Looking for recommendations
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Can any recommend Dr on east coast (US) to fix hydrocele? New England (US)?
According Dr my hydrocele is very small but is very painful. I cannot sit or do much physically. I take 1200-2400 mg of Advil a day. Hydrocele is hard as rock and goes up inside partially. Have learned to manage it with proper clothing, seat pads etc but just 30 min of activity leads to 12-24 of pain.
Current provider strongly advises NOT getting surgery stating you will be trading one set of issues for another. Going to get second opinion. But really want to see expert but not sure if I can referral approved.
I want this to be over and get back to being active!!!!
So glad to find this group!!!!!!!!!
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pf7 gg78506
I've never heard of a small hydrocele being painful I would definitely get a second opinion. The only issue I really had after mine was the testicle remained about twice the size it was pre hydrocele(this seems to be common) and my hydrocele wasn't very big. I'm from Massachusetts but I cant suggest a urologist all I can say is stay away from Lahey clinic they did 3 hydrocrlectomys on me and me new dr said they should have stopped after the first. The surgery itself isnt bad you are in and out in a few hours and if you stay of your feet and ice your sack for a good week or 2 you should be good to go after 4-6 weeks.
gg78506 pf7
Thanks for the feedback. I am 6 hours north of Boston, so may be looking there, as I want someone who knows what they are doing.
Many urologists advertise kidney, bladder, prostate and vascetomy but nothing south of there.
pf7 gg78506
If you can get to Boston that's 100% your best option they have the best drs .I wish I had I only live about 25 minutes from Boston but the damage is already done.
gg78506 pf7
Regarding the pain, everything I read says they are painless and harmless. Even though very small (by dr standards), it impacts everything..sitting, walking, bending over..even sleeping. Things are being pushed and compressed with every move. By the end of the day, quite sore and taking Advil and ice packs. Wearing relaxed fit pants, supportive underwear, sometimes even biker shorts with foam padding, donut hole seat at work etc.
Current urologist says hydrocele would need to be size of grapefruit before considering surgery. How do you even function at that point. But guess no one else has pain?
kevin32202 gg78506
I can only recommend the urologist i use because ive been with him for years and first if your uncomfortable with your urologist then theirs a problem. but if its an issue with how they talk or how the receptionist are then that has no standing or isnt relevant to the issue. The doctor i used in nyc is igor ryden in coney island. you will feel like things are rushed an that they care about money which is a common complaint but the issue i had an request i gave were considered i tried to delay surgey for a while an a doctor wont give you surgery if it can be avoided. Just saying. my doctor considered my hydrocele small but i made my case that i was ready for surgery an they made me go for test and set up an appoitment for surgery to correct the problem. an their are always risk when it comes to surgery. an yes ive had a hydrocele that was the cause of a testicular torsion and after getting the hydrocele fixed it cam back but it also depends on the surgery too if you get a surgery in the balls you haver a higher success than the other one done through the scope which is done in the stomach. but a second opinion even a third is alway recommeded its your life an a sence of mind is important when it comes to this from my experience. i understand the pain your talking about so do what you have to do.