Long time sufferer, any advice appreciated (Warning: detailed post)
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Hello everyone, my name is Neisan.
I am a 27 year old male suffering from acid reflux, severve bloating, specific and focused pain on left or right side above belly button (intermittent), fatigue, frequent and loud stomach gurrgles, and constipation.
I had a hiatus hernia and acid reflux which was fixed in 2012 via nissen flundipication. I was symptom free (and very happy) for 6 months, then the acid relux came back whislt I was working in Korea. Check up endoscopy showed my surgery wrap was holding well, so that was not the issue. I moved to Japan in 2013, and since then the other symptoms gradulally got added to the list over time.
This has been constant and chronic for 2 years now. I live a happy and stress free live not including this disease.
I've tried every antacid and PPI known to man, nothing works (Even lansoprazole, which worked before my surgery, no longer works).
I've tried all kinds of function dysperia and digestion slowing/quickening medications, none work.
When I try consipation medication, I have a bowel movement, then go straihgt back to being consipated (I naturally only have 2/3 bowel movements a week. Said bowel movements are either very large and painful, or pepple like.)
I have a bengin GIST (a kind of tumor) in my duodenum. Japanese doctors say its not the cause of any symptoms, and it would be unwise to remove it unless it turns cancerous.
Multiple endoscopys, CTs, Blood tests and a colonoscopy reveal nothing more than some inflammation from the acid reflux and a little bit of anemia.
I dont smoke, rarely drink and I exercise about an hour everday (cycle to work).
My suffering has progessively gotten worse over 2 years, and some days it feelsl like its all becoming too much. This affects me all day, everyday. I can't enjoy anything because of the symptoms. I feel desperate.
ANY help or advice would be appreciated.
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bill060552 Neisan
Neisan bill060552
RivkaWeeks Neisan
Neisan RivkaWeeks