Looking for a Handbook on "How to Get Through Menopause"
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Hi All,
I'm 47 and started all the symptoms of pre-menopausal with
memory loss, constant exhaustion, hair falling out and periods heavy and then just a week extra of showings that can go on for two weeks. To name a few. Doctor has now booked me to have a Hysterscopy/ internal scan & will take a biopsy if they find any growths to check. He has also recommended to place the mirena coil to help with the heavy bleeding. What I would like to know is does any of this work? Been reading a few posts and this seems to be the normal mode of operation for doctors, for all women, with similar symptoms.
Reading a few other posts about women experiencing pre-menopause/ menopause there has really not been any real research into any proper cure or medicine to help with giving women a real relief of the same symptoms over and over again, makes me wonder if men suffered from these same complications if there would have been loads more research money used to find a clear cut cure. ;-) All discussions and books on this subject only gives us what other women have found works for them as advice . It would be great if there was a handbook we could get that says exactly what you can do to get through these life changing times :-)
Anyone know if there is one out there?
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nikki46218 mrs-magoo131
I have recently started getting symptoms which i do feel are peri menopause, however the three dr that I have spoken to just seem to ignore anything I say, so I have recently changed GP practice where they have a special interest in this.
I do at times think I am going mad and the last week have felt nauseas constantly, constant headache, exhaustion, lightheaded and memory loss - the joys of hitting your 40's.
This site is the only one that I have found that makes me realise I am not actually going mad.
I would be really interested too if there is a handbook out there as it just seems that some GP's arent interested and cant give you any ideas. x
mrs-magoo131 nikki46218
I used to have great memory recall on all topics and most days now cannot even remember simple things.
I have never being one to use any hormone pills, think I was one contraceptive pills over a 5year period my whole life. Do prefer to try the natural way, that is why my concern of using the mirena coil this late in life... 5 years from now I will be 52/3 and wondering if I want a foreign body put in.
So let's hope someone will respond to this and give us the "magic book" hey?? ;-)
janelle99349 nikki46218
pinkcatfairy mrs-magoo131
mrs-magoo131 pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy mrs-magoo131
mrs-magoo131 pinkcatfairy
nikki46218 mrs-magoo131
janelle99349 nikki46218
mrs-magoo131 nikki46218
susan21149 mrs-magoo131
Yes you will have your ups and downs also medication will be good for the menopause.
You will be fine just remenber stress can cause a lot of stuff durring menopause so please stay stress free by doing yoga relaxation and get plenty of rest
janelle99349 susan21149
mrs-magoo131 susan21149
sheryl37154 mrs-magoo131
I don't think I would like the coil business either, but then I had to go direct to a hysterectomy and oopharectomy at age 38. Been on bio-identical Oestrodiol hrt for 25 years and not ever going off them. Advice about them in these books.
No short bus ride to it - you have to put in the hard yards of reading it and not depend on blogs like this, as it is different for everyone and you have to work out what sounds best for you - maybe even trial and error. Luckily my gyne was knowledgeable and put me on the right thing (pellet implants) during surgery. It has been the gp's that have been obstructive, believing in the myths surrounding menopause and hrt. Had to be assertive to keep getting the prescriptions.
And yes, if men went through what we go through there would be a lot more going on. However, a lot do go through some sort of 'manopause', loss of libido, impotence, getting fat around the middle, moody, making stupid decisions to compensate. They just don't recognise it and don't go see a dr about it. Often it is because their ferritin iron has built up too high because they don't menstruate!
Once you stop bleeding heavily, get regular Iron Panel tests done to check if ferritin iron is building up in your organs. That leads to heart failure, liver problems, arthritis, and loads of other complications with symptoms exactly like menopause symptoms.
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mrs-magoo131 sheryl37154
Think for now I will be refusing the coil idea and just get the scan/checks done. See what comes from them.
Will stick with taking supplement of VitaB, calcium with vitaD and the iron tonics as they seem to be helping me with my issues .;-)