Loooooong Period....LARGE clots :( Pls share your insight?

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Hi there

My mind is just racing. 

I'm 34 and we JUST started trying to get pregnant sometime in May... I think I missed a period in April, so I was confused about when my next one would be. Me and my husband tried to concieve during May though, and I started to get light spotting and I was excited thinking this was implanation. But then I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. Then, as of May 29th until now (June 12th) I've had my period. WTF. And I have started getting large clots too. It's very scary. 

I have NEVER had this many clots and this big.. EVER in my life...

AND I have NEVER had an irregular period. I have NEVER had a period longer than 4-6 days sad ... but now it's day 16...wow

I went to emergency just to get some answers. Doctor said he saw some tissue on my cervix, and couldn't pull it off or anything. Reccomended me to a gyno and now waiting for an appointment. But I'm still on my period and I'm VERY upset and sad. 

I have done 2 blood tests - no pregnancy, and everything is "fine"

There is NO pain, no discomfort... just mentrating every day like it's the first day...and it's gotten heavier! With Clots.... it's SO annoying. 

Has anyone had this before? Has anyone had a pollyp?

Any insight??? Please share ... I'm scared

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Have you recently stopped taking the birth control pill? This could be a reason for irregular or heavy blood loss. As your hormones settle down to a normal level. I had a polyp on my cervix but it caused me intermittent spotting. I have a small fibroid and this causes me heavy periods and clots for about 6 days a month.

    Hope you get to see consultant soon to set your mind at rest

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for caring to respond smile I have never taken birth control pills. I married my first lover, and we had sex with condoms, and only recently in May did we start with no condoms. I'm just so confused..and I keep thinking of the worst, like I'll never had kids etc sad

      I just hope it's not a major issue... I'm 34 so I really don't want any issues. I'm also overweight... so I'm wondering if being overweight just makes your body NOT act right... I regret not taking control of my health years ago... but... what's done is done...one step at a time I will be healthy. 

  • Posted

    I feel what your going through. When you just start trying to conceive your hormones go wild. Your body is naturally thinking 'ooo Im pregnant', 'is this implantation'?

    Ive had a long period like this before and it was bc I was so stressed out. I have aVERY regular cycle until I started trying tho conceive2months ago. My period s been late, getting spotting all the time and strange cramping. Still waiting on period(day 36 in cycle, still negative tests). Never in my life had this happend.

    I've done so much research that many body is going crazy no joke. So wait for your appointmemt and do no more researching. Good luck!

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for responding.. .stress...yes! smile Your story gave me some hope... 


  • Posted

    Have your thyroid, progesterone and estrogen levels checked.  

    Also ferritin, as after 16 days, you might have some anaemia.  Do you have a history of endometriosis?

    In the interim.....you can try using progesterone cream x2/day to see if it stops the bleeding (which would indicate that you are progesterone deficient) and take a good iron supplement with lots of fibre so you don't get constipated.


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