Looking for advice on how to calm down

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Im a female in my 40’s and I’m convinced I’m dying of cancer. I have a lot of symptoms and a lot of drs not take me seriously, I’m in the process of seeing a new dr, but I won’t know anything for sure for a while. All my symptoms do seem to point to cancer, and i feel so panicked every minute of the day and I can’t calm down. I feel so scared and alone, I can’t sleep, I can’t think about anything else, I can’t stop googling, I keep planning what I need to do before I die. I’d appreciate any advice on what to do or how to calm down.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi really sorry you are feeling this way googling doesn't help but i know it's hard too stop doing it wouldn't you be best waiting until you have been tested and got the results they will put your mind at rest it's awful to go through panicking and worrying and you can't seem to put your mind at rest i am on high alert all the time with anxiety so i know how you feel just to let you know you are not alone i hope you can get a new doctor who will take you seriously and help you your doctor should help with the worrying and help you manage it take care

  • Posted

    Somebody said to me once until you are diagnosed with XWZ you DO NOT have XYZ. I use that and it helps.

  • Edited

    Well, maybe I should start out by asking what symptoms you are having? Do you have severe health anxiety? Taking any medications?

    Just know that you are not alone. This whole pandemic has wreaked havoc on my mental health, thinking I have some sort of disease/cancer based on a few minor symptoms. Just 2 weeks ago, I went into urgent care thinking I was having deep vein thrombosis (warm feeling in my calf triggered this thought), but had an ekg and bloodwork done and everything came back normal. If you have health anxiety, it tends to play tricks on you. My best advice to you is to stay busy and find meds if you aren't already on some.

    Best wishes,


  • Posted

    try slow breathing. Sit down somewhere quiet. Breath in deeply and slowly through your nose for a count of four. Then breathe out through your mouth for a count of four. AS you breath out slowly have a feeling of letting go, like a sigh and say to yourself something simple like 'peace'.

    After a few minutes doing this you might extend it by breathing in for a count of four, holding your breath for a count of four, breath out for a count of four, wait for a count of four etc. and do this as a round. After a few minutes you will find you start to settle. If not, don't worry, just carry on with this practice until you do.

    It is your anxious thoughts that you are believing that are creating your suffering. Don't fight them, allow the thoughts to come but them imagine them drifting off again. Keep doing this. Your thoughts are not true. You are being fooled by your anxious thoughts. All will be well. xxx

  • Edited

    My advice from a long term Health Anxiety sufferer is to firstly understand those initial thoughts are worries do not have ANY IMPACT....they wont make your situation better or worse...its important we first understand this....they only serve as a protective measure, telling us to check this out, go get checked and make sure everything is ok....in people without Health Anxiety, thats enough and its easy. Our Health Anxiety is an obsession to fear the absolute worst. Even in times where doctors are telling us, there is nothing! We still hang on to those obsessions......we are in it together and we are stronger than most because we go through these thoughts daily and we still push on and be there for others when they need us....so be proud of that.

    As for the worry of cancer, thats my single worry....I'm 36, generally in good health and no matter the symptom....I put it down to cancer immediately....even when a doctor may tell me....97-98% certain its nothing....my mind goes to the 2-3% and says....that has to be me....even thought the overwhelming evidence is I'm sure to be fine, I focus on those negatives....so my advice.....try to look at the bigger picture....for example....if you have this situation....of that 2-3% of not being fine...what is that made up from? Normally High Risk factors....so can you eliminate those.....if yes, that 2-3% becomes even less significant....so we can work these numbers in our favour and those most likely going to be the ones we land on....the 97-98%.....we are just proud to be alive.....and we protect it with all we have.

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