Low back ache and pelvic pain
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Hi all - given up trying to get help from the GP. After suffering low back ache for a couple of weeks that ached all night unless I switched positions and at times radiated through to the front of my pelvis/hips and sometimes down my legs I visited the GP. I'd read lower back ache is common in peri menopause. Anyway, as half expected GP was next to useless. Told me backache was NOT a symptom...I'm sure it is, as it seems worse around the time I'll get a period - if I'm getting one that month of course. (After a lifetime of very regular periods they are all over the place, some don't come at all - but according to my GP I am NOT pre-menopausal - even though I'm flippin' 51 years old with loads of other symptoms!!!)
Anyway I ramble. Do you lovely ladies get backache/general aches and pains?
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karen65574 lorraine21138
Hi , i have awful lower back pain all the time and hips and my legs are affected as well ,i have so many symptoms , am also 51 , have been put on anxiety tabs as anx was through the roof , i take pain killers all the time for back pain an headaches dr prescribed a heat cream for mty back , it helps but its always there deffo another symptom of peri x
bev66 lorraine21138
0mg how weird as I went to the doctors today for exactly the same thing. was told In Feb by one doc I was perimenapause had more bloods last fri as symptoms were really bad and was told today my hormones are waving whatever that means!!! I'm 52 and have been having strange and horrible symptoms for a few years . not had a period since Aug and last 2 weeks awful backache and pelvic pain and the doctor gives me a ca 125 blood test and booked me in for a scan on my pelvic so I'm still none the wiser what the he'll is going on!!!!
kelly55079 lorraine21138
Yes I am moving around like an old lady!! I swim but haven't been in a week due to period and cramps.. Next Monday I need to get back to the water-- it's the only thing that helps my back pain/hips.
amy341731 lorraine21138
Yep, there are times that my back pain is just awful… At one point I thought something was wrong of course doctors are really no help. He gave me a prescription for escitalopram , which made me absolutely ill, nauseous, dizzy etc. so I’m taking Advil as needed, and give myself a break, heating pad really helps . (I stopped the escitalopram, an antidepressant) Hang in there, we are here for you!
bev66 amy341731
I really don't understand why doctors Willy nilly give out antidepressants to women that go see them about perimenapause symptoms. I get it can make us depressed and anxious but it's time they sorted help out for the symptoms before we get to the state of depression!!!!
amy341731 bev66
EXACTLY! This is a part of life for half the people on this planet! Why is it not being addressed properly??! We deserve better thats for sure.
karen10682 amy341731
I have these symptoms and more. I don't understand how Doctors can say it it's just menopause. Some mornings I can hardly walk and I am in so much pain. I honestly don't know how I still have a job. I was told only a small percent of women go through this and I happen to be in that percent. The more I talk to women I'm starting to disagree. I think most of us gruel through each day because no one listens. I n this time of technology you think they would of found something for this transition especially since it can last ten to twenty yrs of our life. Feeling frustrated
mauiblue amy341731
We are doing face transplants with our technology yet
Can not help women afflicted with menopause.
Its because the hormones are Almighty..I'll tell you that much.
Beyond anyones ability to tackle..especially men
A few women scientists will figure this one out..but not for a long time.
For now it's a guessing game and we are the guinea pigs.
amy341731 bev66
Especially since it doesnt help and makes us feel worse in many cases..I wish peri and menopause was a concern for researchers amd doctors..it can be very debilitating..
2chr2015 mauiblue
mauiblue lorraine21138
Lower back pain every am that dissipates as day goes by..I get adjusted each month..fish oils, stretching helps
Im so used to feeling low that I don't eventhink much of it because other things are so much worse.
Part of meno for sure
2chr2015 lorraine21138
ah yes. sounds very familiar. low back pain, lower abd, hips and thighs around the time of my period. heating pad and tylenol help me. for some reason ibuprofen doesnt help at all. it doesnt happen every month. i did read these are symptoms of endometriosis as well. im sure some of us could have some degree of that too.