2f9]

When I shower in the morning I wash thoroughly. However this is not enough. The females lays her eggs in the folds of the anus. And she lays hundreds of thousands of them. When I wash with soap, I am not cleaning every fold in my anus. My childrens' bottoms are positively smooth and flat compared to mine which is ravaged by childbirth and the odd haemorrhoid. This would explain why I have been itching and seeing worms in the daytime. The eggs that have been laid at night are hatching during the daytime, then crawling back up into my intestine. This is retro-infection, claimed by some to be \"rare\".

This was always accompanied by the appearance of tiny skin flakes in my knickers. I made sure I wore black knickers so I could monitor this. Sure enough, the level of itching was directly related to the amount of small white flakes in my underwear. I can only assume this is debris left behind after the worms have hatched.


I changed from washing with soap, to using an emollient cream (diprobase for eczema), which I carefully work into all the nooks and crannies before rinsing, then repeat the process. While not convinced they have left yet (I've only been doing this for about 3 weeks), I no longer have to shower in the daytime and do not get the flaky debris in my pants.

[b:716aeed2f9]Aggravating factors:[/b:716aeed2f9]

I definitely noticed that a day or two after having a sugar binge (e.g. eating huge packet of sweets) I would have an explosion of worms, day and night. If you can manage it, giving up sweets and sugar is very likely to help you win the war.

Whilst trying to break the cycle, it's also worth making a rule to always wear long pyjama bottoms over knickers to bed. This eliminates the need to wash bedlinen daily, as long as you are sure you are not scratching during the night.

[b:716aeed2f9]What didn't work:[/b:716aeed2f9]


Eating garlic cloves

Pumpkin seeds (nice though and very good for you!)

The doctor! Couldn't offer anything stronger than Ovex and just told me not to put my hands near my mouth.

I have laid myself bare in this post, which is still uncomfortable even with anonymity, in the hope that my experience may help someone else who is suffering from this hideous parasite. Unfortunately the medical profession couldn't give a sh*t, as it is \"harmless\"! They seriously need to update this attitude....

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  • Posted

    Hi,  After just having read your statement I agree with you about the drug comanies making megga bucks out of Ovex and now after they have withdrawn pripsen from the market all threadworm sufferers are even more at their mercy. 

    I have had these blighters for over 3 years now and most things I have read about the successes people have written about I have taken into my regime needless to say the worms themselves aren't really the problem it is the intense itching which has plagued me from head to foot during this time.

    The small flakes you see in your panties (I also wear black for the same reason) are the hatched worms that do not crawl back into your bum) and the ones responsible for the itching as they migrate across your body.

    The idea of a (can I call it) a crinkly bum and not being able to get into the 'nooks and crannies' as you put it, makes a lot of sense.  I will definitely give that one a go.

    I will say to you that the ones in the family who do the washing and cleaning are the most exposed to the eggs and this person is most likely the one who will find it difficult to get rid. 

    But I wish all who suffer my empathy, sympathy and a strong will to keep going even if it takes 3-4 months of regime and continued monitoring for the rest of your life because there will be others infected that do not know they could be infecting others unknowlingly.

    Good Luck

    • Posted

      It is my understanding that the eggs are in a sticky substance and that substance is what makes one itch. 

      I think I can feel the buggers moving in my bum. 

      Thank for for you kind words as it gets me down terribly. 


    • Posted

      Yes the sticky stuff does make you itch along with the migration over your body of the hatchlings/

      Please try nettle tea and you will find a little lessening of the symptoms, it will not cure but appearsr to calm it down during the day.  I also get a full nights sleep, 6 out of 7 nights which for me is crucial being an old fart.

      I am not a great lover of nettle tea, I buy twinings nettle tea bags and add an ordinary tea bag to make a much nicer cup of tea.   The tea bags with fennel in them are a big strong for me and send me to the loo for a wee most of the day.  ha ha

      Good luck hen

  • Posted

    I appreciate your information. I am going to try your solution. I have struggled with it for 4 years and like you frustrated with the lack of help for my problem. 
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    We have had this as a family on and off mildly since my son brought it in from nursery. I find the most effective remedy is Ovex twice in a fortnight along with bum baths in the morning and petroleum jelly around the bum at night. It prevents the eggs from being laid. If it is really bad just keep bottoms smothered in jelly. It may also be worth visiting a homeopathist as they have natural remedies for thread worm. Remember no matter how clean your home is public environments like school will still be a potential source that makes the cycle hard to break. I fully appreciate how grim and irritating they came be, even the thought of a parasite in you is nasty (my 8yr old daughter even had them irritate her privates The jelly did the trick.) but they are not seriously harmful and there are far worse things a human could have. 
  • Posted

    hi all, fellow sufferer here. im had problems with threadworm now for over a year, my doctors wont even give me an appointment to see them about the situation, or just give me a prescription even though its on my medical records ive had threadworm when i was a child. i clean myself regulary, even pulling them out of me on occasions just to try make myself feel a little cleaner. do the whole wash bedding thing, clean underwear and pjs to try and get rid of them naturally, even given myself diarrea with some herbal remedies just to try flush my system. my question is, how many usually can you expect to find in your anus? as on some occasions, ive literally pulled out 30 odd, so seriously think my situation has got to the extreme case now, which is why its irrating me the doctors wont even consider helping me for what is a widely known medical condition, that practically gets passed around like nits at school. any advice is helpful
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    Well they're back!!!! After well over a year of no worms I noticed all the usual symptoms and on checking one day, I saw loads of them crawling around my butt, eugh!! And this was all throughout the day! No one else in the family reported symptoms but my youngest was the prime suspect for passing it on and tbh I didn't bother checking as I assumed they must have them. Once again I was also aware of intense itching in my ears at night and had to be very careful not to put my finger in my ears.

    I was quite distressed and a bit panicky about what to do as it has been over a year since I posted here to say I was free and clear of them at last. I forced myself to read my own advice and calmly followed it.

    Ultimately I am winning (not "won" yet, that would be tempting fate...) by following the same routine as last time. I ordered loads of Ovex from various online chemists (cheaper and they will let you buy several weeks' worth at one time). I and my family have taken one a week for the last 7 weeks. My theory is that Ovex does not kill them all in one go, perhaps the eggs of dead gravid females left in your gut hatch and carry on the cycle. (Also retroinfection was definitely an issue last time). I noticed little difference in symptoms for the first 4 weeks. However at week 5 the itching reduced and at week 7 I would almost be tempted to say that it has gone completely. I intend to carry on for at least another 4 weeks to make sure. I change pyjamas daily, but do not see the benefit of daily hoovering and sheet changing, that would drive me to a nervous breakdown.

    The trouble is my child still goes to the same school that does not insist on full handwashing before snack time and half the kids probably don't wash their hands after the toilet. I assume the risk will be diminished when they move up to secondary school. Until then I will always have a supply of Ovex in my cupboard.

    I have started taking capsules of powdered cloves on a daily basis in an effort to keep them away in the future but high doses are thought be be carcinogenic so don't really want to do this long term.

    This is such a bitch to deal with. It makes you feel incredibly dirty and I worry about cooking for people and having guests or staying over at others'. I will post again to hopefully report I am definitely all clear and give you all some confidence for beating this.

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    Just to let you know (if you don't already) that even if the eggs are released inside you that they are not yet fully mature.  Maturation takes place when the female lays them around your bumhole.  They cannot mature if they do not have oxygen.  It makes sense to know that there is a reason why the females have to exit your body in order to lay their eggs.  If the eggs were viable without this process then why bother.

    I am in the process of taking albendazole everyday for however long it takes - 8 days in and bad night last night but if the cycle is 13 weeks then I have quite a way to go.

    Good luck OneFamily - keep us posted.

    • Posted

      Will my doctor give me albendazole if I tell him how over the counter ovex and other measures have severely failed?.

      He doesn't know it's such an issue as I get embarrassed talking face to face with doctors about it who think 1 tablet solves everything! Talking on here is much easier. But I do need albendazole somehow.

  • Edited

    I had to buy albendazole on the internet from Canada as it is not available in this country unless your GP or a consultant will send out for it.

    Not sure that it will work, methinks that unless you catch this in the very early days and I mean the minute your children start scratching their bottoms you all take the prescribed dose of Ovex, the chance of ridding yourself of them become almost impossible.

    Sad to say the drug companies are raking in from the sale of Ovex, the only product for parasite infestation on the market in the UK.


  • Edited

    Hello again, I wanted to add an update on my progress with the return ofvthe threadworm infestation.

    Well they appeared 8 months ago and I am still taking medication to eradicate them. Once again it is me and my youngest who seem to have trouble getting rid of them. I followed the same regime as last time - weekly Ovex in an attempt to kill them off. It seemed to have an effect after 6 weeks or so but I was still getting symptoms. It is very costly and 2 months ago I decided to get some mebendazole. Much much cheaper and I bought enough to last me 6 months. Well, the effect was instant! I am still taking it weekly until into school holidays as I believe that is a strong source of contamination. I feel this medicine is much more effective than Ovex which is puzzling as they contain the same active ingredient and quantity. I am suspicious of the motives of drug companies anyway and this does nothing to change that. Why does Ovex work well for some and not others?

    Here's hoping for success soon. I did it before so I know it can be done...

  • Edited

    Hey, I'm 13 this year and I'm pretty sure i have threadworms, cuz i remember a few months maybe a year ago, i felt intense itching around my anus but i prevented myself from scratching as i thought it was a rash and i didn't want it to spread. After a while, the itching got worse and i decided enough is enough so i scratched it. Then, i felt some thing 0.3cm? Sticking out my anus. I was shocked as hell. At that time, i thought it was a part of an organ. Cuz i just watched 100 ways to die (tv show) about this guy in a jacuzzi getting his gutts sucked out his ass. I didn't pull it out cuz of that. Instead, i left it there.

    Now, i have that thing sticking out again. And i kinda "grew up" and gotten some sense into my head so that gutts coming ou thing isn't even in my worry list. I google about worms and heard of the pinworm (threadworm). I was realived but even more terrified now that i know i have worms in my freaking intestines?! So i googled for cures. Mebenzadole and something startin with 'B' came up ALOT. I googled even deeper and found a post by someone in this same website, she also has threadworms (i can't seem to copy and paste with my phone right now so i'm sorry i can't give y'all the link) she said mebenzadole kills the threadworms, yes, but it kills it and leaves it inside of you with the egg sack containing about 15,000 eggs or something like that. She recommends a herb called PP i don't know what it stands for. She says it paralizes them for some time and excels it. (Not quite sure what that means, again, I'm 13, not an idiot) She also says that you can't remove threadworms completely so the trick is to try get the least population. (I hope it's not true) So, I hope I helped get you guys some extra info. And plz tell me if I should tell my parents about having threadworms. I am terrefied of insects, like srsly, i couldn't kill a tiny spider last week. So obviously, I'm not about to pull friggin worms out my ass. And my moms in another country and I'll just fell weird telling my dad about it. Mom too, but it wouldn't be so bad to tell her cuz I'm closer to her, she's a nurse (though not in this category of things) and she's the same gender, i won't feel as weird. The thing is, she is coming back tomorrow and i feel like i shluld tell her, then my dad. I hate to say this, but I'm afraid of what might happen. I have not seen worms (i might have seen eggs few months ago though) in my poo. I hope someone will see this and read this cuz I am desperate! Plz tell me if I should tell my parents and if I should go for the treatment. Oh, also, I fogotten to mention that if you ever tried the mebenzabole treatment, you must continue it fully or you'll be infested with those wriggly stuff. Plz respond asap. Thanks

    • Posted

      Hey I think if you have something sticking out of your bum that measures 3cms it isn't a threadworm.  Even female threads don't grow that long.  Could it be a tapeworm.

      Please tell your parents 'cos if you have them the rest of the family will have or will definitely contract them.  Tell your mother when she gets back, there's nothing to be ashamed of you can pick them up from anywhere.  It's not like its a STD.

      And let's get this straight threadworms can leave eggs in your bowel but they can only mature if there is oxygen in the bowel.

      Good luck

  • Posted

    I couldn't agree more their attitude stinks to this soul destroying illness.


  • Posted

    Oh One Family I feel your pain. Our grandkids and their mother who live with us contacted threadworm probably from their babysitters house as she has a young school aged boy. The problem is they are toddlers and not yet potty trained. It has been a nightmare of trying to keep them, us and the bedding, clothes and house clean. They are too young to treat with meds. I can't remember the last time I got more than three hours sleep at night. Like you I am taking about 4 showers per day. I have added MSM powder recently and hope that does what they say about eradicating them in two weeks. It is mortifying and so disgusting. But there must be many going through the same as I hear there have been a lot of cases in our Colorado schools. Keep me updated on your success please. It is encouraging to hear there might be a light at the end of this grisley tunnel.

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