Looking for best doctor to treat knee in SF bay area
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My wife has had knee dislocation since her childhood. She had knee arthoscopy with lateral release in Aug-2015. The doctor told us that the proceedure was very likely to resolve the issue. However, it has been about 6 months and she cannot bend her knee more than 40 degrees. Now the doctor says he does not know why her knee isn't bending and he is suspecting that her patella tendon has problem that cause knee pain and that is why she cannot bend her knee. Although he confirms that right after the arthoscopy he was able to bend her knee all the way while she was under anesthesia. So he is suggesting that we go with TTT (Tibial Tubercle Transfer surgery) where he could cut the bone and move her patella inwards to help with dislocation & pain. This surgery is invasive and we are scared and looking for second opinon.
So does anyone on this forum knows a very good doctor in bay area who could provide us second opinion and confirm the diagnosis?
Do you feel that her current doctor will mind if he comes to know that we are seeking second opinion?
We will appreciate your responses.
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jude48 madnan479
you sound as though you two are at you wits end ?
if you live in the UK I can recommend MR NEIL BRADLEY
he specialises in knee & hip replacements
he done a fantastic job on my TKR last December
and could not have received better treatment
any in the workd
jude UK
Oldfatguy1 madnan479
Oldfatguy1 madnan479
madnan479 Oldfatguy1
Thank you for the reply and apologies for the late response. I read your reply the day you posted and did some search. It turns out there is a very famous orthopedic surgeon in Stanford Medical - Dr. Jason Dragoo. I called his office and they asked us to request her current surgeon to send him a referral. Apparently, they dont give second opinoin without consent of the surgeon who performed the last surgery. We are going to see her surgeon on Thursday and I will request him to release her record to Dr. Dragoo.
By the way, we live in San Jose /Santa Clara region.
Oldfatguy1 madnan479
sueisobel madnan479
madnan479 sueisobel
sueisobel madnan479
I have been doing some reading up, to see what has changed over the years. The results are…. Nothing. There does appear to be a debate over whether or not, when doing this procedure, to do a bone graft (which is what I had). The general consensus is that the bone graft is stronger. My eyes kept going cross-eyed, the more I read, the more technical the words became. Why they can’t talk in plain English lord only knows. Your wife is young, her recovery rate, if her health is good, will be swift. She will feel sore both in the are they took bone from and the area they will graft the bone to, but it is like a normal bone break. You wait until the bone heals. After a few weeks she should be able to do light muscle flexing exercises, but that is down to the surgeon. The patella are will feel really weird; but remember, it has been moved to a new home after 27 years in the old one!!! Think about it, all those years doing as you want, then all of a sudden, you are moved. The upshot of this though, is at the end of it, after all the discomfort, the pain, the waiting for the knee to give way. It won’t. That is what you both have to focus on. It will feel for a while, that every time your wife moves her knee the bone grates. It will all settle down. If she is intolerant to non precious metal (they screw they use to secure the bone is surgical steel), she will be able to have the screw taken out. This is done under a local anaesthetic, so no over-night stay in hospital required. I hope that is someway to putting your minds at ease.
joyce_61477 madnan479
I haven't responded on this blog for awhile, but your question regarding your wife motivated me. I am 57 and had a bilateral TKR 10 1/2 mo ago. Prior to scheduling that surgery, one of the orthopedic surgeons I saw recommended the TTT surgery for me. My primary ortho, who is older but excellent...and no longer performs surgery, strongly discouraged that procedure. He said it is a very difficult recovery with only a 15% success rate. Of course your wife's issues may be completely different than mine wee, but he assured me that thus particular procedure has a very Poe success rate regardless. As far as San Francisco, was just there last week and was was able to walk up and down those hills now! Unfortunately, don't know of any MDs. All u can say get more opinions until you feel comforts and confident in your ortho.
Good luck
madnan479 joyce_61477
Thank you very much for the reply. The low success rate is alarming. Considering my wife is 27 years old, I think she can recover completely if diagnosed correctly and proper course of actions are taken. We are going to see her surgeon on Thursday and have finalzied two doctors for second opinion.
sarah87162 madnan479
Although theconsultasnt had said there was nothing more he could do his registrar said he would have been extremely cross. So they discharged me from the hospital.
forrest11258 madnan479
I just had a PKR 7 weeks ago.
My recovery has been right on target the whole way so far. I have also gotten so many compliments believe it or not on my scar over my knee because it is so perfect and clean. He used glue rather than staples etc.
I hand picked my Dr. after much research. who came highly recommended by all the professionals in his community who all hold him in extremely high regard. I had been going to another well known Orthopaedic group for years in WC and through several occurances made the decision to move on to something better. I was not disappointed.
I live in Fairfield (a transplant from San Ramon/Danville area). The doctor I was referred to is Dr. Aaron Salyapongse, Medical Director of Stanford ValleyCare's Joint Replacement Institute which is located in Pleasanton. He is young, vibrant, brilliant and is a team player. Being from the SF Bay Area you know that this was quite a jaunt for me but I can assure you well worth it.
I wish you well and hope that you find immediate resolution around such a debilliating issue that severly affects one's life.
forrest11258 madnan479
madnan479 forrest11258
Thank you very much for the reply. We live in San Jose and another friend of mine recommended the same doctor. Currently we are planning to seek two second opinion - One from Dr. Jason Dragoo in Stanford and the other from Dr. Salyapongse.
forrest11258 madnan479
Just jumped back on and saw that you are on it and got the help you need.
You can't go wrong with the two choices that you are going with. I hope that you update us all and let us know how it went.
Take care and best of luck to you both.