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[color=#3a2e28] "The newest of the blood pressure drugs, which also limit angiotensin ll, but by a different mechanism from the ACE inhibitors.[/color]

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Not that new as I've been taking it since 2001.
  • Posted

    thanks for the info on losartan which as derek says has been around a while but didnt know it targeted the same area as ace inhibitors and therefore directed at kidney driven hypertension. are your angottensin levels raised do you know? 

    havnt heard back via email from the new york centre I contacted so am going to send the old fashioned way with a stMped .a e. 

    still awaiting a G.P phone call!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Posted


      thanks for your post.

      One of the reasons I am here is to learn more about health and medications.  I did not know 'kidney driven hypertension' existed and do not understans about ACE inhibitors or 'angottensin levels'.  I hope to use Google and this site to become better informed.

  • Posted

    sorry noelfitz, there have beenlots of posts and we forget someone new to the ste has not maybe seen these. 

    As Derek says keep simple first

    lookat your life style

    diet theres been lots of info re food to eat and very worth looking at. e. g eat daily banana, avocado BEETROOT, almonds, apricots, green veg or salads, raw garlic, ginger etc

    exercise with your fitness level in mind if you dont exercise try to walk daily at least 20mins slowly at first if not well ,but build up to brisk walks. was talking to a friend whose surgery is giving her twelve weeks at a local gym six of them being guided by a Dr. present. I wish!

    relaxation, medication, mindfulness techniques lots on the web free .look at Oli Doyle peace andquiet site on mindfulness

    self hypnosis patrick  sorry have to look at surname but these are 2.98 eCh and he has one for high blood pressure.

    lots of info in a book called The hidden cause of high blood pressure by Dr. J Mann

    keep posting and good luck to be guided to what you need,

    • Posted

      Thanks so much for your excellent advice.  I try to eat well and exercise, as I have diabetes as well as high BP.  However I was advised not to eat bananas.

      I am 85 kg, with waist 100 cm, so I would like to lose a bit of weight.  Not easy!!!

    • Posted

      well you must take advice re bananas. there was a comparison of diets in the mail i think, and the guy who tried these over a period of time came out with the gov/nhs one to be the one that produced most results. maybe you have a dietician involved because of the sugar levels? I think a lot was said about trying to eat smaller portions on the successful diet. theres probably lots of info on the diabetic sites. iam trying to keep to my half an hour brisk walking daily but as they say Baby its cold outside today. keep it all going.


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