Loss of self confidence anyone?
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Well i thought my worst symptom was the anxiety but now i really analyse it its more like complete loss of self-confidence .. Its like i have lost my MOJO big time. I feel like a scared child most of the time.. find it hard to make decisions. Im second guessing myself all the time too. Maybe its something to do with the constant changing in symptoms that makes planning anything impossible. You never know how you are going to feel from hour to the next as it can change so quickly. Im sure there is a brain chemical issue at the route of it all as i randomly have periods of feeling almost normal and my confidence returns. Anxiety is still a big issue but having lived with chronic anxiety throughout my life due to having Hyper Pots , its never stopped me doing things.
Anyone else feel this is a huge issue.. any meds that have worked etc?
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Indifferent littleme1969
I too am not near the woman I used to be. The loss of self confidance has been huge in my case as well. I am dealing with it...but some days have a really hard time and just need to cry!
I keep telling myself that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and that is what keeps me going. I use a lot of bach's remedies for self confidance, anxiety, and mojo. They are the only thing I have found that helps
Mars777 littleme1969
Yes loss of confidence was bad with me aswell as the anxiety just did'nt want to do anything also suffered with the sweats really bad!
?As i have said b4 on here i take HRT a life saver, after talks & discussions with GP i went on HRT. I get regular checks & now my quality of life is how it was.The loss of confidence & anxiety was so bad i am now postmenopause.
littleme1969 Mars777
Mars777 littleme1969
kelly55079 littleme1969
Yes... It's like I forgot how to do things... Not the same person.. just want to stay inside and 'hide'. I uesd to take control and get things done but it seems like I'm different now..
littleme1969 kelly55079
lena53512 littleme1969
anxiousface littleme1969
Hello little me, reading your post I could of wrote that as I feel exactly the same as you. I don't plan anything anymore and just take each day as it comes. I've never been a confident person but now I'm a shadow of myself. I should be enjoying my 50's as my sons left home and is settled we are comfortable and I'm happy in my job but I worry about something every day, I wake up wondering how I'll be that day and sometimes find getting through the day difficult until I get home then feel ok as it's my safe haven. I rarely drive far on my own now and certainly don't go round town on a Saturday as I always used to every week, I've not been on my own for about 3yrs. I have no interest in going on a holiday out out somewhere nice. I panic inside if we go out for a meal but have to put on a brave face as I feel my family will think I'm a nutter and would never understand. My sister is 4yrs older than me an d never had a single symptom so just thinks I'm a hypochondriac she has no patience with me and I notice when you've been ill for a while people stop asking you how you are so I just get on with it on my own in my own little world. I look and act quite normal but inside I'm afraid, nervous and just want to hide. I really feel for you little me cos I totally understand you and it's really not nice it's debilitating and has taken us over. I just hope e wake one day and we are back to are normal selves. All I want in life is to feel ok. Sending you a comforting hug x
littleme1969 anxiousface
Sorry to hear you are going through this too, its all a bit scary never knowing what its going to throw at you next. Its sad that you cant tell your family how you are feeling as its so much easier to bare if you have people around you that understand. I know my mum went through menopause with no issues what so ever.. so at first she wasnt all that sympathetic .. so i made a point of writing out how i felt and sent it via e.mail and shes now alot more understanding. you shouldnt have to suffer through this on your own.. Believe me i make my husband suffer as much as possible.... haha. I used to keep things to myself but found that made things worse as he couldnt understand what was going on and why i was acting like a crazy person. Now i just have to say a few words and he knows where i am at. I guess in some way he can understand as at 58 hes 10 years older than me and is suffering what can only be described as manopause
bad memory, tired all the time lots of senior moments and the other day he admitted to waking up in a wet bed
dodgy prostrate .. its good to know they are suffering too 
I keep getting these periods where it all goes away and i feel normal.. sometimes it lasts a few hours.. sometimes its a day... not sure if its my body getting used to things or the other side of the coin and im having a bit of a hormone surge thats making me feel better... how about you?
Indifferent littleme1969
I showed my husband a t-shrt today that said "I never dreamed I'd be married to the perfect wife, but here I am killing it" To which I got no response...really helps with the confidance levels. Now I feel like crying. ugh!
suzie70 littleme1969
I feel the same. I feel like I am a different person. I used be confident, adventurous and love to socialize. Now I feel like I second guess myself constantly and have low self esteem and no self confidence. It has really affected me in a negative way now that I moved a few years ago and feel like I still haven't really made new local friends. Makes me feel more depressed. I have been thinking of trying to commit to a yoga practice and also taking Vitamin D regular to see if that helps.