Loosing a lot of weight without trying?
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When I went to the GI doctor he said I lost 7 pounds in less then a month. Before that I went to another doctor and she to said in loosing a lot of weight. My parents don’t think it’s serious but that’s not normal. They won’t take me to another doctor. My other symptoms are: nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, constpation. What should I do? What’s wrong with me?!
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caz19600 maura_71816
maura_71816 caz19600
caz19600 maura_71816
Can understand how that'd be frustrating. I'm surprised if he thought it wasn't normal that he isn't following it up.
Have you ever tried keeping a food diary? It might be worth giving that a go for 2 weeks.
Write down each day:
- what time you get your symptoms and what activity you were doing when you notice it
- everything you eat or drink. What quantity, what you felt like after
- any anxiety you may have
Then after that 2 weeks, look back and see if you can identify if there are any periods your symptoms are worse. Any triggers that could be contributing to that. Are there any things you are eating that are ok on your stomach or vice versa. It could be you're suffering IBS and the weight loss is likely the fact that you're not eating properly due to your symptoms and lack of appetite.
If you have written evidence such as above it might be helpful both to you and to show your parents if you do identify a pattern. Plus it will help any future dr's you go see (if you do) with understanding it.
ChrisA15 maura_71816
jen6dawters maura_71816
What has the GI said so far?
i weighed 94 lbs (I'm 5'5"
for a few years. My doctor did a stool test. 3 days of stool samples mailed to a special lab found different kinds of bacteria. Xifaxan and tinidazole help the most with a yeast preventative drug and I put on 15 pounds. This lasts about 6 months then I need more drugs. I'm too damaged inside for natural so far. I'm hoping some day to be able to use Atrantil and probiotics and supplements.
Bacteria doesn't always show in some tests.
pippa58442 maura_71816