Long term, unexplained chest pain

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Hi all

After struggling with docs for years over this I thought I would turn to the wider world some input. I am a 27 year old, healthy (enough) male who has been getting intermitment, iregular and infrequent chest pains on and off for around 10 years. 

During an 'attack' the pain can be quite severe and sharp - I guess a bit like being stabbed. The pain is localised to the left side of my sternum and feels fairly deep (i.e. it cannot be palpated). 

Attacks can last anywhere from a few seconds to a day or so, and tend to come in 'clusters' that can be present for up to a week. There can be months between each cluster of attacks (if you get my drift!).

Pain can sometimes be exacerbated when leaning forward, coughing, lying on my side or raising an arm (seems to always vary - and can sometimes not have any stimulators).

During a 'cluster' period and between attacks I can often feel a mild, underlying ache in my chest. This is easy enough to ignore however.

I have had ECGs and chest xrays that have all been fine, and am not affected at all during exercise - I can happily go out and run 10k with ease.

Doctors have in the past rulled out gastro refulx as there was no tenderness on palpation of my stomach area, although I have sometimes thought that attack can follow a big meal and be accompnied by burping (although this may be my mind tricking me). 

Muscolskeletal problems have been mentioned, but why would attacks come in clusters and seemingly out of the blue?

I am at a compltete loss and doctors have been no help. My wife is scared that I will just drop dead from a heart attack - and I am struggling to find new ways of reassuring her.

Any help/thoughts/insight/advice would be seriously welcome!



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    Sorry about spelling mistake, its costochondritis, I'm sure you'll Google it. :-)
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      Thanks Sinead. I had done some reading about costo so it was on my radar.

      I don't have any tenderness really when I press down on the painful area though. As a musculoskeltal infalmatory condition I would have thought this would ilicit a pain response?

      Alos, is it normal for costo to just come and go with no real trigger or suspressant?


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      did you find out what was wrong x
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      Mine comes and goes..but when it here..theres no question what it is...  See yet anothyer Dr..till you find one who cares enough to get involved!!
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    I totally understand your pain. I'm a 32 year old female from Atlanta. I'm in decent health and suffered with chest pain for over a decade. I've had numerous test performed w/ negative results. I've even developed an anxiety disorder bc of my worriness over the chest pain. Mine is usually on the left side over the heart and penetrates to my back, left shoulder blade. It feels deep too but the pain can vary from dull aches, tingling, sharp, stabbing, etc... And usually sends numbness and tingling down my left arm. Even when I'm not having an "attack", I'm aware of it all the time also. I don't doubt that it can be stress related however it never occurs during stressful events or with physical exertion. I can go months without pain then spend a whole month suffering. My doc has mentioned Costochondritis too but neither she or I really believe that's it. I hope/wish it's that simple!  Knowing that I'm not alone is comforting but please keep me updated on any info you find out. smile
    • Posted

      You have no idea how happy (sort of) that I am to find this thread.  I have been suffering from these chest pains for about 6 months now.  The symptoms you describe are identical to mine with the exception that my right side is more prone to the more severe pain, though it does happen on my left side, too.  I get the tingling and numbness down both of my arms.  My doc gave me a low dose of valium to take during the day, because like you, even when not in pain, I am very aware of it.  So she prescribed the low dose so that I don't tense up so much when the pain hits.  But I stopped taking it after a few days because it's not doing anything to stop the pain so why pump myself full of drugs that aren't doing anything for the main issue?  A friend kept saying it was stress but it happens almost randomly.  I have yet to have a break from the pain.  Just less painful days.  This whole week has been terrible but I've been pushing through like everyone else in this thread.  This is beyond frustrating.  I've got thousands of medical bills because of all the testing I've been through.  ER trips, blood tests, MRI's, chest x-rays, physical therapy (they thought possible muscular/skeletal issue).  I will bring this up to my GP doc and hopefully I'll finally get an answer.  We shouldn't have to live like this.


    • Posted

      I understand the frustration its hard to deal with pain especially when its affecting your every day life. Ive been having the pain since october 2014 and the doctors have prescribed painkillers which do nothing/only get relief for an hour. Im dealing with pain as well as i can, now i suppose.
    • Posted

      Same here - for me it started in September.  The first trip to the ER, I was given morphine because I was in such agony.  It was the first time I ever had the stuff and it hit me like a ton of bricks.  When I came back from the scan, my mother had arrived and was like um what's up with my daughter and they told her what they'd given me.  They had to give me a second dose after several hours because the pain came back.  I didn't like the fact that the next 2 days were all jumbled for me because of that stuff.  I tried to go back to work and was ok for a month and then the pain hit again and I couldn't even stand up straight.  I still managed to drive myself to the ER and was hunched over but insisted on walking myself to the room.  When they asked me to change into the gown I burst into tears because every movement of my upper body - I can't even begin to describe how much it hurt.  They eventually had to give me morphine, which pretty much knocked me out so I wasn't in pain anymore.  But I refused to take it again when it wore off.  They gave me percocet to take home and I gave that up after a few days because I didn't like the zoned out, druggy feeling.  And I can't function with that stuff - I need to work!  I have baffled all of my doctors.  I am glad to know that I'm not losing my mind and that others are going through this as well.  We shouldn't have to manage this.  We should be able to get the relief we need.  It pains me to hear that others have been suffering for close to a decade and no relief.
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      Your description is exactly what my husband is describing.  We are going crazy trying to figure out what is going on.  Have you found any additional information?

      Thanks for sharing your experience.  I do hope this messag finds you stronger.


    • Posted

      I understand exactly what is going on with you. I was in the ER last night for hours. My right side, (sometimes left) chest hurts very badly. Sometimes when I try to take a deep breath, sometimes when I just bend forward, picking up maybe 5 pounds..I've been putting it off but at work last night, I'm a bartender, at the end of the shift I could barely move or take more than a shallow breath.I too cried when I had to raise my arms above my head. Of course the did an EKG, took blood and an x-ray. All tests were negative. Then they did an ultrasound and told me the pain was caused by gallstones! I'm having a very hard believing all that pain in my chest and back is coming from something below my ribs. And when I push on my chest pects , the pain is better.But not if I press at the base of my ribs or breast bone. I see a specialist Monday. Hope to hear good news.
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      I am a 32 year old female, back in september 2015 I had my second bout of severe chest pain right under my left breast, radiating to my back and when I tried to breath in It hurt and it was like there was no room for the expansion of my lungs. i thought i was having a heart attack, the pain was just that intense. I waited 2 days prior to going to emerge. On the second day the pain was so bad that I couldnt keep anything down. On my way to the hospital which is only a five minute drivefrom my house I had to pull over and vomit. At the hospital they ran tests from x--ray, to ultra sound, blood work and they found nothing. they gave me this chalky white stuff cause they believed it was heart burn. When nothing else worked, finally they gave me dilaudid, It only worked for 20 mins. They admitted me to the hospital and just keptpumping me full of dilaudid, the next morning they sent me for a scope and when that turnedup nothing, they arranged for an MRI to be done, so they transportedme 2 hrs to another hospital for MRi, and finally this revealed that I had a gull stone lodged in the common bile duct of my liver, however is this possible as a few years earlier I had my gull bladder removed, and three weeks after that surgery I had to be rushed to Toronto for an emergency surgery to extract the Gullstone that lodged in my common bile duct of my liver, that one almost killed me.  During the first extraction They took precautionary measures so that this would not happen again. They cut  a slit in the bile duct and pinned it open with ecrp clamps. But evidently that didnt stop another one from becoming lodged, As I mentioned above this past september it happened again. sad

      Oh and I am one of those lucky 15% of people who will continue to make gullstones even though i do not have a gullbladder. 


    • Posted

      Hi adrienne

      Your comment described how it is for me exactly! the pain is giving me anxiety attacks now for sure I rang an ambulance before Christmas because I thought I was having a heart attack they did a blood test and said my heart was fine and said It was probably stress but it still comes and goes

      I seem to like sleeping with on my back with arms back(elbows behind head) or I wake up on my front with my one arm left or right under the pillow which is straining the muscles or something I think this maybe my cause

      What do you think? Did you find out any new info I would love to know if you don't mind i was glad to know I'm not alone lol

      Mark from North West England age 30 male

    • Posted

      Hi Adrienne.You are definitely not alone.I have almost the exact same symptoms.I have have been to the emergency room several times.I even had an angio done everything has come back negative.Mine comes and goes too.But seems to be the worst at night but goes away when I sleep.I have also developed a bit of anxiety disorder too..Have you had any luck at all with your symptoms.I also am always aware of it so it never completely goes away.
    • Posted

      Hi bit late to join the convo but reading through these reply's and found your symptons 100% match mine I also so find myself belching a lot which strangely helps, recently developed anxiety and constant worry, did you ever manage to find any info on what it could be? Any help appreciated 23yr old male

    • Posted

      I'm so glad you wrote about your experience! I am going through the same exact thing as you, mine began Febuary 1st with chest pain. The pain is always there but ranges from a dull ache to a stabbing pain on the left side of my chest. I have now developed anxiety and have frequent panic attacks. My dr wants to start me on medication for the anxiety, what has you dr done to combat your anxiety!

    • Posted

      I am really happy to know that I am not alone. I am 30 year old female suffering from left chest pain for a year. I have visited three doctors already. They make me do some tests. But we found no problem. The last doctor thinks that I am having anxiety and stress. This morning when I was having breakfast, I had left chest pain and it went to left shoulders. I am scared now. I don't know if I can seek some help. I feel really really hopeless. (Once I have visited psychologist too.)

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      I have also been dealing with undiagnosed chest pain for a number of years, 8 1/2 to be exact. :-( My doc has me on three different medicines for blood pressure and heart rate, and Zoloft for anxiety, but everyday the nightmare continues. It truly has taken over my life and no one can seem to tell me what it is. I hate it that you're going through something similar! If you have any words of encouragement, I could definitely use it. Sometimes it helps to talk to someone who understands since most people don't. Write back if you want to.

      Take care,


    • Posted

      Hi Matt - my name is Alex. I am experiencing everything I have read. I get sharp pains. And it travels down my left hand side and I suffer symptoms that you would think is those of a heart attack. I have suffered different kind of pains for 4 years now. I have had every test you can imagine and I've been told I'm fine. Doctors can't figure it out so I've been told I have to try and manage my pain. I'm a healthy 27 year old who keeps fit and active as I'm. PE teacher. I have recently suffered panic attacks and anxiety. It's just nice to know I'm not the only one suffering. Unfortunately no one knows what the problem is.

    • Posted

      Thats the same and exactly pain I experienced for a year now, when I consulted to the doctor and give me some test such as  ecg, ct scan, xrays, blood test etc. and telling that nothings wrong with my result and then increase me anxiety due to that pain. That doctor recommends me that try to handle the pain and remove your worries that causes your anxiety and I told to myself its like battling anxiety pains.

      And until now still pain is coming right off the bat. Hoping someday we will find very well.


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      Pain killers did give you relif cuz im at a constat 24 hour pain and would take a hour if possible
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      I have been experiencing the same problem  (chest pain) for two years now. I have visited a cardiologist and and everything was fine with my heart. I have also visited the gastroenterologist and I was diagnosed H,pylori positive. Regardless of using antacids and proton pump medication I hardly get relief. If anyone can help
    • Posted

      I am a 60 year old male American; in very good shape.  I have upper left chest pains as well.  I can't induce the pain but it seems to worsen when I am seated, resting with shallow breathing.  Ocassionally I will bend and the pain begins.  It lasts for a only 5-15 seconds.  I have had a cardiac ultrasound, stress test and angiogram!  It doesn't appear to be cardiological.  I have just recently had a chest xray and lung CT Scan; nothing remarkable was found.  I beleive I may have costochondritis.  Just so you will know, H pylori doesn't mean you have an ulcer.  30% of all Japanese have H Pylori and are asymtomatic for GI discomfort.  I hope you get some relief.

    • Posted

      My case is crazy.  It began two years ago and to make it worse i have an abnormal ekg so if i do not have a copy of an old one its full on panic mode. Which doesnt make me feel good at all.  I have seen three cardiologists, been to er four times , saw two internist, gastrologist, neourologist pain management dr and pt.  so no one can say i did not get checked outsmile many many tests thankfully i have great health insurancebut still paid thousands toward deductible. Pain was in my stomach this week n i took a prevacid got nauseous went to urgent care my left arm and hand felt sore n alittle tingly. Severe upper neck n back pain like a burning the random left side of my chest pain n under leftarm.  The closest i found relief was exercises provided by pain management dr he said if it gets worse i may need injections which i am fast approaching,  when i saw er dr last night she gave ne tramodol n said nothing major is going on. They think stress n costio pain.  I worked from home n thank thr lord i can do this otherwise i could not work. Truly ruining my life.  I have had mammo n all annuals been on prevacid n nexium  all helped alittle so i am tryign to watch food carefully,  i have cut coffee to one cup a day. No pop low meat and my bmi is in range . By looking at me u would not see any issues with pain.  Any input is appreciated

    • Posted

      Hi, smile have you ever been checked for a congenital or hereditary heart condition? I have chest pains for many years, and had all the tests you can think of, but was never diagnosed. I saw many doctors and cardiologists because I kept looking for helo with my pain. I knew deep down that it was my heart, but never thought I was born with a heart condition. Anyway, each doctor told me all my tests were normal. I was patronized and the critucisms ran the gamut from being called a hypochondriac, a worrier, and to "stop focusing on my heart so much." Lol. Well, I was finally given a Cardiac Cath, and was diagnosed with a Myocardial Bridge. I never heard of this, but I was born with it. There is much info online. I googled it and learned so much. There are other heart conditions that u can be born with that can also cause chest pain, arrhythmia, etc., and sadly go undiagnosed. I hope this helps anyone who may be frustrated and misdiagnosed, or who haven't gotten any diagnosis!

    • Posted

      I am also feeling the same symptoms you are experiencing. My chest pains are pressure radiating through back, with back throbbing and heavy palpitations, along with short of breath. I can't sleep on my left side because the pain of the palpitations worsen. seen by 2 cardiologist, one cardiologist gave up after having negative results on my stress echo. So I seeked a 2nd opinion, next step is a holter monitor.

      I wanted to ask you Dave about the angiogram, was that test a breeze or scary?

      Thank you all for sharing.

      Hoping we can all find relief and cure to our pain. Blessings to you all!

    • Posted

      Your symptoms sounds similar to mine.

      I cannot remember what started first - pain, high BP or pounding heart. On January 3rd this year I woke up from pounding heart and chest pain. My BP was also high. With those symptoms I went to ER. Heart attack was ruled out. Since that time I am having chest pain on and off - sometimes all day or all night. About every other night pounding heart wakes me up. I went to see cardiologist. He said: It's not heart. ?? Tried to treat my condition as it is costochondritis (I took pack of steroids) - that didn't help. I also tried to treat my pain as it is GERD. No results. My oncologist sent me for chest CT. That test revieled a module on my thyroid. I am going for biopsy soon. But that nodule (even if it is cancer) shouldn't cause my problems. I am going to see my PCP tomorrow and thinking to ask her refer me to see endocrinologist to check my adrenal glands. Pheochromocytoma would be my next best guess.

    • Posted

      Hi Adrienne, 

      Going through the exact same symptoms as you. Did you find out what it was? smile

    • Posted

      I'm going through all that you mentioned about the types of pain and the same areas exactly right now been going on for 2 weeks so far and now I have a cough it hurts to breath and cough too.

    • Posted

      I am 29 years old, Male. I am having exactly the same conditions form like a decade. X-ray, EFG, ECHO, Stress test all negative. The doctor said "Costochondritis" and after months of taking medicine, nothing changed. Complete helpless here.

    • Posted

      This whole Costochondritis thing seems like it's just a catch all term for "chest pain and I'm not sure why". How annoying

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