Loud Whooshing in my ears?
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Morning everyone,
this may sound weird, here goes.........
last night before I went to bed, my hearing seemed weird? Very, very loud piercing noises and espicially when I turned my head?
on awaking this morning the whooshing is still here, tried popping them with no avail??!!.
each time I turn/angle my head ...go to stand just even move my head along comes the damned loud whooshing noise it's almost like I have been to a gig the previouse night and the music has been very loud???!!!.
BUT I haven't been to a gig well not like for 15-20 years so no not recently!!! LOL.
has anyone experienced this? If so what in gods name is this I'm experiencing?
i was however wondering if this could be related to a peri symptom? As I have just been absolutely bombarded in the last few months wiwith symptoms?
my is there anything I can take for this? I know that sounds silly should say anything I should do to help ease this or not?!!!.
thanks all.
1 like, 9 replies
Fairy28 Shelly0069
Shelly0069 Fairy28
YES I read your post this morning,
GOSH, r u ok?
ur husband did the right thing taking you to A &E.
i wlii keep check on this.
thankyou for a mighty quick reply.
Hope u get better soon and rest,take care,
michelle xx
Fairy28 Shelly0069
lucas18 Shelly0069
Shelly0069 lucas18
Yes I to have hearing problems, slightly deaf in my right hear,
as a little girl upto the age of 16 had to keep going to the hospital for check ups on my hearing........
the last time I went I was again referred by my gp
my hearing had detearated and at the time was told I needed an hearing aid......didn't huh what 36 No way I thoght
was because my eldest son does Motercross and the loud piercing noises off the bikes had made me nealy deaf!!!!!
as a continuation off every weekend!
its only now (as a reminder) that I need to see a GP about a hearing aid? Have to now its gotten so bad!!!.
thanks for your reply though.
jamie50513 Shelly0069
irish_linda Shelly0069
debbie75601 Shelly0069
Zigangie Shelly0069