Lost alot of weight due to not being able to eat due to swallowing problems.im too scared to eat.
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so iv had this problem for 6months now just 1 day i felt food didnt go down properly and felt like it was stuck. iv refused to eat since.i.m very underweight as lost it from not eating. im too afraid to eat. i failed to have a number of barium swallows due to severe anxiety. i m under dietician and doctor iv been given anxiety meds to try and eat but i worry about side effects and not taken them. i feel its taking over my life i dont know if anxiety or if i got something going on. i know im not helping myself i really want to get over this and be back to my normal self. i just find myself having panic attacts daily and only having 2 hot drinks a day.i feel rubbish tired aching.
anyone experiencing anything like this
happy for any answers
thank you so much for reading
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jan34534 kerry93928
i’m sorry you are going through this. I would be more concerned about the fact that you are not taking in the vitamins and electrolytes that the body needs. It’s dangerous to not get what you need. You could become very dehydrated also.
This is far worse than taking an anti-anxiety medication so that you can eat. Those medications have a very few if any side effects. I take them occasionally and I am very sensitive to medication. The only thing they do is calm me down.
if you worry about everything, you’re never going to get positive results. And you could get very ill
. At some point you have to step out and go ahead with something that is recommended for you! Because there’s no way you can survive without eating.
have you had any type of counseling for this? That’s something else you can think about. They can also help with your saying that you’re too afraid to eat. Fear is at the bottom of this whole thing and it’s controlling you. It doesn’t have to. You can get help. But you have to go ahead and get it. take the initial steps for your own peace of mind and health! Take care
kerry93928 jan34534
hi thank you so much for taking time out to respond to my post its muchly appreciated. iv just recently been referred to talking therapy to try and help .i no that its doing me no good thats why im so stressed about it. i have heart problems aswell which it wont helping them. i really do want to get right so im going to hope the talking therapies will be a help to me. iv just been prescribed some nutrition drinks so il try them. im under a dietician and see my gp weekly for weight checks blood pressue pulse and blood test which is good and at least im being kept an eye on. thank you so much for your reply .
lauren06574 kerry93928
Hi Kerry, I'm going through the same thing now. I'm so scared to swallow my food since I fear choking on it. Yesterday I had some pizza over at my family's house, since I been trying so hard to be brave and eat normally once again, but everytime I eat a solid food, I always feel the sensation like it's stuck in my throat. I start panicking like crazy, even though I could breathe and eat just fine. I would want to go to the ER for help most of the times when that happened, but they did an xray before on me and didn't find anything. It's so scary. I started fearing it mostly because a month ago, I ate a hamburger meat and didn't chew it properly and the feeling was so uncomfortable, but I was talking normally and eating and I never choked on it. Anxiety is definitely controlling me into thinking there is something wrong, when in reality it's not. I sometimes don't even want to eat at all, but I know we have to in order to survive and be healthy. Today I skipped two meals, because the sensation I been feeling all day is bothering me. I tried talking to a nurse about this and she told me it sounds like I mostly have anxiety after telling her some more information about me. I really wish I could get over this fear. I hope you can one day too overcome the fear and eat normally again. Take care of yourself.