Losing my patience with these urianry tract problems

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I've been getting water infections for about 6 years now, since I was about 15. Normally they would come and after antibiotics it would go and wouldn't have another episode for a few months. Since before Christmas 2016, I've had constant pains and aches in my vagina and bladder. I've been on about 4 different courses of antibiotics none of which have felt like they have ever cleared up any infection or got rid of any pain. I've been to the doctor many times since Christmas and no one seems to be taking me seriously. I'm getting seriously fed up and starting to worry about what it could be,as it seems to be getting worse. I've been to a and e twice with the pains, one of the times I was told I did not have an infection but it was not examined as to why I was still in pain. 

Any body else been in the same position and got any further into why these pains are so current and reoccurring, or even any advice as to what to do with the doctor. Thanks in advance smile 

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry to learn you're going through this. You didn't mention if you're seeing a urologist, gynecologist or just a gp.  Have you had any tests done? 

    • Posted

      Hi, thanks for replying.

      I'm currently just seeing a gp, who has sent off many urine samples and has done some swap tests etc. Those test should I had thrush and I was on a course of tablets for that, for about 4/5 rounds but nothing changed and it didn't help That was a couple of months ago and nothing has been done since. I'm back to the gp on Friday so hopefully I will be referred, as I can't go on like it. I just wanted some advice from people that have perhaps been through this or have some knowledge on this. Before I go back on Friday. 

      Even any advice on managing the pain whilst things hopefully get sorted with the gp. 


    • Posted

      I'm in the US, and there are drugs that can be prescribed for the pain. I would suggest you ask for a referral to a urologist who would know what further tests to do.  You're having UTI's too frequently, and the treatment that you're being given by the gp isn't working.  Seems to me from what you posted that things are getting worse for you while the gp mucks about. xx

    • Posted

      Hi, thanks for replying.

      Yeah you're right things are getting worse whilst the gps are messing around. I'm getting worried now that it's going to keep spreading if it isn't sorted soon. Hopefully on Friday I will be referred so that further tests can be done, just hoping it doesn't take too long on the NHS to get that appointment! In the meantime I have ordered some dmannose and I'm going to drink a ton of water, but it's effecting my life so much! Thanks for your help x 

    • Posted

      Dmannose only works for e-coli infections.  I would suggest that you start taking a women's probiotic, one that has bacterial cultures that would re-colonize your vagina and your urinary tract. It seems to me that you have developed resistant strains of bacteria--those that aren't reduced by antibiotics or that manage to develop a biofilm, which allows them to cling together and resist most treatment.  

      Your gp should be telling you what types of bacteria are growing in the cultures taken. That way you can investigate for yourself whether you're being given the proper antibiotics and length of treatment.  

      Many patients have to start taking a very active part in their diagnosis and treatment.  Lots of doctors don't like to be questioned--they're usually the ones who need to be questioned though.  xx    

    • Posted

      I did a urine test 2 weeks ago that has been sent off, I will ring for the results tomorrow, but I will ask the doctor about this test friday and see what information hes got for me.

      and exactly, I'm actively trying now to help myself, at the moment I just want something to ease the pain or keep them at bay for a bit longer, whilst the doctors can find out what is causing this to happen.

      Thanks for your help smile x

  • Posted

    If you have been told at A&E that you did not have a urinary infection, why do you think you have one?  You mention aches and pains, but does that include urgency and burning which are typical symptoms of a UTI.  Perhaps you have an issue that falls under an obgyn.    I think sometimes one has to keep going to different doctors until they find one that shows concern for their problem.   

    • Posted

      When I went up the hospital I had exactly the same pains I do when I have had a water infection. All the symptoms were exactly the same. But yes I have been to several doctors already, but hopefully the one I see on Friday (which I saw two weeks ago) will have some urgency about him, and refer me. 

      Thanks for replying x

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