Lost ability to function
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i have totally lost my ability to function. i used to be a good cook now I'm throwing meals away as i literally cannot get anything right? cant even follow microwave instructions for meals once my home made crap has gone in the bin!! i feel so useless...lots of other medical crap too which doesnt help but man im struggling to find the will to keep going tonight.....
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kelly55079 karla48678
Yes, I hear you too.. It's so frustrating-- I used to be able to multitask in the kitchen but now I need a recipe and lots of time to make sure I do it right! And almost a biatch if anyone tries talk to me while I cook. I have no idea what happened to me. Very much feel useless but I still try to keep up with the chores.
Beverlys1 karla48678
Hi Karla,, At the 4 year mark of my peri, I literally could not think strait,, was very upset because i thought i was going crazy and had some kind of mental illness,, It still comes and goes...I told my husband a couple times i thought i was having a stroke because i was so confussed at times i felt I I was disarranged and out of touch,, but it did go away and comes back hear and there,, now i am sure it is meno, peri etc....xxxx hope this helps hun!!!❤️
Finny2018 Beverlys1
OH how this describes what I went through summer of 2018. I was having what seemed like strokes or heart attack etc. I couldn't think straight. Brain fog, memory, left arm would go numb, slurred speech - all to find out it was hormones. GRATEFUL I found the 66 symptom list and the numerous books and other websites that list ALL of these symptoms! I knew nothing about Aura - had to educate myself on Auras! Who knew? I thought a migraine meant a headache? This was all NEW. This all hit last summer along with hot flashes, rubber band sensations under skin, electrical zaps in different areas, vibrations/tremors inside, joint pain, fullness in ear, ringing in ears, missed periods, ON AND ON; nearly every symptom on the list. My pharmacist friend assured me that once I went on over the counter progesterone I would notice a dramatic change. I started in August of 2018 and am so, so grateful I have been feeling maybe 10 symptoms vs 100 since November. I could not function. Physically and mentally debilitating! I will continue to do the OTC from Amazon and if I ever need prescription level, my doctor said she would prescribe as she is on both Progesterone and Estrogen. Thankful for this forum!
rachel83125 karla48678
Me too. I would of said that i am quite an accomplished cook, however, even that has been taken away from me due to meno. I cant follow a recipe at all, I definatly cannot multitask like i used to. I am constantly forgetting to put the ingredients in what ever im making (chicken & chorizo jumbalaya, without the chorizo!) & so many more dishes. Or I dish up the main part of the meal & have completly forgotten to cook any veg! Its so annoying as its taken away my enjoyment that I used to have for cooking. Im hoping it will pass at some stage. Just got to keep going.
tracy43395 karla48678
I am the same. Can't cook, bake, knit, sew, read. All the things I could do before. I do well if I get out of bed in the morning.
moonstruck karla48678
Hi Karla - well me too, you're not alone in how you're feeling. I've lost the ability to function. I'd like to be single so I could just live on basic food with no cooking. I also get very angry too when I'm (trying) to cook as I can't concentrate then I start getting flushes and want to scream.
Tracy says she does well if she gets out of the bed in the morning. I feel exactly the same. It's an achievement to get up and dressed, seriously. My 89 year old father had a stroke 4+ years ago and he's more able to function in the mornings than I am !
I'm 13 years POST meno, for me the nightmare just never ends, all the symptoms, migraine, depression, anxiety, insomnia, brain fog, etc etc yada yada ....
Sympathies to all those women out there living this HELL.
And yet other women just 'breeze through' - are they a different breed or something?
bhing6572 karla48678
Yes I feel thesame way, I feel like I'm not the person I used to be, and I am struggling everyday to survive, I hope this will end soon and I'll be back to how I was before this Peri menopausal stage.
Did any body found a way to deal with the symptoms and alleviate it?
Finny2018 karla48678
I'm so sorry to hear how you are feeling. The thing is...you've come to a place where so many of us know exactly what you're going through. It's all new and it's unknown. I am grateful for the women here who are so honest and transparent about what is happening. I've received such great encouragement and HOPE to work through it and try things...you will, too. Take care!