Looking for Feedback on Tecnis Symfony
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For those of you that have the Tecnis Symfony lens or lenses, can you read your iPhone? If so how far away and how clearly? I'm 32 years old and had my right lens replaced with a monofocal lens two years ago. My left eye has a cataract that has formed and I'm looking into the Tecnis Symfony in order to still keep some of my near vision without having to use reading glasses. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
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me87015 SomeGuy
So I think I can now report on my experience. I had a torn retina in Nov '16 and the surgery to fix that led to a cataract in my right, dominant eye. I had a symfony lens implanted in March. Things were ok at first, but it soon became clear that something was wrong. It turns out one of the 'arms' had slipped out of the bag, and this was causing all kinds of other problems (pigmentation glaucoma etc) We decided the best course of action was to go in and try to put that arm back in the bag. That operation was in October, and was a complete success, according to the doctor, however, I still could not see- everything was hazy. We hoped that this was just pco, and yesterday I went in and had the yag laser capsulotomy. Now today I can see fine out of my right eye for the first time since the retinal surgery in Nov '16. Thirteen months of very poor vision!
In any case, now I can read without glasses and I love it- really couldn't be happier. Now out of my left eye what I thought was white is kind of yellow, and I can't wait to go in and have a symfony put in that side, which I think I will do in the spring.
Sue.An me87015
Congrats again I n your good outcome. Great Christmas gift for yourself!
Night-Hawk me87015
How is your night vision with the Symfony IOL eye? Any halos, starbursts, and the spider-web like circles around some lights?
me87015 Night-Hawk
No troubles at night. I can sometimes see the spider webs, but I think they are kinda cool. Don't bother me in the slightest bit.