Looking for Your Experience with BHRT
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Hello Ladies,
My doctor has prescribed BHRT, 125mg progesterone to be taken orally one hour before bedtime and a estrogen/estridiol/testosterone compounded cream to be used alternatively on the inside of my arms and vaginally. After reading the possible side effects of HRT/BHRT, I am terrified to start the regimen. I was wondering if anyone can give me their experiences with BHRT. Thank you so much.
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jude84900 sarah39816
Hi sarah39816,
I know how you are feeling just getting started with hormone replacement. I too felt the same way the first time I started rubbing my hormone creams on. I did tons of reading, got myself very familar with the differences in treatements and the right and wrong ways to do it. First and foremost, BHRT is the way to go. It is what our body recognizes and knows what to do with it. Typically made by a compounding pharmacy in the amounts you need. Synthetics are not natural and that is why so many women have so many problems with them and their side effects. Second, a good doctor that knows what the heck their doing in hormone replacement and women suffering with menopause. Main stream docs just don't put the time or have the time to study the "right" way. I strongly recommend seeking a good holistic doctor that will run regular bloodwork and give your body just what it needs. It can make the difference of your hormone treatment being successful or a complete disaster. I have been on bio identical compounded estriol/estrodial and testosterone cream for two years with no problems. OTC progesterone cream. I do 20mg twice dailily on the progesteone. It is very normal to feel terrified after reading all the horror stories of past HRT on women. But keep a few things in mind. If you go with natural bio identicals that your body recognizes and knows what to do with them, why would they be bad for you? When monitored through a professional that knows what their doing? Putting the same hormones in our body that we have had in our body our whole life that kept us well and feeling good? Within three months of my periods ending I was feeling a mess, mentally and physically. I read and read and watched many videos on bio identical testimonials and knew this is the way. I feel I have avoided a big mess in my life. I have had regular blood work done and monitored and my treatment adjusted as needed, very important. Good luck
sarah39816 jude84900
Thank you so much for taking your time to reply. Your experience helps put my mind at ease. My doctor is a natural wellness physician. She specializes in BHRT and natural supplement support, rather than standard medicines. She will regularly monitor my blood, as well as continued urine/saliva tests and has assured me she is using the lowest dose possible to achieve results. It was just that as I had continued researching BHRT and seeing potential immediate side effects, as well as possible long term issues (blood clots, cancers, etc.) that I began to have serious concerns and started to doubt my prior decision to go forward with BHRT. Thank you so much for your input. —Hugs! Sarah
jude84900 sarah39816
Yes, supplements are a big part of my hormone treatment as well. I think it is the whole package of the right supplements along with your hormone treatment that makes everything run right. For what its worth I have read many horror stories associated with synthetic HRT. I have not seen that when using bio identical hormones. I will stay on them for the rest of my life. The estrogen, estriol is actually a very protective estrogen that fights off cancers. My estrogen for example is a 50/50 mix of estrodial and estriol. Your progesterone mg is pretty high but some women can tolerate it higher. IF you notice getting up in the morning you don't feel good, sluggish, headache feeling etc it might be your progesterone is too much. If thats the case you can decrease the amount. I took a stronger progesterone pill once and felt awful the next morning I've stayed on creams the whole way. Its a little bit of a hassle everyday to rub these creams on but the benefits are so worth it. I've considered going to the pellets but I'm not sure I want to rock the boat, the creams have been working really nice for me.
sarah39816 jude84900
Thank you so much. You have put everything into perspective for me. I am going to go forward with my treatment and see how I feel. I really appreciate your feedback. You have been most helpful! Big hugs! --Sarah