Losing the plot!
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I need my life back...this perimenopause thing is a nightmare...i plugged the iron in today to dry my hair...i look about 5 months pregnant too...i can't be bothered getting dressed i look like a troll...i feel about 60....someone give me hope that this will pass and i will emerge from this slug into a butterfly one day soon!
p.s i have no blood left i feel like i lose a pint every 2 weeks!
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melody93815 jane50560
stefany14384 jane50560
I can't promise it'll be over any time soon but you most definitely are not alone my dear. All that and I cry over all sorts of little things. I have a brain injury and have been blaming my memory on that but perhaps it's more...I can't possibly deal with 8-10 yrs of this!
2chr2015 jane50560
Sounds like me. You are not alone dear. I stay on this site looking for encouragement everyday that I will get through this. It is also very comforting that I'm not the only one.((hugs))
brendababy 2chr2015
You are going through this and will come out the other side you are stronger than you think, don't look to far into the future worrying your going to be suffering for years, live each day moment by moment and try and stay positive, remember it's only body sensations try and carry on doing as much as you can especially walking outside, if I can do it with a balance problem then you can too, try not to panic or get overwhelmed
Hope you can find the strength and try and enjoy doing simple things make every day count
All the best xx
judith_45858 jane50560
Hi there
You could try giving up sugar - I used to rely on it every month but have to give it up for other health reasons - the peri menopause symptoms are less than they used to be and I'm a little calmer - I also do mindfulness once a week now which is definitely a help
Good luck x
tinaarena.1 judith_45858
judith_45858 tinaarena.1
Well I had to as doc advised me to for other health reasons - I too loved choc and sweet things - so cut out sugar in tea and mainly drink Herbal teas - ginger, liquorice, fennel, almond, mint all sorts are available now - try a specialst tea company on web rather than packaged...
I used to have sweet teats with dates which are a healthier alternative - I don't have them now but there are plenty of recipes for things such as protein and energy bars and you can put your own ingredients in!
I usually have some fresh fruit for sweet cravings - Apple or bannana with almond butter is nice!
Hope that helps!
elizabeth142 jane50560
Hi Jane
Hmm you plugged the iron in??
I've nearly put the ready brek boxed cereal in the fridge!!
And then put my tin of coffee in the microwave!!! ??😜
The brain goes foggy!
I'm like a cat having frequent naps!
I do have scoliosis athritis and disc in all the lower back problems! Drives me mad more so in winter!
But yes you feel unsafe on your own some days. Feel like a small child even it's terrible growing older.🙁
nikiola18292 jane50560
Yes, yes i can sympathise too I am going through the perimenopause. I initally had panic attacks, anxiety around 47,48,49, now i have the bloat, gas and am constipated. Wish i could fast forward myself out of all of this. Its horrible!!!!
elizabeth142 nikiola18292
Hello Nikiola
Yep I feel the same pretty some days a walking zombie!!😜
I feel bloated and humpty dumpy I know that when I was having my monthly up to 2013
I was skinnier than a 12-14 that I have become!! Even my top bits are extra a size and a few cups extra!!!
I've made clothes for my size handy being a designer yep! But miserable going through this dark period of life too.🙁
Thnk you ladies for all your kind replies and advice...i am definitley going to cut out the sugar...i'll try anything! I did have high blood sugar levels a few months back plus low iron and zinc...i was put on a 3 months course of iron tablets then the dr took me off them and said i ....i did feel a lot better on them...i think i'll buy some of my own!